43: All four one

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Hope's gone, she's the Hollow now. The only way to save her is to end always and forever, to end the family.

End of Recap.


"The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries. It's an unending evil. Its appetite for power is insatiable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl," Vincent said. I was listening to their conversation from upstairs since I had been locked in my room.

"You said there was a way to save her," Klaus asked. "There is. But I'm gonna tell you right now, you are not gonna like my plan... Step one: we pull the Hollow out of Hope. Step two: we find someplace else to put it. But with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. And in order to make the transition work, I'm gonna need something that's connected to Hope through blood," Vincent explained.

"You need a vampire. You want to put the Hollow into one of my siblings," Freya guessed. "Uh, one aint gonna cut it. I'm gonna need four of them," Vincent said. "Why four of us," Elijah asked. "Well, 1,500 years ago, when the Hollow was first killed they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers. Four different locations. That's how we're going to beat the Hollow now," Vincent said.

"Transfer the Hollow's power into four immortal vampires," Freya said. "And just send us on our way," Rebekah said. "So the evil is drawn, quartered, and separated for all time," Klaus added.

"And you have to go your separate ways, and you have to stay separate. For all time. We can never see each other again. Can never go near each other again. That is the only way that we're gonna beat the Hollow," Vincent said.

"No," I mumbled to myself. "Well, if it'll save my little girl, then we will make it so," I heard Klaus say.


"No. No, Klaus. You promise now but I know you. Ugh! I'm stuck in here while our friends and family are risking their lives to save my little girl," I complained. Klaus had listened to me rant for the past hour and thirty minutes. I've been through ten different emotions in that time.

Klaus tried to sit me down again for the eleventh time but it only worked for a second. He's worried about me and the baby.

I slapped my hand on his face and grabbed it roughly. I glared at him. I knew he was letting me get away with these little things since my emotions and hormones are at their peak these days. I then lifted him up off of the bed and patted his jacket neatly. I whipped my tears and walked over to the other side of the bed to lay down.


"Shh. I'm tired," I mused. I felt him kiss my forehead as I fell asleep. Once I heard him get some distance from the room I slowly got up. I grabbed some sage from a shoebox under the bed and made a privacy spell.

I had a plan. We're gonna play a long con. And I'm probably not in my right mind to be doing this but it's all gonna fall together. Soon...


I was on my way to go see Hope but Klaus beat me to it. "...You are my daughter. You're a Mikaelson. And you are strong, and brave, unlike anyone I've ever known. In fact, you helped me believe in something your uncle once said. Family is power," I heard Klaus say.

He turned around and saw me with watery eyes. "You're a good dad, Klaus. And you deserve the truth. There is something that you need to know about the ritual. Vincent didn't want to tell you because he didn't think that you'd go through with it, but I know that you will. I know that you'll do anything for us. Even if it means never seeing us again. T-That's why I didn't want you to go through with it last night," I said, wiping my eyes.

Klaus tried to keep his face neutral but it didn't work. He stormed off. I groaned out a bunch of curse words and left as well.

When it was time for the ritual I sat in the middle with the unconscious Hope in my arms. Vincent gave all of them their respective spots. "And we are ready," Vincent said. "I just want to say that what you guys are doing here today is gonna go a long way towards setting things right in this city. The Hollow took everything away from me. It inspired nothing but suffering and torment. It's a ruined family, it's gone after little kids. And yet, here and now, despite all of our differences, there are so many... thank you."

I scoffed at Vincent's little speech loud enough for everybody to hear. "The savage Mikaelson heroically defeated a terrible evil. Maybe this will finally earn us our redemption," Rebekah said with a slight chuckle. "Do any of us really believe that," Klaus asked. "Not for a second. It's a wonderful sentiment," Elijah said.

Vincent and Freya joined hands. "Cameron, when I tell you to, I want you to take the manacles off. Hold on to Hope. Do not let her go. Everybody else, when this spell is over, you gotta get away from each other, and you have to stay away from Hope," Vincent explained. "Always and forever. We had a good run," Rebekah sighed. "Yeah."

Vincent began the spell. The light flickered and the wind picked up. "Do it now. Do it now, Cam," Vincent said. I took off the shackles on Hope's wrist and the blue light shot out of her and into the sky. We all looked up at it as it divided itself between the siblings. Then it went away.

I instantly looked at Klaus. "I can hear it. The whispering," Rebekah said. "Okay. Now, you guys need to go. Now," Vincent said. They left but Klaus didn't.

"I need to know that she's alright," Klaus said, keeping eye contact with me. "Klaus, I promise you, she is going to be okay if you go," Vincent said. Klaus licked his lips and was hesitant. He mouthed 'I love you' before speeding off just as Hope woke up.

She called out for him but he was long gone. "C'mon, princesa. I-It's time to go."

We're going to Mystic Falls.


1080 words

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