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Mavi's point of view

A heavy sigh escape my mouth as a cold wind came wooshing through me, my skin instantly shivers.

"Damn it, if I knew it would've been this cold out at night I should've brought my jacket" I mumble to myself but then the instant warmth came to me as I finally stopped by in front of the ramen shop.

The aroma of the noodles being boiled is really something, along with the broth that's poured within it. My stomach growl which caused me to giggle and decided to walk forth and open the door.

My gaze automatically narrow through the people that's inside and surprisingly there's no much customers so I'm guessing that people prefer to cook by themselves. And for the lazy me. Well don't blame I like myself some good fresh food to be eaten outside.

"Good evening what can I get you?" The man asked and I look at him before moving my sight up to the menu.

"What are the deals here? I mean is there... affordable one?" I asked instantly looking at the price.

I mean I don't know if it's just me, but when I have money my focus would be on the item that I wanted to get whether that's food or things, but when I don't have money which is usually common.

I always...I would always look at the price first before the item. It's quite a rule.

"Well if you want a cheaper one don't worry because we got it covered, it's supreme bowl you will have every toppings you desire for only 1 dollar and 50 cents" he said and my eyes squinted wide "a dollar!?" I asked surprised and the man nod.

"Is there...a problem?"

"Why is it so cheap?" I asked.

I'm not complaining. I'm just stunned.

Nowadays there's nothing cheap everything must be valued with wise usage of money.

"Our shop is not very big, and we do not get customers often, but despite that we wanted to make the list and prices very affordable and friendly" he said and I slipped out a light smile before slowly nodding my head and pulling out my wallet.

"Well if that's so then I will get one bowl of it please" I said with a smile as i bring out my bill and place it on the counter.

"Would you like to wait for 5 minutes while we are preparing your ramen?" He asked and I smile before humming "of course that would be no problem".

"Oh wait, is it take out or dine in?" He asked again.

"What the hell?...y/n went out already!"


My eyes automatically softens upon hearing familiar name, I slowly turn my head and look at two unknown girls whose currently having some kind of debate, but they quickly stand up and turn around.

"Wait for me!" One woman exclaimed while the other head out first.

They said y/n.

But that would've been an accident was it? It could be just a coincidence? Out of millions of can one be the same.

"Miss? Is it take out or you will eat here?" The man asked again and I didn't realize that I haven't answer yet so I look back and gave the man a gaze.

"Uhm can I take it out?" I asked and he nod his head "of course, hold on we will prepare it" he said before turning around again and walking away as for me my whole body adjusted and turn back to see that the two woman from earlier isn't around anymore so I quickly rushed outside and tried to look for them but they're nowhere to be found.

Come think of it for myself.

I came here to look for y/n, it's been two days since I'm here but I still haven't found her, now I came around a place and suddenly heard her name.

How small could this world be?

Maybe it's not an accident after all.

Another shaky breath came out of my mouth and I decided to walk back inside the shop, while waiting I take a sit down on the chair and pulled out my phone.

She didn't have the same number as she used to...we were very little...we barely know how to use phones, we used to hang out everyday that we don't even need to use mobile to connect with one another. But now I wished i really opened that door when she was knocking.

Not knowing she was going to say goodbye.

We didn't really get to fix some things between us, I guess that's another reason why I badly wanted to see her. I know our friendship were not supposed to be left out.

Neither of us walked away from it, but I guess there was a whole pride standing in between the both of us.

Flashback Several years ago...

"Can we please talk?" Y/n asked and I crossed my arms at the woman not exactly wanting to have certain conversation.

"Mavi" she called out and I irritatedly groaned before turning to her "oh now you want to talk to me?" I asked and she look at me dull in the eyes "I'm sorry okay?" She let out but with such tone I didn't quite take it as something very genuine.

"You're sorry? For ignoring me for several days? Y/n it was my birthday! And you didn't even think about it" I exclaimed and I didn't exactly understand what's the thing that's coming between the both of us. But I notice how was she.



Very far away as we're known to be close

"I'm sorry I didn't forget your birthday, I think about it always but..."

I waited for her to answer but instead she only sigh and look away "you wouldn't understand" she trailed out and I take a step forward to her "why wouldn't you tell me aren't we friends?" I questioned and she nod her head, without looking at me through the eyes.

But despite that I understand her situation at least I tried to.

"You can tell me anything...why wouldn't you?" I asked.

"Because we're both just going to be in complicated situation" she said and I become more confused

"Y/n! We're high schoolers! High school is hell actually school itself is and we still attend together isn't that complicated?"

"This is more serious mav" she said and I sigh at her. My body temperature is already raising and my temper is not going to hold itself any time longer.

"Talk to me when you're ready to tell me everything, I'll listen. But when I don't open the door for you that means I need a time off" I said before walking away from her.

I would've consulted to her mother but, I suppose I wanted reasons and words to come out from her.

Days passed by that time...and little did I know she was actually packing with her parents...filing all that documents to leave...and that day she came to say goodbye as I suppose, she knocked...three times as I remember. But as week pass through waiting for her I got tired and told myself, I will just wait for a day for myself to calm then I will speak with her.

But then next day came...she was gone.

End of flashback...

It was probably the most regretful thing I did in my life.

"Order take out 23!"

I look at my number and stand up to pick up my meal "thank you so much please come again" he said politely and i smile before nodding my head.

"I will...most probably.."

After all I'm not going away anytime soon.

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