Thirty Seven

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Gigi's point of view

I rolled onto the bed before another sigh escape my lips. My gaze wander to the wall clock and notice that the time is already 8:17 pm.

It's still early right? Early but night.

I wonder if she got home safely...damn it I just left her there to take cab, I shouldn't let my disappointment out on her.

I was just surprised when she brought the topic up and I didn't expect that my mood will instantly change as flashback went drawing inside my head from our conversation that time.

It just feels so unacceptable, all her lies and alibis.

I'm tired of it.

But y/n doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

I quickly sit up on my bed before grabbing the phone and dialing her number, I'm not sure if she's still up at this moment but I hope she is.

After a few rings surprisingly she picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice sounded so sweet as always as if she had just woken up or something.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Wait whose this?" She said confusedly and I think she forgot to check the user ID before answering so she's surprised when she realized it "oh Gigi hey..I'm sorry I'm focused on changing" she giggle through the other line.

"Did you just got home y/n?" I asked.

"Yeah I just arrive a few moment ago" she said.

She got home late because of me?. Now I feel 101% bad.

"Did you took long time to get a cab back home?" I questioned.

"No gi it's not like that some things just came up and I have to deal with them so it took me awhile to get home" she explained and I sigh in relief "I see I'm glad you're back safely tho" I told her.

"Thank you, by the way how are you? Are you doing good? Do you need anything?" She question and I can't believe how soft her voice could sound like as she approach me even tho she knows how I acted out earlier.

"Yeah y/n I'm fine...I just well I wanted to say sorry" I told her.

"Sorry? About?" She asked.

But when I was about to answer my phone started ringing again which got me confused and I pull my mobile away to look and saw Lauren's contact flashed in my screen.

I rolled my eyes...don't get me wrong the only reason why I have her number save is for school things.

And the fact that I can't afford to block or delete her because that's going to be such a shame I'm not that low.

Anyways I went back on the call with y/n.


Wait what button did I tap earlier when Lauren was calling? Was it decline?..I shook off the thought and just don't mind it... probably decline.


"Are you still there?".

"Yeah gi I'm here" she said which made me smile.

"Alright so back to what I was saying...I want to apologize about what happened earlier...I mean I acted out really badly I'm just disappointed and I didn't mean to act like that to you and I'm really sorry".

A little silence came through which got me confused. Why is she not saying anything?.

"Actually can we meet up right now?I wanted to talk to you" I asked.

"Huh? Right now? Are you sure? It's like already night" she mumble.

"It's okay it's still early tho we'll be fine" I assured her.

"Aw okay well where are we going to meet?" She asked.

"Let's meet up at the 24th park in the east street" I told her and she hummed "alright I'll see you there thank you so much for giving me chance" I heard a different voice came through which made me furrow my eyebrows I look at the contact and see the call with y/n is still on going.

Why her voice suddenly sounded different.

"See you gi!" She exclaimed before hanging up the phone.

That was weird but okay.

I quickly hop off of the bed and grabbed a sweater in the cabinet before rushing out of my room and heading outside, I made sure to lock my door and everything securely before walking my way into the park. It's a little bit distant from y/n's place and I don't know how she's going to get here but I'm just happy that she agreed to meet with me.

While walking the street lights are so bright which makes it somehow safe to walk alone.

I shove my hands inside my pocket before walking faster. The coldness of the night is still getting in my face and head.

I should've bought a beanie.

Few more moments of walking I finally stop by in front of the park and my eyes gaze up seeing a familiar silhouette up front but it's not quite whom I expected to see.

"Lauren?" I said and she look at me.

"Hey" she let out.

I felt my jaw clenching again but I'm trying so hard to supress my emotion.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

She let out a laugh "what do you mean what am I doing here?. You said you wanted to meet" she said and I furrow my eyebrows "excuse me? When did I ever say that?".

"Earlier? In call" she mumble.

"You said your sorry for what happened and it's okay it's not your fault I don't blame you let's just talk things out properly now Gigi" she said and my eyes widen in disbelief.

"I decline your call" I said and soon realization hit me.

I wasnt sure was it decline or answer that I tap because I was eager to get back in the call with y/n.

"Shit" I muttered under my breath

"If you weren't talking to me then who were you talking to?" She asked curiously and when I was about to open my mouth to speak sudden breaks came in which caught both our attention

We turn around and look up to see y/n in a bicycle looking at us.

"Uhm...don't mind me... I'm just passing by...I'm gonna get going" she said and was about to pedal away but Lauren stopped her.

It's too late to back away now is it?. I didn't expect this to be some kind of twisted, I meant this meet up for me and y/n only. 

Now there's the three of us.

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