Crazy They Are

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Rin's P.O.V.

"Let me go you bastard!" I yelled at Iblis as she continued to drag me farther from Mizuki. It was in vain as she continued to ignore my protest as she argued with Egyn who still had Yukio held hostage.

Amaimon bounced up to us, where Iblis and Egyn were leading the pack of us misfits, and got too close to my face. Has this dude ever heard of personal space? "Why do you continue to shout dear brother? You should know by now it's in vain to get their attention when they're in the middle of arguing like this."

I went to protest again but Lucifer cut me off. "He's right Rin, even if this is the first time you have been in their presence when they were arguing, take it from us when we say they won't shut up." Sighing, I look towards Yukio, hoping he would be of assistance, but all I got was a defeated look back. Great, we're stuck.

I decided to accept my fate and hope that Mizuki was alright, if not that stupid clown will have hell to pay. Our walk continued for another twenty minutes before we reached the entrance to Mepphyland. It all went quiet once everyone stop right outside the entrance. I looked around to see why they stopped only to see seven of the eight kings had looks leaning from disgust to scandalized. I'm pretty sure Amoniam stopped simply because everyone else did as he was too busy studying a lollypop.

Still, in a daze, Lucifer spoke in heavy disgust. "I knew his ego was larger than Gehenna itself, but I did not expect it to be larger than Gehenna and Aisiah combined."

Iblis tsked in annoyance, "And they say that women are vainer than men".

Egyn cast her aside glance that I would say was a sneer. "He may be one of the vainest men I know but at least he's better than you".

That caused a spark to appear at her head as she prepared to fight him. "Why you-!"

"Ah, my siblings!" An overly cheerful voice interrupted her. All our heads snapped in that direction to see the clown and Mizuki. One giving us a large smirk while the other was staring at the park with wide eyes and an open mouth. "Glad to see you all decided to wait for us so it is easier to find you. You all are too kind, really."

I could practically feel all of us rolling our eyes at him but didn't focus on it too much. I tried once again to get free. I was successful, but only because Iblis had finally loosened her grip once the clown spoke.

"Ha! Finally free!" I shout raising my arms in victory. Iblis looked ready to lunge for me but I was quicker and managed to run behind Mizuki before she grabbed me. Being the mature half-demon I am, I stuck my tongue out at her from behind Mizuki. "I'm no longer your prisoner!" Her eye twitched as some of the others scoffed at my antics. Yukio even did his usual thing where he shook his head and muttered idiot. But hey, it's not like he can talk, he was still being held by Egyn.

Ignoring everyone, I turned Mizuki to face me and looked her over. It didn't look like she was hurt and I couldn't feel any stress from her. "Are you okay? Did anything happen? No one messed with you right? And what did you guys do or talk about that caused them to drag Yukio and I out of the room like that?"

Her eyes were still wide, but I'm pretty sure it was from the rapidly fired questions I was throwing at her. When the last question slipped out, she put on a calm look and lifted her hand to my bicep. "Yes, I am okay, no one messed with me and nothing happened. We had a discussion... that I think should be kept quiet for now. But when the time is right I'll tell both you and Yukio." I was relieved that nothing had happened to her but deflated at her saying she'll tell me about their discussion later. That's not fair, it's about us but we can't know. That's worse than someone talking about you behind your back. At least then you don't have to worry about what is being said because you can be oblivious.

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