Thirty Five

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Your point of view

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? I mean I could totally wait so I can drop you off home" Gigi said but I shook my head once more.

"Like I said you don't have to do that I'm capable of taking care of myself" I told her and she sigh.

I turn and notice Lauren approaching, I look back at Gigi and notice her tensed up I'm sure she seen that, I don't quite understand why her expression and tone always change when she's around, she's either confident about everything when Lauren appear or she looks so tense and scared? I can't really read her. Or what's up between them.

"Y/n come on let me at least drop you to the market" she said without no further discussion she grab me by the arm but it wasn't that aggressive so I'm not hurt or anything and she drag me with her out the hall.

"Hey hey, is everything okay?" I asked as soon as we reach her car, her sight dropped to her hand that was caressing my arm and as realization hit her she quickly let go of me "oh my god I'm so sorry did i hurt you?".

I shook my head "no I'm fine, don't worry about me, you should worry about yourself you look pale" I told her and she instantly held her face.

"Am I?" She question.

I nod and asked "are you feeling sick?"

But she shook her head "no I'm fine really let's just go" she said dropping off the whole topic and instead opening her car door for me.

Well I guess I have no other choice but to get in so I just pipe myself inside and comfortably sat in the carseat.

"You know gi I can just grab a cab right?" I told her.

"I know that but let me at least drop you off to the market, I won't wait for you so you will be happy, I will just take you there okay?" She cleared so I just nod.

She's so nice for God's sake, I mean I never meant to make her look like my personal driver or some shit. But the gratitude that she's showing me is really something else, I'm glad to have her as my friend.

As we make our way to the walmart, I notice the thick silence inside the vehicle and everytime I take a glimpse of her she looks so bothered and as if her mind is wandering somewhere else.

"So uhm I saw you today talking with Lauren right at lunch...are you two good?" I questioned and she suddenly stepped on the break which totally almost killed me.

Luckily I'm wearing seatbelt or else I'd be hitting my head everywhere..

I look at her and notice her hands gripping the steering wheels tightly as if she's mad.

My eyes widened, shit I must've asked a very bad question at a really wrong timing.

"I'm sorry Gigi I didn't mean to bring that up I was just curio-" then she suddenly let out a heavy sigh which stop me from speaking.

"The walmart is just a few bocks from here are you able to take a cab instead?" She asked coldly and I nod "yes of course thank you for the ride" I told her and quickly collect my stuffs before getting out of the car.

I shut the door closed and she drives away. Damn I thought...that was so scary and unexpected.

How could you just imagine a person suddenly let out their rage on you for unknown reason, it's just so scary.

I sigh and called a cab to take me to the market since plans have changed.

As soon as the cab arrived I get in and continue my way to the market.

I can't help but to feel bad, I must've triggered her or something, I mean I didn't mean to do that because I honestly did not know anything.

I facepalm myself, sometimes curiosity really put me in a wrong situation.

Finally arriving, I paid the cab and hop out of the vehicle as I hurriedly make my way inside before it gets dark.

I don't like going home late dark.

I grab a cart and a basket for my things and bring out the list my mother send me.

Going to the first stall I picked up bread and some nutella, stall, milk and coffee is butter, flour sugar, spice "and everything nice?" I chuckle and look around to find where the stall is but I forgot where its located.

Do you ever just get lost in markets?

The staff will tell you it's on the section three but you will go to the section four. It's just so confusing sometimes.

Anyhow before asking a staff I decided to grab a box of my favorite cereal just for my own snack and check the list once again, without looking at my way since I'm checking the list duh, I obviously clumsily bump myself into someone, plot twist...I didn't fell.

But my cereal did.

Dead on the floor mija.

"Oh my god I'm sorry" said the girl who bumped onto me, whom I bumped into? Whatever which is which we bump to each other that's just it.

I was busy rubbing my head because I felt dizzy from the impact even tho I didn't fall or anything.

"I wasn't looking I'm sorry" she apologized again and was about to pick up my things but my quick responsive reflex came through and so I was the one to bent over to grab my stuffs.

"Oh no It's okay I got it, I'm really sorry I wasn't paying attention either" I picked up my stuffs and turned around before walking away without even saying a thank you.

Was that rude? I furrow my eyebrows.

Fuck of course that's rude.

Since I have so much humanity and conscience, I went the other way to go back to the stall and hope that the girl's still there to perhaps thank her but as I made a turn, she was not there anymore.

Well that's unfortunate. I was quite rude to her.

"Uh hey?" I suddenly heard which made me turned around, and my eyes widened to see a familiar face standing in front of me.

"Wait you're Lauren's girlfriend right?" I questioned remembering that I saw them at the mall that time .

She laugh and shook her head which made me confused.

"I'm lucy and no I'm not her girlfriend but do you have a moment?".

A moment?

A/n: you thought 🥴 lol, anyways so here's four chapters because I've been gone for so long and y'all been such amazing readers. Thanks for being patient but seriously waiting is really hard so if you just feel like saying oh fuck this shitty book I'm outta here. I'd respond "take care and thank you for your time" lol. 😌 💕 Sorry for wrong grammar or any misspelling I ain't English 🤷‍♀️, but I'm open for any corrections, have a great day to y'all 😊.

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