11: Estrando

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estrando; boom


"Jackson you really don't have to do this. You're marrying Hayley, not me," I said. "I'm marrying into the family. No matter how twisted that family is. Besides, I already started. I might as well finish it," Jackson knocked at some wood. He was making Hope a crib. It had her initials at the head.

"Thank you," I said. "No problem," he smiled. I was here to support Hayley and Jackson in this whole thing. Alphas from out of state were coming to be a part of it.

I left Jackson to walk around watching the pack. There were kids playing in the area and Hayley was watching them. I watch the kids very closely. There was something off. I looked at Hayley who was already looking at me. She nodded towards the trees and bushes. I nonchalantly went into the area and found Marcel watching me.

"Wait. I'm not here to hurt you," Marcel said, putting his hands up. "Stalking me is a very funny way of showing it. You're lucky we're friends, I would've killed you," I said. "Okay, remember our friendship when I tell you why I am here. Finn sent me to get your blood," Marcel said. "Why would Finn want my blood," I asked.

"I assume he needs it for a locator spell. To find your daughter," Marcel said. I made sure my facial expression did not change. "Which one," I asked. "Huh. The one you had with Klaus," Marcle said confused. "Like I said, which one? Nevermind. Where's Finn now," I asked. "I don't know. He said he'd tell me where to meet him later. Listen, I gotta give him something. He's killing one of my guys every hour till he gets it," Marcel said.

"I need to call Klaus," I said walking away. I went further into the woods and called him. "What is it, Cameron," Klaus said harshly. "Um, take the bass out of your voice...."

I told Klaus about Marcel and Finn. He was utterly mad already but he remained calm with me after I told him so. If he's mad at someone he should not take it out on me. I then told Hayley about the situation and explained why I'd probably miss out on today's activities. She offered some of her blood but I already had that covered. I gave Marcel Tyler's blood to give to Finn.

Then I got a call from Rebekah telling me Finn had already found Hope and was on his way there. I knew Elijah was there and that he'd protect her but just in case I put an extra layer of a protection spell around her. So I stayed in the bayou.

"After the anointing of the Alphas, will be the final seal of our--" Mary stopped her speech when a group of vampires showed. One look from Gia and they attacked. "Gia, you don't have to do this," Jackson said. "Yes I do," she said and she bit into one of the alphas' necks. Jackson was about to kill one of the vampires but Hayley stopped him.

"No. We just need to keep them at bay until Finn's spell breaks," Marcel said. "That's a hell of a spell," Jackson said while fighting off some vampires. "Get the Alphas to the cabin. I'll hold them off," Hayley said. "No need for that," I said and snapped the necks of five vampires.

Then the next five and Hayley snapped the rest. But some of them got past us. They surrounded the cabin that the werewolves were in. We fought them off but soon the spell wore off and they all passed out. "They broke the spell," Marcel said, holding Gia's body.


I was packing bags preparing to meet Elijah and Camille on the road to get my daughter. "What do you think you're doing," Klaus asked. "Elijah said they're on the road. I'm gonna go get my daughter. Do not tell me that it's not safe. I'll tell you what's not safe. Blowing up a house to keep your brother from finding her," I said quickly.

"We will deal with Finn."

"And then what? Every time you kill him, he's just gonna jump into another body," I argued. "We tried running, tried hiding. Neither will work," Klaus said. "What's your bright idea," I asked. "I'm working on a plan just as we speak. One which will be bloister if you just calm down," Klaus pointed to my eyes as I glared at him. I looked past him into a mirror to see my eyes had changed. I quickly shook my head to make it go away. But it didn't work. I growled and continued trying. "It's not working. Klaus," I whined. Klaus took my hand and broke it. I screeched at the sudden pain. "Why-- why would you do that," I asked, holding my hand while it healed. "Pain is human."

I kicked his knee cap to where it snapped. "Pain is relative," I said as he hissed. I left the room before his leg healed.


850 words

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