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I quickly sit up as soon as my alarm clock rings, I hop off the bed and went straight to the bathroom to fix myself and get ready for school.

This is not my usual aura. I'm just really excited...not to attend school tho.

After shower I put on my usual style of clothing. A little make up. And a lot of swag

A few minutes more I'm finally ready.

How long does a woman takes to get herself ready? 

I don't know but boys sure thinks it's decade.

Suddenly a loud multiple bang came across my door.

"Lauren!!! Mom said get up or you'll be late" My sister's voice literally echoing inside my room just from outside the door.

I roll my eyes and ignore her before continuing to pack my stuffs.

"Lauren seriously you take forever to get up"

I ignore her again, she nags like she's my mom damn.

Soon the door open "are you seriously- oh what? You're ready?" She look at me surprised.

I smirk and give her a middle finger before heading out.

"Damn what's up with you?" She asked confusedly.

"Nothing's up with me just wanted to try some things" I told her "like what? Like waking up early?".

I roll my eyes and head down to meet the rest of the family.

"Taylor! Have you wake your sister up?" I heard my mom asked and as soon as I revealed myself they all look up at me.

"Lauren hey you're all ready?"

Wow they notice yay.

"Yeah I woke up quite early so I just got ready so I won't be late" I told them.

"Are you sick? What's wrong" They asked.

Why are every family like thay they notice something unusual to you and they'd think you're sick I mean come on when you don't change they say what's wrong and now something change still something wrong, damn sometimes I don't know where to place myself.

"I'm not gonna join you guys for breakfast I'm gonna meet up with Lucy first" I told them and grab my things. But that's a lie of course

"But where will you eat breakfast?" Mom asked.

"I'll just buy!" I gave both my parents kiss on the cheek before heading out but my father call me again which made me look back.

"Don't be late at your class, take care" I smile lightly and nod.

I don't what's up, my dad's suddenly being nice to me, but I kinda like it.

I threw my bag inside the car and get inside start the engine and track y/n's address that I got from her form last night.

Once it's located I smile widely as I drove off.

I wonder what will be her reaction.

Surprise bitch haha.


Driving down the unfamiliar road, my eyes kept darting on the gps because I honestly don't know where am I going, I don't want to be lost.

I've passed few more houses and I'm trying to figure out which one's y/n's...a few more minutes I heard the gps says

"You've arrived at your destination"

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