A Short Class

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Mizuki's P.O.V.

When the video finally ended there was complete silence around the room. I didn't even know how to respond to what we had just seen. I mean, if I am processing what was told, that means the sons of King Satan, the ones who possess the blue flames, which are Rin and supposedly Yukio, are either going to destroy or reform all of life, demon and human alike.

But what does it mean that the other halves of their souls are the only ones who can stop them, what... who is that?

I was brought out of my musing when the Lord Mephisto made his way to the front cheerfully. "Well now! What did you all think, a bit creepy but the graphics and transitions were spectacular were they not?"

The mean human with the stripped hair and piercings slammed his hand down on the table and began to yell, causing me to flinch and Rin to tighten his grip around my hand. "What the hell was that?! What kind of sick joke are you playing?! Are you telling me that both the Okumura's have a prophecy about them either destroying or reshaping the world?! That's insane, and if it was true, why are they still alive?! We should kill them now before they even have the chance to do so!"

By the end of his shouting, I was scared and shocked how he had the courage... or stupidity, to yell at one of the demon kings with the rest of them sitting near. It's like he had a death wish, with how much disrespect he just showed them. Then he also said to kill Rin and Yukio, again! I felt mad and wanted to make him shut his mouth, but I don't think I would win or get a clean fight after what he did to Rin and Yukio earlier.

I could feel Rin tensing and heard Yukio release an angered huff. Before anything else was done, Lord Mephisto held up a finger. "Now hold on a minute Mr. Suguro. I want you to think about this carefully. A prophecy is considered a fate that cannot be changed and must be completed in whichever way it states. If we kill off the Okumura's then we just seal the destruction of Assiah and Gehenna. If we keep both, then we have a chance to get a happy ending instead of one filled with death. Which do you prefer?"

Mr. Suguro, as Lord Mephisto stated, sat down slowly after hearing this, but still crossed his arms definitely as he asked, "Okay, then what are we supposed to do? I refuse to work with those offsprings of Satan." He spat King Satan's name in such a disgusting way, I feared a gate to Gehenna would open up beneath him and drag him down to be punished by King Satan himself.

Lord Mephisto gained a smirk on his face before turning around, putting his back to us. "Well then, you won't have to. For now, I just want you to continue as if nothing has happened." Mr. Suguro went to protest but Lord Mephisto spoke before he could begin shouting again. "No complaints Mr. Suguro. You said you refused to work with them, and I have no problem with that. For you, the three youngest demons in the room-" He turned to face where Rin, Yukio, and I were sitting. "I have a mission of sorts for you."

All three of us, heck, I think even Yukio's students, were confused as to what he could mean. Yukio was the one who asked the main thing we were wondering about. "Do you mean Mizuki as well? But she's not an-"

"I know she's not Mr. Okumura, but there is a certain reason she needs to join along as well." He turned his back once more. "You'll understand when you get there." He waved his hand causing pink smoke to form before it faded and showed a black folder. "This is your mission intel. I suggest you read this as soon as you get the time..." He glanced over his shoulder at Yukio. "Especially you Yukio. You leave Wednesday at 10:00 am. I'll explain to your teachers that you will be unable to attend school for the rest of the week. Good luck~"

Mr. Suguro quickly shot up again out of his seat, this time slamming both his hands on the table. "What do you mean those three have a mission?! Why aren't you sending all of us?! Letting three demons do an exorcist job is just-"

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