Thirty nine

571 13 3

Your point of view

"Mhm this is really good" I let out whilst gazing my eyes down on the noodles that I'm currently eating but slowly looking up I notice how the both women are still in depth tension that I don't really understand.

I let out a sigh

"Are you both not going to eat?" I asked and Gigi look at me first before smiling and her gaze dropped down to my bowl that's almost empty.

"Are you still hungry? You can have mine I'm not really hungry tho" she said before grabbing a tissue and slowly adjusting her bowl of noodles to be pushed towards me. I squint my eyes surprised and quickly shook my head "no no! It's okay I'm just asking if you two we're not going to eat" I repeated and she only insisted to give me her food.

Well if she said so I don't see reason why I shouldn't eat it right?

"You can have mine too" Lauren said and I quiver my lips before looking at her much confusedly since she was eating fine slowly.

"No thank you" I trailed out and she raise an eyebrow at me "why not? You took jelena's" she said and the other girl instantly scoff "don't call me that".

Well damn they sure do know how to piss off one another.

"I can eat gi's food because she didn't touched it but you, you already ate some of yours" I said and Lauren look at me in disbelief before smiling only and pulling the bowl back to herself and continuously eating it.

"You want?" I asked gigi whose giggling while watching me eat and she only shook her head and gesturing for me to enjoy my food.

"So about the summer camp...will you really go?" She asked and even though I haven't directly look I could sense jauregui's eyes lingering through me as if it's spying waiting for my answer.

Well this night out is very crowded for a three, and two who couldn't even get along but I'll let them think about my offer.

If they really wanted me to come to that camp then I suppose I need to see changes between the both of them. I really am curious about their relationship...they seem to be close before I don't know what happened now, well if that's the case then maybe their friendship could still be restored.

Who knows I can fix it?

That'll grant me a real peace of mind.

"I already said...I'll only join if you both get along" I let out again and once more received certain silence from the two.

Out of nowhere my phone start to ring which grabbed my attention, I quickly pulled it out and notice my mother's name flashed through my screen so I quickly stand up and they both intriguingly look at me.

"Relax girls I will just answer this call, god damn it's like I have bodyguards" I chuckle before patting both their shoulders and turning around as I head to the bathroom for the moment to answer the call and as well to use it since I've had quite a lot in my stomach.

Upon opening the door I get into one stall before I answered the call.

"Hello mum" I greeted.

"Y/n? Where are you?" She asked and I rest my palms flat against my lap while listening to her voice.

"I'm just outside with some friends, they offer me to eat at this noodle house" I trailed out and I received some sort of relief by her voice.

"Oh... you have friends... that's great" she said and I can't help but to chuckle before humming "of course I have...wait...did you think I didn't have any friends since we moved?" I questioned and the woman slipped out a small laughter "of course not, I'm just worried that you're having a hard time adjusting and mavi is-"

I paused for the moment remembering about the woman that still feel so familiar to me.

"Please don't talk about her now" I said cutting off her statement and she instantly didn't proceed probably knowing the pain that was brought up to me from moving and moving.

Once I was fine moving houses in the same country. Same city. Then it somehow changes.

And the fact that out of all friends that could have been made...I made one...a very special one and unexpected departure made it extremly isolated.

It's still hard until now.

"Y/n... I'm sure you'll be alright" she trailed out and I smile softly before lowering my head and letting out a heavy breath "yes of course I will be" I said before standing up and stepping outside of the bathroom stall.

"Why did you call by the way do you need anything? Is everything okay?" I asked and she hummed in an instance.

"Is that y/n? Is she coming home?" I heard a familiar voice on the other line it was so close.

"Is that dad? Is he home!?" I asked surprised and she chuckle at my excitement "yes, I called because your father well he came home and he was looking for you, I thought you're in your room sleeping, he'll be home until whole day tomorrow, his boss gave him some time off" she said and I hummed

A one day time off from work...well I guess that's not so bad than nothing at all.

"I'll come home! I want to see him" I said.

"Are you sure? What about your friends?" She asked.

"They'll understand, also we'll see each other at school anyways" I uttered and after a couple of more discussion we decided to hang up and I slid my phone inside my pocket before looking up through the mirror to reflect quite excitement and joy through me.

I merely have my family completed, I can't possibly miss the chance.

Hurriedly heading outside of the door I was about to walk back to our table but upon moving closer I quickly stopped as I watched the both woman interact.

Smiling at one another?

Well I can't say if it's genuine. I quickly move myself further back again in a manner that they won't see me since I don't want to interrupt their interaction.

Actually...why do I feel like when I try to get them closer again, my presence somehow...disrupt it?

I can't even call them my friends... it's only been weeks and I can't rely my attachments again. I don't know them yet, and they don't know me yet.

Who knows it's better that way.

I used the backdoor to make my exit and decided to message them that I already head out first due to sudden emergency. I mean it's not like I wanted to eat and run.

But I think the both of them should really do a catch up. Maybe the next day something will change.

Maybe the three of us can hang out without feeling too much tension...and as for me I'd go home to my family which is complete tonight until tomorrow and hopefully their mere presence is enough to distract me from the fact that I left my whole childhood aside including her.

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