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Mavi's point of view

Four years it's been four years since the best friend that I knew left me...four years since I wandered why she go when I thought she like it here with me, four years since she left me with wondering thoughts.

Y/n...i still clearly remember her name, I don't know if she remember mine.

I'm 21 now and she's 20...I wonder how her life has been, I really hoped she's well..I wanted to be mad at her when she left but then I realized I couldn't be mad because all those years we shared was too memorable.

So I decided I'll just find her, I couldn't wait...I'm sure she's not gonna come back no matter how long I wait for her, so I'm just gonna look for her...ask the answers I've been longing the most.

"Mavi are you ready?" My mom asked and I nod, double checking my luggages I looked back at her with satisfaction

"Are you sure you can travel alone now?" She asked and I roll my eyes "ma'am I'm old enough to know where is right and left" I joked and she smile before giving me a hug.

"Give me a call as soon as you land okay?"

I nod "aye captain".

I gave my mother a tight hug before letting go.

I wanted to go on my own and explore things. Prove my independability or really my main reason is to find her.

I just want to see her again.

Waving at my mom, I made my way to my flight to board the plane.


Soon as I got inside the plane I quickly found my seat so I settled down.

This is for sure gonna be a real long flight so I rest my head on the seat and find myself in such comfortable pace to sleep.

So I slowly close my eyes just when I heard the pilot of the plane speaks.

I let out a deep breath before feeling myself drifting to sleep.






I could see her smile,

Her eyes glistened with so much happiness

And it really satisfy me.

To her happy

Her happiness is very much important to me


"Y/n come here I'll give you something" I called my best friend and she approach me with a smile on her face

"Yes mavi?"

It melts my heart everytime my name's escapes her lips, listening to her sweet sweet voice,

I pat the space beside me so she would sit down...slowly y/n confusedly yet curiously sat down beside me.

"Give me your hand"  I told her, and she furrow her eyebrows before shaking her head.

I raised an eyebrow "why not?"  I questioned.

"Cause the last time I gave you my hand you put a poop on it so no"

I laugh out loud at her and shook my head "no its not put this time I promise" I smile at her but she still looking at me with double expression.

"What?" I asked

"How can I assure it's not poop?" She asked suspiciously.

I closed my hand tightly and brought it in front of her "smell it".

She looked in disgust "eww no! Why would I smell your hand"

"To assure you it's not poop duh if it smells bad then there's poop if it doesn't smell bad then there's no poop"  somehow my words convince her and i watch as she slowly sniff around my hand like a dog.

"See it's not poop so give me your hand now"

"What if it's poop but you are ready about it and your just sprayed perfume!" She still defend.

I groaned I'm getting impatient "are you gonna give me your hand or not!?" I asked getting annoyed.

She giggle cutely "fine fine here" finally she let her hand rest on my lap as she open it. I glanced at her and notice how she's looking away still thinking it's a poop that I will put on her.

Stupid girl.

I opened my hand and pull out the bracelet I made by myself for her, with different design and cute little bids saying mavi, I slowly raise her hand and tie it on her wrist.

Feeling the different sensation y/n look at me with surpise.

"It's not a poop" she said..."I told you so".

She review the bracelet and smile widely "you made this?" She asked and I nod.

"Awweee but where's yours?"  She questioned.

"I'm waiting for you to make me one" I said honestly.

I mean I don't want her name to come from me I want it to come from her.

"You should've told me earlier so I had prepare it...but don't worry mav I promise to make you one too!" She said with such excitement.

"Really?" My mood lighten up hearing that coming from her.

"Yeah I'll make it more prettier for you you just wait and see".

It hasn't occur to me yet, but days passed by, and it passed by and passed by I received nothing from her.

I am even scared to remind her cause I don't want to force her to make one for me, I want her to make it for me because she remember it not because I reminded her.

But somehow....she seems to got her mind out from it.

Then one day my birthday came and unexpectedly she came to me with a small box wrap up in a gift wrapper.

I smile widely

"Sorry It took long I wanted to give it to you at the right time" she apologize and it makes me confuse and curious at the same time so I slowly unwrap the gift and open the box to see a very pretty handmade necklace with her name on it.

"Happy 18th birthday mavi"

I could feel my heartbeat super loud that time it's like banging so hard inside my chest.

I pull her into a depp warm hug and felt myself getting attach and attach to her.

She makes my birthday ten times more happier.

"I thought you forgot"  I lowly mumble

"You? Forgot? Never Mavi klein" she reply with a smile.

"Now we got matching accessories, we can find each other wherever we go" I said

"You won't leave me tho right?" Y/n asked and I shook my head "never".

it turns out she's the one who left me...

But like I said we'd find each other wherever we go...

"Ladies and Gentlemen we're now landing in the Miami international airport we hoped you enjoy your flight today"

I'll find you y/n...

A/n: wahhhhhhh hi guys welcome back to me lol, here's y'all update since y'all been so fucking goddamn patient 🤭 thanks for waiting everyone and enjoy sorry for mistake and shitty grammar bear with me I didnt edit it.

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