Creepy Spawns Of Satan

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Rin's P.O.V.

The first thing I wake up to is a bunch of eyes staring at me.


A handclasp on my mouth followed by a bunch of "Shush!" What is it with people and putting a hand on my mouth to shut me up?

I look down at the hand keeping me from cursing out words that would make Satan proud, to the people who decided that breaking and entering is perfectly fine to do. I look to see it's connected to the one demon that got me into all this mess in the first place, Amaimon.

I glared, wanting nothing more but to grab Kurikara and run him through. He must have known why I was glaring at him because he decided to comment about the most recent incident we had. "Ah, come on little brother. I meant no harm I was just bored and wanted to play." That was playing to him?! He almost killed people!

"Honestly Amaimon, can't you leave little brother alone. His life is already pathetic as it is." A man with blond hair and bright green eyes, though they weren't as captivating as Mizuki's, speaks catching my attention. Who the hell is he? Brother? Pathetic?!

"Lucifer is right, Amaimon. I mean, remember when you were still a young teenager. God, I can still hear your cries of self-pity." This time it was a man with brown hair and also dark green eyes. Yes, I got a name!

"Tell me it about it but you were worse Iblis." Thank you male with blue hair the white eyes. I got another name to tell the police. But I feel as if I heard these names before.

"NO, I WASN'T!!" Screeched the only woman in the group. She had red hair and orange eyes, and when I say yes, I mean three. I know this is like a demons dorm, but why the hell are they all here?!

"Don't you two start again. I couldn't get rid of that migraine for a month the last time you two decided to have a screaming match." He had white hair and pale grey eyes that almost looked white.

"DON'T BRING IT UP! Just thinking about it is giving me a headache." He had pale purple hair and red eyes. I've felt like I've seen him before.

"Ah, what have I've been missing while watching these humans?" Mephisto?! That's it! I grunt drawing all sixteen eyes back to me. I raise a brow and they all raise one back.

Wait! There are eight of them. Three of them I believe are demon kings and they keep calling me brother. So that means...

I rip Amaimon's hand off "WHY THE..." Crap! Mizuki's in the room across the hall. I hope I didn't wake her up. "... the hell are you guys here?!"

Blueberry steps up "Why isn't quite obvious little brother. We're here about your new mate."

How did they? "What mate? I don't know what you're talking about." I put on a confused face trying to act innocent and naïve about what they were talking about. I can't let them put her in danger.

Redhead rolled her eyes, Iblis. "Drop the act Rin. Mephisto told us about you finding one and bring her here." Stupid clown.

'Sigh', "Fine. I found a mate. Her name is Mizuki, and yes, I brought her here because she was hurt. Now can you tell me why you are here exactly?" They better have a good excuse.

In sync, they say "We want to meet her." Great more creepiness.

I shake my head and look at the alarm clock, '3:51'. My eyes widen and I snap my head back to them, "No way am I letting you guys meet her right now. It's 3:51 in the morning and she needs to sleep."

They groan in protest but Mephisto chuckles, "Told ya he already started acting like a protective mate."

Lucifer glared, "We didn't think it was that bad."

Amaimon put on puppy dog eyes, "Please baby brother. We'll behave." Did he actually think I would believe that?

I put on a thoughtful face, "Well since you put it that way..." I gained a blank look, "No. Now can you please leave or you can even find an empty room to stay in until tomorrow, but just get out." They grumble but comply and start heading out the door one by one. "And if I hear that anyone went into the room Mizuki is in and bothered her. You will learn how hot I can make these flames burn."

They just waved me off still grumbling. Mephisto was the last one out giving me a wink before shutting the door.

Thank god they're gone. But now they got me curious. Going against my words I get up from the bed and head across the hall. Slowly I open the door and slip in.

The room is fairly dark except for the bits of moonlight that still slipped in. I hear soft exhales of breath from a lump, rising and falling slowly on the bed. I stalk closer careful to avoid all the floorboards that I know will break the silence.

Making it to the bed I see a beautiful sight. Even though she's considered a demon she looks like an angel. Her hair is spread out around her and the moonlight hitting her skin makes her look radiant. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

My eyes focused on her lips. It feels as if time has slowed. They're slightly parted and look so soft. I wonder, I start to lean in closer but stop.

No, I can't. Not like this. It's not right to take advantage of her when she's like this.

I sigh and give my head a little shake before reaching my hand up to softly caress her face. I feel as if she was a fragile porcelain doll, that can easily shatter if I make the wrong move.

I know I can't call all my brothers and sister creepy and then stand here and watch Mizuki sleep, but I can't help it. Sue me, call me a hypocrite, I seriously don't care. I start to get the urge to wrap her in my arms and hold her close...

Stop! Get a hold of yourself Rin! God this girl is gonna make me go crazy and it's only been the first day.

I remove my hand from her cheek and head towards the door. Reaching it, I stop and take a second glance at the sleeping beauty before head back to Yukio's room to get some more sleep.

Hopefully, we don't try to kill each other when the time comes for me to introduce her to my family, and I haven't even taken her on a date yet! Oh boy.

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