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"Fine just talk"

Words couldn't properly come out from my mouth, I sigh defenselessly knowing that the woman wouldn't leave unless we make a conversation.

As much as possible I want to oblige to what Gigi had told me which is to stay away from her, I don't even know how with her annoying ass coming after me.

"What now?" I asked irritably.

Lauren whose currently smiling at me like a crazy ass continue to stare with her emerald green eyes.

"Don't look at me like that" I told her withdrawing my sight away from the girl.

She giggle "looking at you like what?" She raise an eyebrow as if she want the words to come out from my mouth.

Could she get any more annoying?

"Nevermind" I roll my eyes and open my book once again thinking that I could finally go back to reading but too bad Lauren steal my book again

"You're not even talking to me" she retorted with arms crossed.

"Because I told you I don't want to talk" I said and she took her eyes to the side whilst lean her back on the chair before gazing back at me.

"That's not true you're just not talking to me because Hadid told you not too"

Well that's the reason too.

"That's true but also it's my choice to not to talk to you so don't blame Gigi" Lauren scoff feigning a surprise look

"Aren't you even curious who am I?" She asked and the same curiosity came back to me again but of course I won't tell her that I'm curious to know her she's way too sassy and conceited already.

I don't want her head to get big.

I shrug my shoulders in uncertainty then grab my bag hoping to get out of the library as soon as possible.

"Hey no! Where are you going?" Lauren asked upset as I stand up from the chair with my bag already hanging on my back.

"I have to get back to class" I told her.

The green eyed girl purses her lips and it soon turn into a smirk "liar you still have an hour and a half break".

My eyes widen "how do you know-" I was surprised.

Was she peeking over my schedule or something?

But I am sure that I have kept my schedule inside my bag so she can't see it.

"I have a off period too baby" chewing on her bottom lip, lauren lean her back against the chair again.

"Whatever I'm still going" I said and adjust my bag before stepping off and walking but before i could even take a couple of steps I trip accidentally to Lauren's feet which seems to be intentionally planed to be move forward as soon as I took a step.

Luckily I didn't fall because she got me on her arms keeping me on my balance.

"Caught you" she chuckle playfully.

I irritably push her off of me and fix myself

"Attitude much girl? I just helped you" she utter out sassily then flip her hair to the side.

"Yeah you helped me after Intentionally tripping me" I gave her a sarcastic laugh before turning around and walking past by the shelves if I'm not gonna be able to read books in here peacefully then I'll just borrow a book.

Just as I continue to look upon the shelves I grab the book and saw Lauren on the other side of the same shelf.

She smile at me which is making me even more annoyed I bring back the book and walk again to take another book but then again lauren was still following my actions.

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