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I watched as the blonde haired girl pushed herself off from leaning against the wall and walk towards me with a blank expression.

Couldn't tell if she's mad because I was with Lauren the whole day or is she fine with it or else or whatever. Maybe she doesn't care? I don't know.

"Are you ready to go now?" She asked in seems her normal tone.

I nod "yeah sure".

Then we both turn around at the same time while walking out way through the halls literally feeling that awkward breeze and silence flowing through the air. Damn it.

"How are you?" She asked again, I didn't look and said "I'm okay how about you?".

"Eh I'm alright a little disappointed tho" she confessed and thoughts starts to circle on my mind was it because the fact that I was with Lauren? Or was it something else?.

Should I ask?

Nah i'm somehow scared.

I should just say sorry.

Yeah that's it. Say sorry even if I don't know what I did.

"Sorry Gigi".

We reached the spot where she park her car and she slowly open the passenger door before turning to me.

"Get in" she softly muttered with a smile. So I get inside her car while she gets in the driver seat, comfortably settling down herself before she start the engine.

I'm still unsure how I end up here with her, but since it's a free ride I won't complain.

She drives off and it starts to become silent as hell again.

Well except for the song playing on the radio. 

"So is she okay?" Gigi suddenly ask which grab my attention.

Unaware I catch up with what she said "huh?"

Without turning at me since she's busy driving she asked again " she okay?".

To say I'm surprised would be the total right word to express how I feel today full of fucking surprises and strange happenings. She's suddenly asking how's Lauren odd right?.

"I um..." I couldn't even let out the right sentences out my mouth, I clear my throat before speaking again "she's fine got a few bruises but she's alright".

"Yeah because you just help aiding her" her voice suddenly became serious.

"I help because she looks to be in so much trouble I can't just watch her get beaten there" the fact that I must be taking Lauren's side right now would be a total understatement, I don't stand either of their side but it's the right thing to do right? I mean if someone's in trouble won't you help them?.

"She's an idiot...she always act so strong..she thought she could handle everything but she's so weak... she's a coward".

Gigi is focused on the road still, while talking about Lauren and the way she let those words out her mouth, somehow It gives me a hint that she actually cares for her.

It's like she knew her for so long.

"Gigi I-" I started out

"Y/n listen" she suddenly blurted out as if she knew I was gonna ask something about her and Lauren again.

"I was too stupid to tell you to stay away from Lauren... because I know no matter how you tried she'll always make a move to talk to you so I won't tell you again to stay away from her but trust me that she's not the person you would want to hang out with"

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