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"Y/n dear stop biting that pen of yours it's not gonna make you full" Mom said before grabbing the pen from my hand the putting it back down on the table.

I didn't even realize that I was eating the pen already I was just peacefully doing my homework while my mind is travelling on my own imagination.

It's eight thirty pm and here I am sitting in the counter kitchen while my mother is preparing our dinner.

"Will Dad be home late again?" I asked and she nod "yeah sweetie he had to work extra hours".

I sigh then nod understandingly sometimes you just have to understand things even if they don't make so much sense.

"I'm just going to bed" I said then grab my stuffs on the table.

"Alright hun I'd call you when the food's ready"

I hold my notebooks and other stuffs as I make my way to my room.

I open the door and get inside before placing my things on top of my study table then open my lamp.

I grab my phone which was on the bed and take a sit on the floor while my back is leaning against the foam.

As I open my phone I notice that Gigi had message me so I decided to reply.

Gigi: Good evening y/n! 😊

: Good evening g 👋

Gigi: how's your night going? Have you eat dinner?

: It was good and not yet but in few I will

Gigi: aw okay that's awesome

: How about you?

Gigi: I just got home cause I went to my friend's house

Gigi: it's your day off tomorrow yeah?

Woah she knew about my day off?

She's the one who get your schedule idiot.

: Yeah it's my off yay lol

Gigi: lucky I wish I have day off too

: If I could I'll give you mine

Don't think I'm flirting cause I have zero skills at that (lies lol)

Gigi: nah it's cool just enjoy your day oh by the way cara mention me that you've talked at the library

: Yeah we did

Gigi: that's cool well its her day off tomorrow too so if you want to maybe hang out with her you can text her here *insert number*

I was surprised to see her give me her friend's number I mean...woah. she's not hooking me up or anything tho right?

: Did she even approve that you can give me her number? Lol

Gigi: oh trust me y/n she want me to give you her number ;)

It's a wink! It's a fucking wink! Oh no.

Hooking up alert.


Gigi: or maybe you don't have to take it. You don't have to message her it wasn't necessary I mean you both can hang out sometimes maybe when it's my day off too so it'll be three of us

Well that sounds more better but also I won't be doing anything much tomorrow so maybe we could get some ice cream or anything.

After all we haven't known each other very well yet, then it will be a great opportunity.

: I mean I don't mind hanging out with cara

Gigi: oh okay

"Y/n dear! food is ready" mom called out so I decided to excuse myself from Gigi for a while.

: Gotta eat! Talk to you later g

I closed my phone then place it on the bed while making my way downstairs to eat because I'm hella starving.

I sat on the table and mom assist me giving me my food.

I took a spoonful and chew deliciously.

"So y/n...when are you getting boyfriend dear"




"Oh sorry dear I got it wrong I mean when are you getting a girlfriend?" Mom asked teasingly before handing me a glass of water.

"Mom it's way too early for that let me eat peacefully first" I said once I regain my voice from coughing tremendously.

"Alright dear you can eat first" she chuckled then we eat peacefully.


The dinner was finished with my mother annoying and teasing me so much, now she's more like a Lauren jauregui is my sight.

Wait no.

She's my mother ugh why am I even thinking about Lauren?

"You told me you want to get to know me so you should do it"

"First thing you need to do is stop listening to Gigi's outburst about me"

"You're really different"



I groaned frustratedly and buried my head on the pillow. This girl's surely not gonna make me sleep tonight.

I sat up straight on my bed and start to wonder why does my mind keeps lingering about her.

Am I just really curious about her?

I mean I do really want to get to know her but I feel like there's something holding me back from doing so.

Ugh she's giving me insomnia.

Her green eyes

Her hair

Her smirk

Her laugh

Her eyebrows

Her smile

It's all mixed up in my head.

"Lauren jauregui who are you?"

A/n: I had insomnia last night dangggg it was so bad I swear.

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