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Groaning at the sunlight hitting my face I roll to the other side of the bed and grab a pillow to cover my face.

I squinted my eyes open and the familiar ambiance of my room greeted me. I yawn a little more before fully opening my eyes and lift up my arms to stretch.

This is the only thing I love in the morning the stretching and back to sleep but too bad mines stretching and forward to the bathroom to get ready for school.

Sitting up on my bed I grab my phone and unlock it.

My eyes widened as I saw my message last night for Gigi didn't actually send. Damn.

I guess I was too tired I forgot to send what I typed in.

I don't want her to be upset so I shall at least say a good morning right?

: Good morning Gigi :) I'm so sorry I fell asleep last night I guess I was really tired.

I didn't get an instant reply or anything, maybe she's still asleep or busy so I get up from my bed and fixed everything I need to fix before I proceeded downstairs.

Seeing my mother cooking in the kitchen makes me instantly smile she's always up this early.

"Good morning mum" I give her a kiss on the head before hopping on the chair whilst laying my head on the cold surface of the counter.

"Good morning hun did you sleep well?" She asked and place a cup of cappuccino on the table pushing it slowly towards me.

The smell of the coffee had me pushed my back up.

"I slept very well" I muttered before taking the mug carefully wrapping my fingers around the handle as I lift it up and take a sip.

I place the mug bag to table and scan the room remembering that I haven't seen dad yet so I decided to ask.

"Where Dad?"

My mom's face instantly change as I ask that question "well he had to leave the work earlier than usual because his boss needed him" I could sense the sadness in her tone, I sigh and get off of the counter to give her a hug.

"Sorry mom" I muttered whilst comforting her in my arms, she chuckle lightly and playfully push me off "don't be such a drama ass y/n" she teased and I roll my eyes damn I was just trying to be caring child and comfort my mother!

The breakfast went by fast with Mom preparing some eggs and bacon and coffee and as soon as I've finished breakfast I went back to my room to take shower in the bathroom.

I put on my usual style of clothing and grab my bag and other stuffs.

"Gotta go mom bye!" I yelled at her since she's at the living room.

I hurriedly made my way outside and walk to the bus stop.


I fixed myself as soon i have arrived in the campus.

I'm a little early so which means Gigi is probably still not around the campus.

I plug in an Airpod on my left ear as I enter the school, walking through the corridors I reached onto my locker and put inside the things that I won't be needing for my first class which is English.

Oh wait no I actually have off for my first period I just realized that when I pull out my schedule to check

Damn I need to memorize my schedule I mean I could've been still asleep until 11 for my classes will still start at 12.

I sigh to myself and decide to just let it go, I'm already here so I have no choice I can't go home and go back to sleep until it's eleven.

"Y/n!" I flinched as Gigi suddenly appear beside me scaring the shit outta me.

"Oh my God don't ever ever do that again" I breath out as I place my palm on my chest trying to calm my heart out.

Gigi laugh hysterically "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you".

I look at her and notice her look today.

She's wearing a crop top which is showing a little bit of her tummy but she also had a denim jacket on and a ripped jeans which is looking so fabulous on her.

Damn how could she look so sexy this early?

"Earth to y/n" I blink my eyes and notice that I've been staring at her for long.

"Sorry what?"

She laugh and shook her head at me, soon the bell ring and students starts to run on their way to their class.

"What's your first?" Gigi asked me and I look back at my schedule before turning to her "it's off"

She groaned frustratedly "ugh I wish I have off period too" she sigh defenselessly before adjusting the sling of her bag "well I gotta go to my first class enjoy your free period I'll see you later" she flash me an amusing smile before turning around and walking away.

I quivered my lips as I check the time which is exact nine am.

I have exactly two hours to start my day productive with this off period.

Reading book plus music is always an effective past time.

"Library it is then"

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