My What?!

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Rin's P.O.V.

As soon as I get working, my mind travels back to that conversation I had with him.

(Flash Back)

Pushing the door open slowly, what I see brings forth many emotions.

I glare at the figure standing in my room facing the window. "Mephisto. What do you want?"

He turns giving me that signature smile that always seems to mean trouble for me. "Well if it isn't one of my youngest brothers. How are you doing today Rin."

I growl, "Cut the crap and tell me what the hell you really want."

He shrugs, "If you insist," he puts on a serious face, "there was a breach in the border that doesn't allow demons to enter." He starts messing with his umbrella, eyes no longer trained on me. "Only the ones that are invited in are allowed to enter. That's the only way it could have gotten in." He flickered his eyes to me again, "You wouldn't have happened to know anything about this Rin, would you?"

His tone sounded like he already had an answer and whether I said yes or no wouldn't matter. I look down "So what if I let another demon in." I look back at him "Why would it matter to you?"

Mephisto shrugged "Nothing really, though I doubt the Grigori would appreciate it. So tell me about this... 'demon' Rin. Why did you let them in?"

The way he keeps saying demon to describe Mizuki was pissing me off. I'm not sure why I feel so defensive about it but it needs to stop. "First of all don't call her 'demon' like that," Mephisto's eyes widen at my tone, and to be honest, I shocked myself. "Her name is Mizuki. I let her in to allow her to get bandaged up, fed, and have a shower." Mephisto's eyes went back to their normal size but they looked like they were glazed over. Almost like he was analyzing everything I just said.

He focused on me again, "If you don't mind me asking Rin, would you describe her to me?"

That was odd but I shrugged. "She has long brown hair with a bit of curl that goes down to her hips. Her eyes are the most striking green eyes I've ever seen, and seem bright and full of life. She has this natural blush on her cheeks that makes her seem so innocent. A small button nose that goes with her naturally pink lips. Her ears are covered by her hair but you can still see the pointed tip of them. She has a slim hourglass figure and is a few inches shorter than me. She also has a brown tail that is usually stiff." I must have spaced out when describing her because the next time I look at Mephisto he has an amused look on his face. I blushed a bit but it quickly went away, though I'm pretty sure he still saw it, saying his smile widened.

He shakes his head "I see, and would you mind describing her appearance when you found her and where you met her?"

Why was he interrogating me? Guess I got that second interrogation after all. I decided to keep this description short. "She had on tattered brown pants, a ripped green shirt, and was clutching her left arm. I'm pretty sure she injured it when she fell out the tree." He rose a brow. "I found her when I was taking a walk in the woods after cram school."

He nods "Mhm, and tell me, were you stressed about something that caused you to take that walk in the woods?"

I shrug, I mean people usually do this so it's pretty normal. Why is he treating it as if it were not? "Yeah, I always take a walk in the woods to calm myself down."

"Now tell me Rin, do you always walk in the same direction and usually calm down at a specific spot or is it random?" Where is he going with this?

I think back to all those walks I had taken, thinking about the direction I would go and where I stopped. Huh, I've actually never noticed it before now. "Yeah, I usually walk in the same direction, and I believe I usually calm down around the same area." There was this one tree I always calmed down at but why?

"Is this the same area that you found Miss Mizuki at?"

"Yes." Now that I think about it, the tree she fell out of was the tree I usually calmed down at.

Mephisto smirked "Hmm~, and what would you do if I gave her to the Grigori to dispose of her."

I'm not sure why but what he said angered me. No way would I allow him to do that. My hand clenched and my blue flames flickered around me. I had to restrain myself from killing Mephisto right then and there. How dare he mention EVER doing that in my presence.

Mephisto laughs over my growls, finding something amusing. Let's see how amusing it is when I burn him until he's ash. "Well, it seems little brother you have found yourself a mate."

He dares calling me little brother after... "What do you mean I found a mate? Who?"

"Why Miss Mizuki brother. She appears to be your mate. You know the one you would do anything to keep safe and always wish to make happy?" I give him a blank look, I want to keep everyone safe and happy what makes Mizuki my mate? And isn't that an Australian term for a friend? My look causes Mephisto to facepalm. "Your lover Rin."

Oh~! Wait?! "My lover?!"

Mephisto signed rubbing his temple "Yes, demons have a mate. They are the ones we only let our guard down around. Male demons usually find them around age 300 but for the demon Kings find ours at 200."

But, "I'm not a demon king."

Mephisto nodded "Though that may be true you are still the son of Satan and the prince of Gehenna. We, demon Kings, need a mate to help us. We have them to help us control our rage so we don't go on a rampage. Just their presence alone can calm us down."

"So this mate we have, it would have helped me when I went on a rampage that day?" Could Mizuki really have helped?

"Yes. So, now do you understand know how important it is? How much it will help you to have a mate?"

"I-" I stop hearing a creak. For some reason, I can sense Mizuki is near. I don't know how I know it's her but I can.

Mephisto lowers his voice "You can sense Mizuki near, can't you? That's what caused the creak?" I nod. "Well, it seems we need to keep this meeting short. If you have any more questions about it come find me."

I look to the door, "Yeah thanks." then walk to my bed laying down.

He walked towards the window before turning back to me, "Oh and Rin?" I look back at him, "You might want to tell Mizuki soon and here," He throws me a leather-bound book, "read this. It should also help you get through this new... predicament you are going through. Good luck. 'Eins Zwei Drei." In a puff of pink smoke, he's gone and I'm left to look through the book he left me.

(End Of Flash-Back)

When I focus back on the task at hand, I notice that I was done. Did I space out that long? I hope Mizuki didn't try to make conversation with me. I would feel bad for making her think I was ignoring her.

I turn to serve her the dish but find that I wasn't the only one who spaced out during the time. She had a small crease near her brow probably from being deep in thought and her nose was wrinkled a bit, though it did twitch every now and then.

I would still be staring at her had it not been for my tail.

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