24: Tchau, Tchau Cameron

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tchau; bye


"I knew I shouldn't have allowed you to remain with him," my mum said, pacing the empty room. "Mamãe," I said looking at her very confused. "Those ruthless vampires always get what they want. I'm tired of it. And now they have taken my baby with them," she cried angrily. "Mamãe, why am I here," I asked. Last time I was here I was dead.

"Oh, how naive you are. Dear child, you are dead. That sickening Aurora killed you. When you awake you will be in transition. Oh, how I tried to save you from it the first time. Now, the prophecy is bound to be committed," my mother said, stressing her hair out. "W-What do you mean, I-I'm dead," I stuttered.

"I said what I meant, meant what I said. Do, please, try to listen. I tried to reverse it but it has already taken its toll on you. Luckily, your witch side is still intact. And you'll be more powerful than before but you'll still be one of them. A vampire. Gawd, I dreaded this," she said. She stopped pacing and looked at me, reading my face. "I'm running out of time," she said while cupping my face.

"Foe can be a friend. Friend can be family. The ones you trust the most can betray you at the last minute," she said. Abruptly, I woke up scratching at my throat and gasping for air. There was blood all over me. More importantly, my CLOTHES. I felt someone's hands around me and looked up at Klaus. "Klaus," I said, confused.

He had tears on my face and the room was completely trashed. I quickly jumped out of his embrace and freaked out. Then I calmed myself down and sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me what happened," Klaus said standing in front of me. "She killed me. That bitch killed me," I yelled and the windows shattered.

"Princess, focus. What happened," Klaus said, trying to calm me. I looked at him and instantly calmed. "She came here while we were sleeping. All I remember before I died was here forcing me to drink someone's blood then she sliced my neck. Waking up my mom was also freaking out. She said some odd things but then she told me that Aurora killed me," I said with a smile. My smile then dropped. "I  died. I'm fucking dead," I said crying.

"Oh, you will not stay dead. She will pay for her actions. I swear to you," Klaus yelled. I suddenly started laughing in pain. "Owww," I laughed. "You're transitioning. You need to feed on blood soon or you will die again, this time for good," Klaus said. I laughed harder.

"Die for good? No one ever dies for good. Some asshat will probably bring me back to life by accident 20 years from now," I laughed. My face dropped and I stopped laughing. "My baby. What will happen to Hope if I die? She'll grow up to you lunatics. MY CLOTHES," I said looking down at my clothes.  

A pet peeve I have is that if I went out of my way to look nice I better stay looking nice. I don't dress up very often because I'm lazy but when I do... Gift from God.

I unintentionally pushed Klaus away from me and tore off my clothes. I head toward the bathroom and into the shower, panicking. Once I was under the hot water, I scrubbed the dried blood off me while still panicking. After the blood was off I turned the water to the coldest temp possible. I don't necessarily know why but afterward my skin was glowing.

It calmed my nerves until I got out and put on my favorite sweatpants and hoodie. I put my hoodie on then pulled the drawstrings as far as they went. This covered my face from the painful light. Klaus led me into the parlor where the light was even worse to the point I pulled out sunglasses. "This light is no joke, dude," I said.

"You'll adjust."

"Why does this music sound so loud? Everything hurts so much," I said, stumbling around the room. " As soon as you feed, your heightened senses will cease to be painful and become... Euphoric," he smirked.

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