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"y/n! Wait up!"

I turn around to see Gigi approaching me.

"Hey what's up?" I asked while adjusting my bag on my back.

"I just want to know how did your last class went?" She asked with a smile.

Right we didn't have the same class at music since her music is at different day. But it's cool I manage to finish the class without getting myself embarrassed.

What an achievement.

"It's good Gigi so far I'm doing great" I gave her a reassuring smile and she nod.

"Where's your friends?" I asked out of curiosity.

The girl turn her back to look and then gaze back at me "oh they went home since they have to deal with some stuffs".

I nod understandingly, I check the time on my phone and notice that it's already six pm and most students have already gone home.

"Do you want me to drive you home? Or do you have a ride?" Gigi offer which caught my attention, I chuckle at her and shook my head refusing "no thanks I could use the bus"

Since no one would pick me up because I'm sure my father is still at work and my mom is busy.

So being such an independent child I can just use public transportation.

"Are you sure? I mean I have my car with me tho I could take you home" I don't know why but Gigi keeps on insisting that she'll take me home.

But I just can't accept it she helped me a lot already.

"Really it's fine I'd be fine I better go now so I can catch up with the bus before it leaves" Gigi sigh defenselessly and nod "alright take care y/n" she muttered softly before flashing me a smile.

I turn around and just when I was about to walk away she called me again.

"Y/n wait I forgot something!" She yell and walk towards me.

I turn to her with a confusing face "what is it?" I asked.

She pull out her phone and hand it to me as she asked "can I have your number?"

I furrow my eyebrow at her sudden question but I guess it's cool I mean we're friends tho.

I grab my phone and type in my number before handing it back at her, Gigi smile widely and cheer in excitement.

"Great! I'd message you tonight take care" she wave at me before turning around and running off the opposite direction.

What's with her?.

Shaking my head I walk forward and made my way out of the campus.

Whilst waiting for a couple of minutes in the bus station the bus finally came so I enter and gripping tight on the bars so I won't fall or anything.

My face instantly fell as I notice that the whole seat was already occupied, I sigh to myself as I hold onto the bar while standing up still.

There's no way I'd be able to seat.

This is what I hate when using buses I go home late and super tired and I don't even get to sit.

I huffed out frustratedly but I couldn't do anything but to rant in my head.

I pull out my headphones and plug it in my left ear whilst playing falling by Harry styles.

As the ride goes on, I had my eyes half closed while letting the music at least soothe my momentum.

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