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Rin's P.O.V.

All three of us froze, before whipping our heads around to where the call came from. The Kyoto Trio, Izumo, and Shiemi were heading our way. Bon was the one who called out with his hand in the air to give a quick wave. When he saw me and Mizuki behind Yukio, his expression turned fierce.

I heard Mizuki give off a soft gasp and quickly duck behind me. She had let go of my hand but opted to hold onto my shirt instead as she buried her face into the space between my shoulder blades. I felt her fear spike up and her heart begin to race. I had to try and keep myself from twitching as they came closer. It felt like I should growl and get into a defensive position to get them to stay back, but I held out.

What confused me the most was Yukio's response. He had also tensed up and looked ready to fight as well. But as far as I knew, he was okay with his class and had no reason to do so. I could even feel the tension rolling off him in waves like myself but with a hint of confusion in there as well.

I decided to worry about it later and focus on the incoming threat in front of me. Konekomaru and Shiemi seemed determined not to make eye contact anywhere in my general area. Izumo was indifferent as always. Shima gave me a quick smile at least, while Bon, yeah still glaring. 

When they were about five feet in front of us, Yukio took a set forward almost like telling them to stop where they were. They must have got the message because they did. It was silent for a minute before Bon broke it.

"Okumura sensei? Who's the girl hiding behind... him." At the word him, he basically spatted it out in disgust. Like I was the gum he found at the bottom of his shoe.

I didn't care that he was basically trying to insult me without calling me out to my face but I don't want him anywhere Mizuki. Him asking about her was setting me off the wrong way.

Yukio must have felt the same as me because he ignored Bon's question and tried to steer the conversation away from her. "Suguro, is there anything that I can help you guys with? If not Rin and I will be continuing on with our plans for today."

Bon seemed to blink in surprise at Yukio's words. I almost wanted to laugh at his stupid face but kept up my blank mask. Bon recovered by clearing his throat. "Well, we were wondering if you could have another tutoring session today and review the material we are going to have on our upcoming herbal test." Everyone next to Bon seemed to give off their own agreement to his statement but Yukio seemed to be following my example and keep a blank face.

After a few seconds, Yukio gave off a sign and relaxed his stance a bit, but not enough that he wasn't ready for anything. "I'm sorry, but again, I've already made plans with Rin and intend to stick with them."

Bon scuffed at that while crossing his arms. "Why would you want to hang out with him? And besides, at the rate he is going, he's not going to pass his exam and fail."

Yukio looked ready for murder but he froze, just like the rest of us as a growl broke through the air. "Everyone whipped their head to the one peeking around my frame. Mizuki was snarling and baring her fangs at Bon. Though her tail was not visible to the rest of the cram school students, to Yukio and I, we could see that it was tucked in a way that suggested she was about to strike.

When it seemed to her that Bon, did not get the message, she gave off another warning growl. At the sound, all of Yukio's students seemed to stumble back a few good feet.

Bon stopped staring at Mizuki and faced Yukio. "What the hell was that? Don't tell me she's a demon too?" He paused for a moment before Yukio could answer and whipped his head to glare at me in the eyes. "You! You brought her in, didn't you?! What the hell is wrong with you demon?! Are you trying to get the Grigori to send out for both of your heads?!"

His words just angered me more and more, but when he mentioned the Grigori going after Mizuki's head, I snapped. I only saw red and was out for blood.

Yukio's P.O.V.

When my students first arrived in front of Rin, Mizuki, and me, I felt as if they were a threat which is weird. I couldn't shake off the feeling they should not be close but tried to get over it. Then Suguro had mentioned how about how stupid it would be to spend time with Nii-san. It made me mad, but Mizuki seemed to tell him off first in her own unique way. Then he had to mention the Grigori and basically threaten Mizuki in front of Rin! Idiot!

I wasn't fast enough to stop Rin from rushing forward and snapping his hand around Suguro's throat. The action caused all my cram students to scream and stumble back more, especially when Suguro tried to fight back and Rin retaliated by growling and lifting him off the ground.

His flames released by themselves making his demon self become more prominent. I could basically feel the killing intent coming off him in waves. But it made me feel weird and hesitant. I knew I should try and stop him, but I felt like I should either stay out of it or join him in the killing.

At Shima's shout of Suguro's name, I got my bearings and focused back on what was going on. Moriyama, Kamiki, and Miwa got out their weapons and looked prepared to try to help while Shima tried to hit Rin with his staff. Rin's flames stayed around him but prevented everyone from reaching him. Luckily they also stayed away from Suguro's throat.

Shaking my head once more, I tried to think of helping Rin without hurting him. He just started opening up a bit more to me after closing off again. I wasn't going to lose that because Suguro provoked him to snap.

I kept looking at Rin's stance for an opening when I remembered something Mizuki had asked me when something similar happened. His flames didn't burn me.

With that thought in mind, I ran at Rin and hugged him to make sure he was aware I was near him. His flames started engulfing me as well, but it felt comforting. They were full of anger but also the need to protect. Something almost familiar, like when you realize something you didn't know was missing is back.

The students screaming out my name brought me out of my thoughts once more. I have to think about it later when I have time, maybe ask Rin or Mephisto about it. But first things first, saving Suguro's life.

I gave Rin's middle another squeeze and started to try and talk him out of killing Suguro. "Rin, it's not worth it. Killing him would only prove their words right. Show them you're better than what they think." I could feel his flames softening and him un-tensing a bit as well as his arm lowering. I kept going. "Think about what might happen to Mizuki if you aren't there to protect her. She needs you safe, Rin ... just like me."

I felt him tense again but then his flames extinguish and he dropped his hold on Suguro. Miwa and Shima rushed forward to help him while I focused more on what Rin would do. All of my students were looking at us in awe and fear but I ignored them.

Rin kept his back to us, but I could still basically feel his emotions even if he hid them. I can't remember when it started but I feel closer to Rin than before.

I went to say something to him but stopped when he spoke instead. It was silent that I almost missed it, but I heard it nonetheless.

"Thank you, Yukio."

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