Thirty Six

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Your point of view

"Uhm I don't know because I need to rush this groceries and I get home soon because my mother is waiting for me and-" I was about to speak more explaining her that I can't delay my errands but she quickly took my cart tray and head towards the line of the poeple in the counter walking in the front and not caring if she have to fall in line.

"Excuse me?" Some poeple asked.

"Oh sorry lady this is for important matter, a friend is dying in the hospital so she need these things thank you for your cooperation" Lucy said before giving the woman behind the counter my items and she quickly punched it in the receipt and she paid for it before the woman gave me the plastic and holding my hand as we both rush out of the place and getting in this coffee shop.

But that's not all what I'm supposed to buy.

Lucy pushed me down on a chair before she sit down on the opposite direction across me.

"Waiter! We're going to take two coffees please" she said.

"Uhm ma'am you need to go up front the counter to order" the person said and she let out a chuckle "right sorry about that". Lucy turn to me and gave me a stern glare "stay here...don't try to escape or run away I'm just gonna get our coffee" she said and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion while watching her get up from the seat and Walk towards the counter.

God she's really influenced by Lauren with the sass and bossiness.

Or maybe she's the one who influenced Lauren..

Either ways.

But she said they're not together? If I heard it right from her. Hmm I wonder tho. Why Lauren told me they are together that time in the mall, or maybe she's just denying it that's why. Or maybe no...or maybe they are pretending to be lovers. Or maybe - wait.

"Why do I even care?" I mumble to myself furrowing my eyebrows in such confusion messing with my head.

This woman just pulled me out in the middle of business. Drag me what? Exactly?.

"I'm back" she said and I look up as I saw her walking towards me before sitting down again and placed the tray she's holding into our table, and soon distributed  the coffee.

"Can I ask you something?"

"That's already a question but sure go ahead" she said and I can't help but to find such similarities between her and Lauren.

"What am I doing here? I don't really know you besides you just drag me here I can complain kidnapping to you" I said and she let out a laugh before looking up at me making such intimidating eye contact "darling what kind of kidnapper who will pay for your groceries and buy you coffee?" She asked.

"I mean I didn't ask you to pay for groceries ain't even complete" I mumble before picking up my tea cup and taking a sip of the coffee.

"You're not complaining are you? Come on you should even be thankful to me" she said and I stayed quiet.

"You still haven't answer my question tho" I retorted.

"Well...I wanted to see why she's so invested in you at first I had few hypothesis but now I understand more why" she let out and I gave her a look "I did not get that" I said.

"That's the point y/n".

"Y/n right?"

"Of course I'm right she don't stop mentioning your name I almost want to cut my ears off because of that"

I don't know If should I take her sass as a compliment or what.

"Who are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Nothing" she stated.

"So you and Lauren are not together?" I find myself confirming and she somehow smirk before nodding "yeah we just like to keep each other company" she said as if she's trying to hint me something but I couldn't really care that much.

"Can you not look at me like that please? It's really uncomfortable" I said while I look at the girl staring at me the whole time.

"Chill I'm just checking what my friend saw in you...I mean you look just alright...not that dress fine can speak look decent" she said while assessing my appearance and I can't help but to let out a scoff. I don't know what's up with her but she's definitely crazy.

"...are you and Jelena close?" She question.



Jelena it sounds familiar like I've heard it somewhere before.

"Who?" I asked as I couldn't remember.

Lucy rolled her eyes "Gigi".



"Well why are you asking?" I questioned curiously.

"Oh come on y/n when I ask something it's automatic you should have your answer not retorting the question back to me" she let out quite stressed and I scoffed "first of all...this conversation will never have any clarity if you don't tell me what's your point asking all don't even know me so why are you so curious about my life? Gigi is my friend and that's the rest of it. Now if you may excuse me I really need to get going because I have more important business to attend to than this" I said before putting the cup down and standing up.

"Oh and I almost forgot" I said before placing some bills in the table "payment for all your expenses, have a good night".

"Wait y/n!" She called out once again and I let out a sigh before turning around.

"What?" I asked.

"You forgot 2 dollars" she said.

"Huh?" I question again.

"My expenses are overall 10 dollars on your grocery and this coffee is quite expensive so you still owe me 2 dollars".

I clenched my jaw in a disbelief smile before walking towards her and placing two more dollars on the table.

She gave me a cheeky smile before waving.

God now I feel like I've been scammed.

I head outside and notice that the sky is already dark which made me sigh. I called a cab and head home now since I don't think I can still catch up with the grocery before it closes.

I wasted my time for her.

I get in the cab and told my driver the address. During the way I leaned my back down on the seat while trying to figure about what just happened back there.

Lucy just talked me and asked me a bunch of weird questions.

Isn't that strange? And the fact that she only knew me because of that one time we had an encounter in the mall.

I feel like my life is at stake right now. .

Should I be scared?.

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