27: BPD

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The piercing light hit my eyes causing me to throw my hand to my face. I hissed when I felt a little burning sensation on my arm that covered my face. "Princess," I heard somebody call, causing me to turn to the direction of the husky voice that was music to my ears. My arm was removed from my face to prevent further burning and it uncovered Klaus.

He was sitting at the edge of the bed watching me with a look in his eyes that made me worry. He was worried. I went to get out of the bed, where I was nicely tucked in, but something pulled me back down. I instantly growled as if on instinct. "Calm down," he said. Hearing his voice again, clearer, calmed me down and gave him my undivided attention. I watched him with the most curious face ever.

"Do you remember what happened," he asked me. I was so interested in his face I almost missed his question. "Huh. W-what? Oh. Uhhhh," I scratched my head thinking about it. It's foggy but I remember the toxic feeling in my neck of being shot with wolfsbane and vervain at the same time. By Klaus. "Y-you injected me," I growled, my eyes changing state. Suddenly, I gasped. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to-- Shit! I'm sorry. If I knew about--"

"It's okay. It's okay. You needn't worry about the situation. I'll fix it," Klaus said. I started crying and rubbing my face harshly out of control. Then I sobbed, letting out heavy breaths. Klaus roughly grabbed my arms and pinned them down. "Stop," he warned. I listened to him and stopped. My face went completely blank.

The white oak. Aurora might have the white oak because I lost it. I should have never taken it over some petty game. Honestly, it could have been a bond ass game but he wasn't listening. So, I guess in reality that's really his fault. If he'd just listen to me and play just one game, we wouldn't be in this situation. A game of hide and seek where the winner has their way. Wow, sometimes I have the grandest of ideas.

I felt Klaus's hand touch my face causing a spark to flutter in that spot. My face reddened as he cupped my face. "What's that look on your face," he asked. "What look," I asked. His grip tightened on my face. A quiet moan came from the back of my throat from the sensation. My eyes fluttered close when I felt Klaus in my head. When he got what he needed he got up. He kissed the top of my head and headed towards the door of his room.

"No blood. No escaping. No magic. You'll have a good friend of mine, a doctor, come and check on you later on. Carlos should be bringing you some food anytime now. I'll be back, princess," he said before leaving. "What the hell do you mean no blood," I yelled but he didn't answer.

I got up from the bed and attempted to leave the room. But there was a barrier preventing me from doing so. I was tired and tried to get past it. I even used my magic but he gave me something to subside it.

I began to grow hungry for blood in the short time he had left. I looked out of my window and saw the streets filled with food, not people anymore, but food.

"Hello. I've been told not to enter because you may be blood thirsty. Oh, I brought your favorite. Chicken strips and fries," Carlos said, snapping me out of my gaze. My stomach growled at the smell of chicken. "Gimme. Gimme," I said speed walking towards the door. "Gimme got shot," Carlos said. I groaned and my leg began to shake in anticipation.

"Fine. No fun," he said and slid the food into the room. I took it and walked into the corner. I slid down the door while taking a bite of the steaming chicken. I moaned and took another one. "Thank you, Carlos. You're welcome, dear sister," He said before leaving.

I could barely taste anything and it wasn't fixing my hunger. Simply subsiding it and giving me something to chew on. After I had finished eating I sat in the middle of the room looking for something to do. This is Klaus's room so there was paint and canvases set up in a corner of the room. There was nothing else to do, so I decided to do that.

"What should I paint," I asked myself. I thought about it for a second before choosing something easy since I wasn't an artist. I chose a sunflower. Painting was calming. I was no longer focused on the things around me but the paint brush in my hand. I was in my element. Whatever that is, of course.

When I thought I was finished I set the paint brush down and dust my hands and shirt off. I looked at the canvas with a smile on my face. It quickly dropped when I saw what was on the canvas. "That's not a sunflower," I spoke to myself. The paint was extremely terrifying to me. I don't know why.

This spoke volumes. I stared at it intensively. "Woah," I mumurred.

"Nice skill. By the looks of it you weren't aiming to paint that, were you," a voice said, causing me to jump. There was a lady with a briefcase at the door. She was admiring my art as well. "Who are you," I asked.

"Oh, eh. Danella White. I'm the friend of Klaus's, the doctor here to help you," Danella said. I nodded as she stared at the painting. She must be a psychiatrist. "Oh, uh. I've been told to give you this before entering," she said. She had a small cup in her hand and the smell caused veins to sprout from my face.

I sped up to the barrier keeping me from tearing her apart. She handed ym the cup and there was only a small amount of blood in there. Enough for me not to kill her when she walked in. I quickly drank and threw it away. She walked in and I figured out she wasn't human, she was a vampire.

She walked closer to me and stared at me. "Exquisite," she murmured in awe. "Can you not," I said politely. "My apologies. When the famous hybrid Mikaelson asks me to examine the newly turned tribrid who had his daughter, you couldn't believe my surprise. I never thought he'd settle down," she said.

"What the hell does that mean," I growled. "Hmm, no wonder. I have some questions for you. Please, get comfortable. This may take a while," she said. I sat on the edge of the bed while she pulled up a chair.

"I've been told that you have panic and anxiety attacks. And these anger episodes. Do you recall your last one," she asked while she pulled out a notebook out of her briefcase. "I don't usually recall the attacks. I think my last one might have been the other night, I think," I said.

"Hmm mmm. And what usually causes these attacks," she asked.  "Uhhhh. Loved ones," I said, scratching my head. "Do you get into a lot of heated arguments with these loved ones," she asked. We both know she was talking about Klaus. "Yeah, I guess," I said. "How do they usually end," she asked.

"A lot of insults. Or a lot of emotions."

"The questions are going to get a bit intense. Are you sure you would like to continue," she asked me, actually looking at me. "If it'll help, then, yeah," I said.

"Do you have abandonment issues, where you often would solve them by leaving first?"

Damn. "Yes."

"Random mood swings?"

"Eh, not very much."

"Do your ideas of life change depending on who you are with?"


"Unable to have stable relationships."


"Act impulsively."


"Struggle to control your anger."


"And then the anxiety, PTSD, on and off depression, etc..."

She seemed to be talking to herself so I stayed quiet as she took notes. This isn't weird at all. "Borderline Personality Disorder," she randomly said. "Huh," I said. "It's most common in the supernatural. Nothing, a little couch time can't subside. There is medication but that won't work on you. So you'll see me once a week. Sometimes with Klaus others with your daughter," she said. I'm not looking forward to that.

"Quick session right now. This painting... you feel trapped. As a newly turned vampire you're entering a space you're new to. You're scared of the unknown and you can't see where you're going. Painting like this is definitely a calming medicine. You should keep doing it, you're good," she said. She collected her things and left.

I followed her until the barrier stopped me. I saw her leave a note on the side of the door


1490 words.

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