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I have successfully start the book that I borrow and so far I'm enjoying it it's about a girl trying to find out who she really and what she really wants.

The book has definitely caught my attention and interest so I'm seriously gonna finish this.

I have to continue it since the bell already rings which only mean the first period off is over and I'm not on my locker collecting the things that I needed for my second class which is English and literature.

Once I've got everything I needed I walk my way to the other building to attend my class in the lecture room.

As I enter the room I didn't saw gigi anywhere so I guess she's still not in this class with me.

Sighing to myself I walk over the table behind the window at the very back which is definitely my favorite spot in the classroom.

I don't like being in front of in the middle.

Just at the back.

I place my bag on my chair at my back before I settle down pulling out a pen and a notebook ready to learn something today.

Soon cheers and chatters came in a sudden which caught my attention and as I look up Lauren walked in confidently inside looking like a queen making a royal walk in the red carpet.

Everyone literally had their mouths hanging open drooling over the woman and being so amused at her as they continuously stare at her and admire the green eyed beauty.

Not me of course...well she's really hot but I'm not like that.

I could drool

But mentally.

"We'll look whose here" she chuckle and I painfully close my eyes as she finally notice me in the room.

"Lauren aren't you gonna sit beside me!?" A random girl asked.

Lauren shook her head "sorry sweetie but I'm gonna sit with my babygirl over here" she turn to me whilst wiggling her eyebrows playfully before taking a sit beside me moving her desk and chair closer to mine.

I groan frustratedly "Scoot away Lauren!" I shot irritably.

She flash me a teasing smile "I can't lovely this is my class too".

I buried my face down on my desk groaning mentally, there's no way I'm going to avoid her today.

She's a dangerous sassy annoying ass.

A couple of more minutes the teacher had walked in holding a thick paper with her.

There's no way we're doing exam on my second day right!?

"Good afternoon everyone!"

We greeted the professor samely before settling back on our chair.

"Alright as you have notice I have so much paperwork's with me and I need to finish it and submit them asap so meanwhile I want you all to copy lecture that will be flash on the screen understood?"

"Boring" Lauren muttered beside me, I have my sight at her and notice that she's playing with the strand of her hair while unfocused and grazing her own eyes around the room.

The screen was open and texts was being flash onto the projector.

Opening my notebook I point my pen to the paper and starts to write my lecture.

"Psst y/n" Lauren called me and I heard her but I'm trying my best not to be distracted by her.

"Y/n" she tap me on my shoulder but still I didn't budge.

When I thought she gave up, something suddenly hit me on the head and a crumpled paper landed on my table.

"Read it!" Lauren muttered to me

Sighing to myself I open the paper and read the note written on it.

'you look hot when you're unfocused wink wink'

Also can I have your number?

Xoxo Lauren wink wink again'

I don't know if should I laugh or be annoyed at the note.

It was some sort of both.

It's cute but really irritating.

Crumpling the paper again I sigh and give it back to Lauren.

"You didn't even reply? How rood" Lauren said groaning a bit.

I chuckle to myself and ignore her as I continue to write lecture.


She starts calling me again.


"Y/n" she tap my shoulder again but this time multiple times.

I can't take it anymore so I look at her annoyed "what do you want Lauren?"


My eyebrows curled up in confusion

"Give me pen I'm gonna write, my pen don't work anymore"

Rolling my eyes at her I slipped my hand down to the pocket of my bag to pick up an extra pen.

I gave it to her before turning back to my notebook and writing again.

A few seconds more she call me again.

Ugh just ugh!

"What do you want now?" I asked with still the same annoyed feeling and expression.

She smile cheekily "your number?"

I shook my head in disapproval and turn my attention back to my notebook.

How long will it still take to finish this period?

How long can I still survive her annoying ass.


Giving up already I turn to her "what?"

"You're really cute"

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