14: Alianças quebradas

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Alianças quebradas; broken alliances


I am to be at the special sanctuary, Algiers, with Hope by 9 tonight. I have to pack for the both of us. "So do you want wolfie, Lucky, or the toy horse," I asked her, holding out three of her favorite toys. One was a stuffed wolf, another a stuffed dog, and the last was a tiny toy Klaus gave her which was once Rebekah's.

She grabbed the wolf and the horse. "Wanna see something cool," I asked her. I knew she wasn't going to answer so I did it anyway. I animated the horse to move by itself for a second then he went back to normal. She started squealing and giggling like a kid on Christmas. "Okay, come on," I said, picking her up with the bags.

So here's the thing, it's not that I didn't trust the plan we had. It's just that so many people knew about it, how could we know it was safe. So Hayley and Jackson offered me another way. Hayley came to the door and nodded quietly to me, telling me it was time to go. I followed her outside to an alleyway waiting for the getaway car. Aiden was supposed to be driving that car.

He was late. Hope began to get fussy. "Everything okay," I heard someone ask. I turned around and it was Marcel. He was supposed to be taking me to Algiers. The plan I was supposed to ditch. "Took you long enough. Are we going to Algiers or what," I asked, seeming not to be caught in the act.

"Right now that club is the safest place in town," Marcel said. Hayley and I followed him towards the club.


"Okay. Good news, Dahlia still doesn't know that we're here. Bad news, she's given us until tomorrow night, and then she's coming for Hope," I said. "Then I say, we get the hell out of here," Hayley suggested. "Freya said that Dahlia was drawn to Hope's magic. No matter how far we go, she'll still be able to track us. At least this place is spelled. I'm the only one who can do magic here, no one else. Not Hope or Dahlia," I explained.

"Sure this place is spelled but we've seen bigger magic than this break. I say we run while we still can," Jack suggested. "It's a risk either way. She's just so little. It's not fair. Witchcraft and magical spells. She didn't ask for any of this," I said looking down at her in her crib.

"Which means that she wouldn't miss it if it was gone. Cam, maybe that's it. Dahlia can only sense her when she's using magic. So, what if there's a way of stopping her from doing it in the first place," Hayley suggested. "She's just a baby, how we gonna do that," Jack asked her. "I have an idea. Although... It's dangerous. Especially now," Hayley said. "Let me do it. Look, whatever it is. It's my fault you guys didn't get away yesterday," Aiden requested. "We wouldn't have gotten away anyway," I said. "That wasn't your fault, Aiden," Jack said. "Please? Just give me a chance to make it up to you," he insisted.

"I don't even know if I want to take her magic," I shrugged. "Well, after the Dahlia situation is over we can return it back," Hayley said. "Okay. Let's do it."

Aiden went to the compound, across the lake, to retrieve some witch cuffs. Then he went to Davina to make a smaller version of them. Maybe a bracelet or necklace that would minimize Hope's power.

I was simply waiting with Hope for Aiden to come back when vines appeared on the walls sprouting dahlia flowers. "They're dahlias. She knows we're here," I said to the wolves. I tried making calls but none of the phones worked. "I need you to go get help now. Go. Go," I instructed one of the wolves.

While he did that, I changed the dahlia flowers to white roses with my magic. She was near, there were more flowers coming. I could only change so many at one time. Then I heard whistling, it was the same tune from earlier. I tried blocking the tune out of the place but I wasn't strong enough so I channeled Hope.

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