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"Lauren seriously? Why we are here?" Lucy asked whilst tugging onto my arms but I just can't entertain her for now.

I'm too busy.



Nah it's more of


Yeah I'm just checking why's y/n with cara.

"If she caught you I swear you're a dead ass" Lucy chuckle beside me.

I roll my eyes before taking a look at her "you know what we're seriously gonna get caught if you don't shut the fuck up" i gave her a threatening look which made the girl roll her eyes then keep her mouth shut.

We're currently strolling inside the mall now cause Cara and y/n ended up going to the mall but like I said I ain't spying or following her I'm just checking.









"Why don't you just go to her jauregui? And ask her why she's with that bitch" Lucy laughed in a very annoying way. Cara is not a bitch tho.

I watch as cara picked out a random shirt and fit it forward to y/n before smiling at her.

I can buy like tons of that for her.

"Damn you sure you like her Lauren? She got no taste in picking clothes" Lucy brag once more, I irritatedly look at her before saying "speak one more time and I'm gonna kill you".

She laughed playfully then shook her head aware that I was only joking about that...or maybe not.

"Lauren" Lucy speak once again


I groaned frustratedly and look at her "what?" I asked annoyed.

Then I follow her gaze and realize that y/n and Cara was already beneath us.

"Jauregui fancy seeing you here" Cara greeted with a smile.

My gaze drop to her hands which was wrapped around y/n's and she seems not to be bother. Wow. They get close so fast.

"Yeah whatever" I said in annoyance.

"What's up? What are you doing here?" She asked and Lucy broke into laughter and giggle beside me.

I shot her a glare before turning back at the two

"None of your business".

That might be the most ridiculous and rude thing to say but it's just my way of getting not obvious.

"Hi I'm lucy by the way" my eyes widen as lucy tuck her hand out and y/n being such a polite nice girl quickly accept her hand and shake it warmly.

"Nice to meet you I'm y/n" she smile at my friend and I was lost in my thoughts again.

Her eyes gaze to me but instantly look away probably feeling the intimidation that I might've brought.

I smile to myself and decide to notice her.

"Hi y/n" I smirk playfully and I notice how she tense up which is cute by the way.


Damn she sure is a woman of few words.

"Eyes up here lovely" I chuckle and she soon lit up her chin and her eyes met mine again.

"Ahem ahem cough cough oh God I really need medicine soon Lauren can you please give me company to the store" Lucy fake an obvious cough which is very annoying.

I sigh "alright babe let's go" y/n seemed to be surprise as I wrap my arms around Lucy's waist and pull her closer to me. I smile to myself victoriously knowing that she's probably thinking that Lucy is my girlfriend.

"See you both around" I gave y/n last look before turning around and dragging my friend with me.

"Lauren where are we going?" Lucy asked confusedly as I continuously drag her with me.

"Oh we're getting you a medicine alright medicine for your noisy mouth".

Lucy laugh with a shake of her head.

"I'm never seen you look in someone like that before" she utter out conspicuously.

"What are you talking about? I look at everyone the same" I roll my eyes before getting into the passenger seat since Lucy's gonna be the one driving me back home.

"I don't think so" she chuckle before plugging the keys into the Ignition, she turn to me with a smirk and an eyebrow raise up high.

"I think you're really interested in this y/n" she shot me with a playful smile lingering on her lips, a moment more she drives off and even if she's focusing on the road still the girl won't shut up about y/n.

The whole ride was all about her teasing me.

Well y/n's a very interesting girl but that doesn't mean I like her tho.

I'm just not yet ready to get broken again.

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