Forty two

714 17 12

Lauren's point of view

I quickly opened the door of my house as soon as I arrived and hurriedly slammed it closed before rushing to my room. Without caring I threw myself in the bed before grabbing a pillow and screaming onto it.


As so it was high pitch, ahh well very much clear that it was out of the intention. Damn it.

I can't believe I kiss her and then suddenly tell her that I mistook her for being y/n? Of course I knew who I kissed, we had ramen! It's not like I'm drunk. She's just so slow as always.

But now that I've actually made myself clear to her, I don't think we can face one another just yet it's just too much. Well at least for me.

A heavy sigh escape from my mouth before I bring both my legs up to the bed, I move my body against the headboard and slowly look through the view of my window. Dull...but it's still there.

Just dark.

Very dark.

"What will I do now?" I questioned myself whilst feeling the pressure getting into me. I couldn't tell her because just as I expected she wouldn't understand.

Besides this changes the woman I like since years, knowing she actually like...y/n?

Although she didn't confirm it...she just said she think. But the fact that she just knew her maybe she just said that because I kissed her?..well personally I think y/n is very fact...what if I'm actually attracted to the both of them. Would that make sense?

Damn it, this is absolutely not my fault. Why are women attractive anyways?

I lay myself down against the bed again before closing my eyes for the moment, but just then my phone suddenly vibrated which grabbed my attention, I pulled it out and check my message surprised to see y/n's name.

Y/n: did you and gi had a good conversation? I hope I did the right thing leaving and y'all didn't tear off one another's head

I squint my eyes surprised at the message before I slipped out a scoff. Wow. So she left not because of an emergency? Well Gigi was quite worried about her when she text like that, and me too I won't lie.

She's quite a very curious woman, she seems to be known to what's happening around, she's not naive like I expected I guess that's what makes her unique. She tend to look at something and speculate an observation instantly.

I smile lightly before laying myself down on the bed and closing my eyes. Maybe I should just sleep this off, it's getting late as well. For tomorrow

We'll see how I will face the both of them knowing that I am genuinely attracted to one, and I'm starting to get intrigue with the other.

How fun is it.


(In the morning)

My phone started ringing which automatically made me stirred up in bed, I slowly opened my eyes and felt the warm rays of the sun that's already creeping through my face.

I rubbed my eyes before grabbing my phone and answering the call.

"It's freaking morning can't I get a good sleep?" I asked with a heavy sigh and a familiar voice came through the phone.

"There's an orientation today where are you?" I heard a stern voice and that's only when I realized that I'm already speaking with the head of all masters.

"Dad, I'm your child, don't you think I deserve a little bit of love?" I questioned and he scoff at me "if you only would've study well like your brother and sister then probably you are already in other country's like them" he let out and I dimmed my eyes and scoff "here we go with the comparing the morning really? You used to do it in afternoon or nights" I said and he didn't seem to very much like the answer.

"Get your shits together and come to the school now I won't tell it again Lauren, this summer camp is the only thing that came save you from your failed performances" he said before hanging up the phone and man how I want to just graduate and get my life over with.

Imagine it.

I have my father who owns the school, whose the head of the school and everything yet I can't get the things that I want? Neither can I do those that I want.

Sometimes I feel like this life isn't really for me but how I hate drama so I will just settle it. I quickly sit myself down on the bed before stroking my hair back.

Remembering last night's events, well I knew It would've been unlikely for me to get embarrassed about it so I might as well just use it against Gigi right?

Afterall I meant my words that moment.

If we wouldn't be good friends, then I'll be her good enemy.


Once I finished setting up myself and everything else I quickly make my clear way to the garage and head by the car to drive my way to the school.

I wasn't really planning to join this summer camp whatsoever but knowing that Gigi is very active with such kind of event It's the only reason why I joined and this summer...well since it seems that I have more than one reason to go. I'm taking it as a challenge.

As time passed by, I finally head inside the gate of the campus and I could see every students wondering around the field and some by the corridor and it still surprises me why all these people wanted to waste their life learning In a school when they could do something much more meaningful with it..

I pulled over and get off the car before grabbing my bag which is empty by the way, it's not filled with anything except my sass, humor, and charm.

Walking by the entrance I notice a teacher that's coming out.

"Lauren...I'm surprised you still constantly go here, proceed to the gymnasium we're having orientation about the summer camp, you might as well want to listen to it" she said and I hummed "trust me it's the last thing that's keeping me going in this place" I trailed out before I heard the first bell ring and so I walk my way to the hall and went straight to the court.

Once I head inside, I'm instantly greeted by all the people that's gathered inside.

"Wow...all these students wants to participate in this camp?" I scoff out seeing quite a huge number of people.

Damn it, I hate people but I don't see a reason why I shouldn't join.

"Lauren..." I suddenly heard my name was being called which grabbed my attention and I turn around to see Gigi by surprise. Well I didn't expect she would have approach me after what happened last night.

"Well this is new" I smile cheekily and she rolled her eyes at me "oh shut up I'm only here to ask if you've seen y/n? I haven't seen her since I got here" she said looking flustered and worried.

"Hmm...I'm sure she's just somewhere Around the crowd jelena" I teased and she instantly shot me a glare "I highly doubt that, she wasn't interested in going so she might as well skip the orientation. I should've really went to her house yesterday night" she said followed by a heavy sigh.

"Oh come on Gigi, you heard what she said... she'll join but if the both of us get along" I said and she instantly gave me a ridiculous look.

"You're not serious" she said with such hesitation.

"I want her to join and you want her to join all there's left for us is to show her that we are doing well around each other then she'll decide to join...come on gi.." I chuckle and she crossed her arms still hesitating.

"Don't call me that, only y/n call me g"

"We have one week before the summer camp. Should we start working on it?" I asked before standing beside her And wrapping my arms around her shoulder which she quickly removed.

"Fuck...fine...but I am not letting you touch me...we can talk, that's all only because I wanted her to join" she said before turning around and walking away and I watch her leave with quite an attitude which caused me to smile.

Well at least we still get to see each other.

This will be exciting somehow as I can predict.

A/n: Sorry for any mistakes in grammar. Trust me I had to read my own story from the beginning to update 🤪

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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