Thirty Eight

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Lauren's point of view

I held y/n's hand which caused her to look at me surprised.

"Don't go" I said and she continuously look at my face and it made me feels weird. Her eyes gazing up on me like that.

" can let go now I think I can stay for a little bit" she said and realizing that I'm still holding her hand I let go before backing up a little bit.

"Hey you made it" Gigi said before I watch as she walk towards y/n and gave her a hug.

But me? She questioned me what am I doing here.

I mean it's not my mistake right? So I'm assuming that the person she meant to meet up with here is y/n and not me. That's a very nice coincidence.

But I can't possibly back away now right? I'm already here and it's going to be so awkward besides y/n is here I also wanted to catch up with her.

If Gigi meants to have the night with her then I'm sure she don't mind if I tag along.

"Lauren are you not going home yet?" Gigi asked giving me a look and I let out a smile at her because I know it will annoy her.

"What? Why? No don't go home I mean we're already here why would she go home" y/n mumble before scrunching her nose up cutely.

"Yeah Gigi we're already here" I said and she give me a death glare.

"Guys chill out" y/n mentioned.

"Ya know I really don't understand what's up with the both of you, and I think this is a great chance to catch up so how about we go to that Chinese food truck I just pass by at because I haven't eat yet" she giggle with a smile.

I chuckle before shoving my hand in the pocket of my hoodie "sounds good to should ask Gigi y/n she looks like an angry bird over there" I joked and the woman scoffed at me while raising an eyebrow.

"Come on calm down... let's asses this and leave whatever madness is it you two have here and let's just sit there and eat" she said before holding her bike as she's ready to walk it with us.

"Let's go" she said and since we don't have any choice, Gigi me and y/n are already here we just decided to walk with her.

So basically it's like me on the right, Jelena on the left and y/n is on our middle while walking.

"Why dont you just ride it?" Gigi asked referring to the bike y/n is holding while walking it along.

The girl shook her head and flash her a smile "nah I'd rather walk it if I ride and leave you two you guys might fight again so nah" she said it makes me smile to know that she's concern even if she don't know what's our status or what's even this all about.

I know how eager she is to understand but at the same time she still respect both me and Gigi's space and privacy.

"Did Gigi call you to come as well y/n?" I find myself asking just to get her attention, and successfully she look at me with a nod "yeah I actually didn't expect you'd be here too but it's good. I was about to go because I thought she got it wrong and called me instead. And I didn't want to disturb any discussion of y'all" she explained and I watch as Gigi tense up on the other side.

"Don't worry you didn't interrupt anything" I chuckle.

Well because it's the truth.

"No discussion was disturbed...there was even no conversation happened" i said muttering the last part and y/n confusedly raise an eyebrow "I'm sorry what?".

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