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"Vives are you ready!? What took you so long?" I groaned while leaning against the car waiting for my slow turtle ass friend.

"We're just getting ice cream we're not going on a fashion show" I roll my eyes as she come out wearing an off shoulder and a black and white stripe long pants with shades on a fashion hat.

Looking like a literal model.

"It's hot what do you expect I need protection" she said sassily before handing me her bag then getting on the Passengers seat.

Damn this girl really insist for me to be her maid.


I hop inside the driver's seat then start the engine driving off to the nearest and best Ice cream shop in the town.

Day off's like this could never be better. Just chilling and hanging out with friends ugh this is life.

Sometimes it helps me to run away from my problems, for now only Lucy knew about my struggles and it's a good thing cause she's always there for me.

When family can't even support me on what I want I decide to be independent and just don't open up.

It's scary to open up duh it's like you want to say something but nobody's even listening.

"Lauren are you okay?" Lucy asked while tapping on my shoulder.

I blink my eyes then look at her "huh? yeah I'm fine".

"You're overthinking again seriously stop it it's not good for you" she reminded me with a soothing rub on my back.

I let out a laugh "Lucy I'm fine"

"I know you're not"

She stubborn as fuck.

"I'm fine now shut up" I chuckle and receive another hard smack from her.

She always remind me to forget about things that makes me so anxious for a while and just enjoy what I do now.

It's pretty hard to do but when I do it has the greatest comeback at me.

People judge for what they see outside me and none make an effort to see what's inside me.

Well except for y/n...

I really think she's different. The first time I saw her makes me feel like I want to know her.

Her vibe is somewhat rare and really unique.

And the fact that she's beautiful and so cute when getting annoyed is just my ideal.

"Now you're smiling like an idiot"

I scrunch my nose and gaze at Lucy beside me.

"Huh?" I asked unaware.

Turning my attention back to the road she speak.

"You're smiling duh"

Oh I am? Weird.

Soon Lucy and I reached the ice cream shop downtown and I pull over the free parking spot.

It's ten in the morning and the weather is perfect for a grande cup of ice cream.

"You're treating me right Lauren?" Lucy asked giving me an angelic look.

I roll my eyes well I don't have choice tho "yeah what else can I say".

She squealed then tug happily on my arms "let's go!"

I pull the door open and let Lucy get inside first before me.

We walk towards the counter to order.

"Good day ma'am what would you like to get?"

"What do you wan?" I asked Lucy beside me whose still busy gazing up on the menu.

So I decided to give my order first "I'd have a grande cup of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup"

"Any extra toppings?"

"Um just sprinkles"

He nod and turn to Lucy "what about you ma'am?"

"I'd have strawberry flavor"


Lucy look at me with a smug smile I roll my eyes playfully before nodding at her.

"Yes grande"

"Extra toppings?"

"Marshmallow, sprinkles, syrup, chocolate bits"

Damn this girl is wild for ice cream.

I paid our ice cream and it was being prepared.

Once it's done he handed a tray to us and I carefully lift it up then take a seat on our table.

Lucy's mouth is literally watering at the sight of the ice cream.

"Dear God thank you for giving me such a great nice friend amen" she grab her cup and spoon then start riding the whole strawberry grande.

I chuckled and consume mine too before it melts.

Suddenly the door was being opened and it caught my attention for it has that bell that would ring whenever It was being open.

My gaze met the familiar figure of the girl I almost kissed yesterday.


And to my surprise she's not alone. She's with Cara aka one of Gigi's Troup.

Wait why the fudge are they together?.

I watch both of them walk towards the counter and order their ice cream.

She doesn't even notice me? Or even see me?

The guy hand him their tray and they sat on the  table not so far from ours I have perfect view of them flirting.

Oh great.

All through out I can't help but to gaze upon them they're so clingy...wait no I mean cara is so clingy.

And touchy are they even dating? What the fuck they just met.

Cara said something that makes y/n giggle or smile or laugh and it's pissing me off for some reason.

"Lauren dude you use spoon to eat not to stab the ice cream damn what's wrong with you" Lucy chuckle but I just couldn't keep my gaze away from them.

"You know them?" Lucy asked and I turn to her realizing that she's also looking at y/n and cara.

I retrieve my eyes from them and back to my ice cream instead.

"Finish your ice cream!" I said and eat my ice cream.

"Hmm seems like little Lauren for some crush"

I scoffed.

Me? Crush.


"Lucy Vives I said finish your ice cream now"

"What's her name?" She wiggle her eyebrows at me.

Ugh this girl know me too well.

"Shut up"

"Should I ask?" She tease and I glare at her "don't even dare"

"Are you daring me? Okay geez" she smirk then push herself off of the chair then stand up.

What the hell is she doing.

Before she could even walk away and towards y/n and cara I grab her wrist and pull her back down to her chair.

"Stay there"

She laughed at me whilst shaking her head "You like her don't you".

I roll my eyes and did not answer her question.

She's asking a rhetorical question.

A/n: told y'all I'll update 😋

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