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"I thought you wouldn't want to know?"

Suddenly I felt regret asking that very subtle question.

"Right yeah of course I just got intrigue I guess" I shrug my shoulders and Gigi let out a heavy sigh "Just stay away from her y/n she's no good for you" she warned and it makes me even more curious to know the girl. I mean why is her irritation against her just like that and why do they hate each other I mean what happened between them.

Ugh it's first day of class and I'm being a fussy potato.


Returning to myself I look at Gigi whose currently calling out my name for I don't know how long already.

"Stay away from her okay? I know you're curious but just stay away from her it's for your own good" I could sense so much sincerity in her eyes as if she really care about me so I have no choice but to nod understandingly.

As much as I am curious about the emerald eyes girl.

I should just keep my curiosity to myself.


Gigi and I enter our basically third subject which is Art's and Craft's and as we enter the room I've noticed that there's already many inside the room.

Since the professor was still nowhere inside the room.

Students are still scattered making their own chattery and conversations.

"Hey G!"

My attention was caught by a group of students sitting on the chair they seemed to be Gigi's friend for they have been looking at her and gesturing her at their place.

"Come on y/n" Gigi said then pull me with her dragging me across the room towards her friends.

"Everyone! I like you all to meet y/n she's new here so warmly welcome her" Gigi said as she introduce me to her friends who seemed to be really nice for they've give me a hug instead of a shake hands or anything more formal.

"Y/n these are my friends since high school first this is Scott and this is Kendall this is Cara this is Anwar and Blue!" Wow she have stunning friends.

Just great.

"Hi nice to meet you" I gave them a warm friendly smile just so they knew I'm greatful for meeting them.

Yay many friends.

Soon the teacher walked in and everyone including me settle down on our table, Gigi is sitting beside me which is a great thing of course.

"Good day everyone I assume you're all ready to start this semester yeah? And whose excited to learn!?" The professor asked in a very cheerful way but too bad students chakras are still on the summer vacation.

Lazy chakra

"Alright screw that I'd just assume you're all interested" the woman shook her head and began to write something on the board.

Somewhat like Mrs. Wendy Jones

Her name I suppose.

"Okay many of you already knew me so I'm professor Jones and I'd be teaching you the Art's and Craft in this semester and don't worry about failing my subject I mean I could always welcome you here if you come back" with a teasing smirk she warned everyone whilst keeping it in a playful way.

"So before we start with anything is there anyone new to this class?" Her question instantly make me tense up, I exactly knew where this is going.

Sighing to myself defenselessly I raise my hand.

Her eyes gaze upon me and an instant smile was on her face.

"Really miss you're new? Well then can you please introduce yourself and tell us anything that's interesting about you"

I could literally feel every eyes on me but it's cool it's not that I'm an introvert person or anything.

Taking a vivid deep breath I stand up from my chair and walk in the front.

"Hello everyone my name is y/f/n I'm twenty two years old and I'm originally from Miami-"

"Really baby!? I'm originally from Miami too can I have your number now!"

A sudden yell from someone interrupts me and caught my attention. My eyes darted to a familiar green eyes across the room whose currently giving me weird smile and stares.

How did she even get in here? And why I didn't notice it.

"Miss jauregui what are you doing here? This is not even your class" Mrs. Jones said and everyone laugh while looking at the girl, Lauren didn't hesitate to stand up and just leave but instead she lean her back comfortably on the chair and place her feet on the other person's desk who seems to can't do anything about it.

"As of now I want it to be my class" she retorted confidently while continuously looking at me not even dropping her gaze off.

Ugh her sassiness won't get her anywhere.

"Lauren! Feet off of the table now and get out of my class!"  Mrs. Jones yelled angrily and Lauren rolling her eyes slowly take her feet off of the table.

"Just leave and bother someone else jauregui!" Gigi suddenly spoke out.

This time Lauren look at her annoyed "I'm not here for you Hadid so shut it"

Gazing back at me our eyes locked and I suddenly felt a weird tingling in my tummy. She flashes a smile before muttering "I'm here for her"

Sudden 'oohs' we're rummaging around the room and I could feel embarrassment taking over me.

"Lauren jauregui! I'm gonna call your father if you don't go now I swear you wouldn't want me to do it" the professor warn and I notice how her facial expression suddenly change, she's clenching her jaw and she seems to be really angry for some reason.

"Do it I'm not scared" she challenge with a laugh.

Sighing to myself I decided to speak just to end this crazy scene already.

"Miss I think you should just go" I said without any hesitation and she look at me with a smile. Not as surprise as before tho I thought she was gonna punch me earlier for snapping at her like that.

The girl stand up from the chair and walk forward.

"Fine I'll go since I already know your name" she wink playfully before turning around and doing a back wave at me.

"See you around y/n"

The last part she utter which is my name made me tense up a bit.

This girl is surely something else.

I look back at Gigi whose frowning at me and the whole class seemed to be still fussed about my introduction getting interrupted.

I went back to my seat and try to take my mind away from Lauren as the class starts and went on painfully slow.

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