Thirty Four

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Mavi's point of view

I look around to see my apartment just how I wanted to be set up and I filled with so much satisfaction, organized stuffs really hits different.

I like to see organized things just for me to mess it up again.

First day of being in miami and I'm already thrilled to go out and stroll around, but I still have so much to fix here.

My phone starts ringing so I immediately pick it up.

"Hello Mom?"

"Hey sweetheart just checking how's everything"

I smile "everything's good, I already set up my things in the apartment"

"Do you need me to send anything there? Money? Do you need money?"

I chuckle she's always too worried.

"Hey calm down I thought you trust me with this?"

"Of course I do mavi I'm just worried you know mother's gets worried right?"

"I know but don't worry too much remember i have a good friend who lives here? She'll assist me if I'm in need of anything so don't worry"

She sigh from the other line "okay if you say so well what are you up to now?" .

I look checked my to-do-list.

And next on the list is groceries.

"I'm going to the market to pick up some groceries and stuffs that I need" I told and she hummed in response.

"Well always take care okay? Call me if you need anything, or if you just want to say hi" .

I chuckle and shook my head "of course mom bye I love you"

"I love you too"

With that I hanged up and place my phone inside my handbag.

"Grocery time" I muttered before putting my money and cards inside and grabbing the keys.

I head outside my apartment and lock the door.

Since I have no car in here I have to take a cab.

One struggle, but not really since I could just use grab which is easy and fast.

"Where to ma'am?" The driver asked me as soon as I got inside.

"Walmart" I told him and he starts to drive. I'm not very familiar with the place or the routes so I'll be really glad if my good friend is here, but she's still busy at the moment so maybe next time she'll like to show me around.

I open my phone to check the time and it's already afternoon.

It's quite fast ever since I got here.

After a few left and turns he stopped in front of the market. I hopped out and close the door shut.

I walked inside past the security and instantly made my way to grab a basket and a cart to place my things at.

"Wait where's my list?" I questioned myself and realize that I actually forgot to write a list.

I let out a frustrating sigh, list helps me to move faster and pick up things faster but I guess I'm going to think about everything I need Instead.

Such a great start mavi.

Walking past stalls I start to pick up things and put them right in my cart. I smile remembering that y/n and I used to always have fun in the market whenever our mother's would go for a grocery.

She would be the one to push the cart and I will be the one to fill the basket with lots of food and chocolate and our mother would usually get pissed with us because that's not the things that we're supposed to be getting.

But end up buying it because we're so stubborn.

I smile remembering those times, that I didn't realize where I was going so I literally I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I apologize and I rub my head I look up to see the poor girl whose also rubbing her head while looking down.

"I wasn't looking I'm sorry" I looked down and realize that she dropped some things and I was about to pick it up.

"Oh no it's okay I got it I'm really sorry I wasn't paying attention either" she said and picked up the things before turning her back at me and walking the other way.

Her voice...sounded so eyes widen as soon as I realize she had y/n's voice I quickly followed her hoping to catch up to see if it's really her.

But it was too crowded, people walking back and forth, I couldn't possibly figure out which one is her but I still tried to follow.

But seeing the familiar shirt of the girl from earlier I realized it might be her so passing a couple of more people I reached her with back facing me.

"Uh hey?"

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