47: Culpa

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Culpa; Fault


"What do you mean, Hope's missing," Klaus asked. "A few hours ago, she took off with a boy from school," Caroline said. "What," Klaus asked surprised. "We're looking for them. In fact, our entire Honors Tracker class is on it," Caroline said. "Who's this boy? I'm gonna kill him," Klaus said. "We can't pinpoint their location yet, but they seem to be heading somewhere just outside of New Orleans," Caroline said.

"So she's coming home. Why," Klaus asked. "You can ask her when we find her. Let's go," Caroline said. 

On their little road trip, Caroline stopped at a diner until the students gathered more information on Hope. "They just texted. My tracking class should be zeroing in on them. We should have a location nailed down any minute," Caroline said, bringing Klaus coffee. She honestly dreaded this but she wanted to do anything to save her niece and her sister.

"So what, we just wait here and sip rancid diner coffee," Klaus complained. "Or you can think about what you'll say when you see Hope. Or more importantly, what you won't say. It'll be tempting to lash out, but you'll regret it later," Caroline said.

"You know, you have a lot to answer for, and not just for losing my daughter," Klaus said. "She's not lost--"

"After all her haranguing. "Be a better father, become more engaged." The damn delusional woman is not even here and I can still hear her voice ringing in my ears. Truth be told, it's been bloody awful. I mean, it was bad enough when I had to keep my distance, but now, the desire to keep her close, to-to protect her, the constant worry a-and to do it without-- I've never known such pain," Klaus admitted.

"Well, congratulations. You just became a father," Caroline said. "Just as she became a truant. Why? Why would she do this," Klaus asked. Caroline laughed softly. "It's pretty basic. Some girls just like the bad boys. The more sheltered they are, the more likely it is. Or maybe its genes," Caroline said. "You say that like it's inevitable. It's not a rite of passage. Oh, for some girls it is. It was for me. But it was definitely permanent for Cam. If there was a bad boy within a five-mile radius, we would find him. And some were even way too old for us," Caroline said just as her phone buzzed.

"Oh. My tracking class failed. But we have our location," Caroline said. "How," he asked. "Find my iPhone. Let's go," Caroline said and they got back on the road.

In the house, Roman took Hope to for the binding spell they met Hayley and a drugged Cameron. "What's going on? And why is my mom high," Hope said with chains on her wrist. "He's the one that led them to us in the church attic," Hayley said. "But how did you know where she was," Hope asked. "You got inside my head. The first day you touched me. When you tucked my hair behind my ear. You were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden," Hope said.

"Hope, look, I know this looks bad, okay? But if you just do the binding spell--"

"Binding spell? Binding spell. Binder? Nikky, wicked witch... No. No. Binding is bad," Cameron mumbled to herself. "Binding spell? What's he talking about," Hayley asked. "Greta said that if I-I did the binding spell, then they'd let you guys live," Hope said. "Greta said that," Hayley asked.

"I never liked h-her," Cameron mumbled in the corner. "I-It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids. Our movement is about getting the natural order back. That's all my mom wants," Roman said. "Hybrids are soooo hot. W-Where's Nikky," Cameron silently cried. Hayley had been listening to her rant since they drugged her. And kept drugging her until she could barely move and her head was in the sky and they added vervain and wolfsbane to the mix just to keep her weak. Apparently, it was the only way to keep her down and prevent her from doing magic. But she's been unintentionally doing magic since she got there, along with leaving her scent everywhere.

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