Twenty- Six

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"hey sleepyhead I hate to break it to you but you're home"

I yawned and stretched a bit before pushing myself off of the seat, "I fell asleep?" I muttered while looking at gigi, I took a glance outside the window and notice that it's already dark outside.

"Yeah I mean I don't mind if you sleep in here I could watch over you tho" she chuckle

"But your mom would be worried so I think you should get going now".

I smile and hook the sling of my bag to my back.

"Thanks for the lift g" she gives me a nod before surprisingly patting my head and messing my hair like a kid...well it surprises me because my old best friend used to do that to me.

"I uh I should get going now thanks again" I cleared my throat before opening the door and stepping out.

Closing it, I made my way to the side of our house's boundary.

"Bye bye y/n see you tomorrow!" Gigi waved at me before rolling the window back up.

I watched as her car slowly disappear from my sight. Inhaling a deep breath I turn around and walk towards the door of our house.

I gently roll the knob before pushing it open

"I'm home" I let out and my mother soon came out.

"Hey dear where's Jelena?" Mom asked and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, I've heard that name twice now.

"Who?" I asked...I place my bag on the ground and tiringly plopped myself on the couch.

"I've talked with someone named Jelena and she said she's your friend and she volunteer herself to take you home".

soon I realize that it was actually Gigi, I didn't know her name is Jelena...I mean she told me her name was Gigi. Or maybe it's Gigi and her second or first name is Jelena I don't know.

"Ohhh yeah she got home because she's also tired" I told my mother and she nod in understanding "well next time you should invite her to eat dinner or lunch here so I could get to know her" mom gives a different look with a hint of something.

"What?" I asked confused

"Is she beautiful?" She question.

"Well yeah she is" there's no doubt about that.

"Is she nice?" She asked again.

I nod

"Are you two close?".

Oh no I know where this is going.

I sigh and stand up before bending to pick my bag on the floor "I'm going to my room mum".

"Y/n you didn't answer my question".

"Mom if you're trying to hook me up just don't alright" I heard her laugh which made me smile somehow I always knew when she's up to something.

Especially when she's trying to tease me with something or someone she would just give me that long ass stare then gonna raise her eyebrow as if she's being suspicious or something.

Tiring kicking my door open I drag myself in and settle my things on the table.

I grab the book entitled "100 ways to be happy" then toss it on the bed.

I grab a towel and head to the bathroom to change my clothes first before I could comfortably and peacefully lay on my one and only true bed.

I don't even feel like eating dinner tonight I just want to lay down and fall asleep right quick.

Opening the faucet I lean down and gently sprung water through my face rinsing my skin letting the cold water wake up my soul.

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