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"you're beautiful but misunderstood"

It was something that I didn't expect I would say to her at my second day at this University.

I didn't even know if she heard it or what but even if she heard it I think I can't take it back anymore.

"I want to know you Lauren"

Does that sounds too needy? Or maybe desperate.

Ugh I don't know all I know is that the green eyed girl had her head on my shoulder still whilst letting out soft snores and heavy breaths.

Is she sleeping?

"Are you asleep Lauren?" I asked but she didn't say anything.

Maybe she is asleep.

I check the time in my phone and realize I still have much time for my break and it sucks to know that I still have two more subject to attend before I could go home.

"Y/n?" Lauren suddenly let out and adjust her head on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah?" I breath out shaky, I'm really nervous at the moment.

"What do you think of me?"

I curled my eyebrows in confusion as she suddenly ask such question.

Think y/n


"Uh well I think you're a girl"

I earn a laugh from her.

Was that too stupid to say?

"Of course I'm a girl dummy I mean what about other things you think about me?"

I shrug in uncertainty "I don't know Lauren I don't even know you yet"

She push her head off of my shoulder which made me turn to her and our eyes met in an instant.

"But you said you want to know me right?" She raised an eyebrow cockily with a smirk plastered in her lips, it's more of a teasing than a question.

"I uh- when did I say that?" I asked moving my sight away from her.

"Fifteen minutes ago" she utter out

"Oh I did say that?" I awkwardly laugh and found myself looking back at lauren who had serious expression plastered on her face.

"You told me you want to get to know me so you should do it" She chuckle then cock up an eyebrow.

I mean why not give it a try? Maybe she's not as annoying as I thought...or maybe she really is.

"Fine alright" I sigh defenselessly.

"Great so first thing you need to do is to stop listening to Gigi's outburst about me".

Hearing Gigi's name from her mouth make me cringe a bit cause the fact that gigi had always remind me to stay away from Lauren, but now I'm here sitting in the corridor with the girl.


I look at Lauren and her green eyes lock with mine.

"Yeah?" I asked mesmerized.

"Do you believe what Gigi told you about me?"  Her tone was full of curiosity and her facial expressions shows so much expectations.

I shifted on my position and rub my nape awkwardly before saying "well um most of them yeah".

I sense silence so I gaze at her and she seems not to be surprise neither upset at my answer.

"I mean cause I don't know you and I think that gigi knows you better plus I'm new here so I don't know" I don't know why I'm saying these words to her but I don't want to hurt her feelings or anything.

"Oh baby nobody knows me better here" Lauren utter out with a forced laughter before leaning her back against the whole.

A sigh escape the girl's mouth and she closed her eyes for the moment.

Silence thickens the air between us but I don't want to interrupt her ministration.

"I don't like being judge by people as if they know me well" she spoke out and her voice seems to crack for a moment.

She wasn't looking at me or anything but she had her head buried on her arms while hugging her knees.

"I don't like that either"

Lauren seemed to be fussed about what I said she brought her head back up then smile at me but I could see tears forming on her eyes.

"I think you're really different y/n" Lauren said as she turn her body to me.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I found myself asked

Lauren laugh then suddenly pick herself up which made me stand up too of course, is she leaving now?

I adjust my bag and fix my clothes wiping out the dirt from me.

A sudden connection creep onto me as hands we're being suddenly wrap around my waist I look up to see Lauren smiling smugly at me. At the moment I can tell that undeniably nervous at her actions.

With one swift move Lauren pull me closer to her and my breath hitch as her face was literally inches away from me.

I could see her green orbs deeply her pupils dilated and there's something else in her eyes something hard to spot.

"W-what a-are you doing? I-" I literally stutter out and tried to get away from her grip but it only made her hold me tighter and pull me back again closer and closer.

"I'm gonna show you that what they say about me is wrong" she smirk and the next thing I know she was leaning in to me and ready to kiss me.

What the fuck!? This will be my first and from someone I don't even know that much yet?

Holy shit.

I don't even know how to kiss.

Lauren had her eyes closed whilst she's getting closer to me I could feel her hot breath ghosting against my lips.

I closed my own eyes tight and just wait for whatever's gonna happen.

the bell suddenly rings.

My heart was pounding against my chest there was no contact happen but I was in absolute nervousness.

I slowly open my eyes and Lauren greeted me with a teasing smile, she still had her arms wrap around mine.

"That was a really exhausting interruption am I right?" She wink playfully and my cheeks instantly heat up.

I force myself away from her.

"You didn't slap me" she let out confidently with an eyebrow kicking up high.

I groaned mentally at the awkward situation I got myself into.

This is so fucked up.

"I uh—i gotta go" I turn around gripping tight on the sling of my bag as I walk forward away from Lauren

"Y/n wait!" She called out but I didn't stop from walking.

I just want to get out here it's too much tension! Ugh.


There's no way I'm looking back.


Second day.

Lauren jauregui tried to kiss me

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