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The nurse was behind as Mr. Jauregui got inside the room.

"How's everything here?" He asked...seemingly hearing the familiar voice of his father Lauren got up in an instant and turn to him.

"S-sir" Lauren nervously shuttered out.

I notice that Lauren had her hands holding onto my arms which she's been squeezing lightly I could sense her tension so I just let her hold me.

It doesn't hurt just a bit.

"Are you feeling alright Lauren?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah but I'm a little dizzy" she answered whilst looking down, it's like all of sudden she loss all of her confidence she's like a calm nervous shy person now.

"Let me see your head" Mr. Jauregui approached her so I made a step away which made Lauren let go of my arms.

Her father tucked out hair from her forehead to see a better look, Lauren was looking at me that moment her father was checking her and I could tell that she's extremely nervous so I gave her a smile and thumbs up to at least soothe her feelings.

"Does this hurt?" Her father asked while gently caressing her bandaged arms. This time Lauren look at him and nod "a little bit" she lowly answer.

I feel like they're not in a very good term I mean her and her father it's like they're near but they're apart.

What I'm seeing right now is her other side, which was kinda surprising since she's always been this sassy feisty crazy annoying and all type, few would be impatient to read her so they might've won't notice her soft side.

But overall I think she's nice.

Chapter one is done.

"Y/n you should get back to your class" the nurse told me and I was once again pulled back in the real world.

I blink multiple times and realize that I'm still inside the room and Lauren and her father is still talking.

"Oh yeah right right thanks" I mumble and adjust my bag at my back before turning.

"Ms. Y/l/n" I tensed up as my name was being called by him.

But I can't be rude so I turned back around slowly.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Thank you for looking after my daughter" he smile at me with a thankful gesture.

"It's a no problem sir".

"Would you mind if you stay with her until the day is over? I still have things to handle I'll be back once the school is over and take her home" he asked and my gaze drop to Lauren whose smiling cheekily whilst looking down.

Geez I can't say no can't i?.

"Don't worry about your classes cause I already excused you to all of it" he added.

I scratch the back of my neck and nod "yeah sir...I-ill stay with her".

He nod before turning his attention back to his daughter "I'll be back later take some rest and try to get sleep so your head will be alright I'll send food in here so you both could eat lunch".

Lauren nod still seems to be hesitant on looking his father. Mr. Jauregui gave her a kiss on the forehead before turning around.

"Thank you Ms. Y/l/n and also I'm sorry for the disturbance I'd be sure tomorrow you'll get every lessons you missed".

I smile and nod at him "yeah sir thank you".

Well if I have to be excused for almost every class then I don't mind watching lauren everyday.

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