16: Na corrida

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na corrida; on the run


The rain had grown too strong by morning for us to travel with a baby safely so we ended up camping there again. Luckily, Hope was sleeping through the entire storm. Then Mary predicted that the storm was caused by Dahlia using some type of herbs. "She's tryna pin us down," Hayley said. "The road to the highway is flooded. Quickest way out is on foot through back roads. What's wrong," Jackson asked Hayley.

"Elijah called. Klaus is gone. We don't know where," Hayley said and I'm just now hearing about this. "That settles it. We gotta get out of here," Jack said. "What about the other," I asked. "Alright, everybody. Listen up," Jackson announced to the pack.

"I want to thank you all for staying with us... protecting us. For the past few weeks, each one of you has shown me more kindness than I have ever known. Despite hardships and tragedy... You've all become the family that I always wanted. You're my pack. But I can't let you risk your lives any more than you already have. The witch is coming. She's powerful, and she's not gonna stop. Jack, Cameron, and I will be better off taking Hope and getting as far away as we can... alone. I want you to know how grateful I am for everything that you have offered me. Us. But I can't be your queen anymore."

The wolves bowed down to her despite her whole entire speech. I didn't want to seem like a hater so I bowed my head. "You will always be their queen," Jackson said and he bowed down as well. 


"So far so good. Here, let me hold that little girl while you figure out where to cross. Aw, come on, sweetheart," Mary cooed as I gave her Hope. "What's the plan," I asked. "Get across, get to the highway, steal a car, and just go. You okay," Hayley asked. "Hayley, you know that you don't have to do this," I told her. "That's what family does. And I am your family despite everything. From your bad taste men to dragging me into Mikaelson drama," We smiled. "Yeah. I guess," I mumbled.

Then we went back on our feet. By night time we had stopped in an abandoned car repair place. Hayley and I decided it was time I went back to Mystic Falls. I knew that they had the best chance of going against Klaus and Dahlia if the time came and they had some of the best witches there also. She also had family there too.

But there he was. My past, present, and future. Part of me was relieved he was here but the other part was terrified. Wolves surrounded him while Jackson took a protective step in front of Hayley and I. "Go back inside. Get Hope and Mary out of here."


"Just get Hope and run."

No need to tell me a third time. I heard Klaus grunting and fighting off the people that just basically sworn their lives to my cause. I felt bad that I wanted to save Klaus instead of them. "What about Jack," Mary asked. "He and the others will meet us on the road," I said. I saw the warning smoke from earlier and it had turned red. "Oh. It's her. Dahlia," I said.

"All the more reason to go," Mary said. Hope started crying in my hands. She probably felt the tension in the air. "No. I'm not gonna teach my daughter it's okay to leave the ones you love to die. It's okay, princesa," I said, leaving Hope with Mary. "What about you," Mary asked. "I'm gonna rip that bitch apart," I swore, referring to Dahlia.

I went back to the fight and Dahlia had just shown herself. "Why is she with you, Klaus," I asked. "Unlike some, he's doing what is best for his daughter," Dahlia said. "I'm going to skin you alive," Hayley threatened. All of a sudden our bones started breaking. This pain was all too familiar. While my pain was silent the others groaned and screamed to their bones breaking.

The emotional pain overpowered the physical pain. "What are you doing to us," Hayley asked. "Oh, this?  No, this was my idea. Stealing from Marcel the Crescent curse he once used on your pack. Dahlia was all too happy to make the necessary adjustment to accommodate your hybrid nature. Now you will be trapped in wolf form, save for the full moon. Leaving you very little time to cause any further mischief. And because of the unification ritual linking you to your pack now they will share your fate, queen," Klaus taunted Hayley.

Of course, the pain was familiar but the experience wasn't. I think I blacked out most of my first time. I don't really remember this part. "K-Klaus. Please-- please don't do this, Klaus. She's gonna steal our baby," I cried/whispered. Klaus kneeled down to me and cleared the hot tears on my face with his thumb. He looked at the necklace around my neck and kissed my forehead.

With that simple kiss, I fell asleep. I think my body did not agree with the amount of pain of turning. I always blacked out.


880 words

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