Are You Him?

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Mizuki's P.O.V.

When Rin turned around to create his favorite surprise dish, I grabbed the first aid kit and got to work.

All my cuts and scrapes were healed so all that was left to do was my arm. It didn't appear broken but it was dislocated. Crap, this is gonna suck.

I looked up at Rin to make sure he wasn't paying attention to what I was about to do. Luckily he seemed to be lost in thought or was focusing really hard on chopping whatever that was. 

Taking a deep breath, I popped it back into place and quickly pulled on a sling to place it in.

I sat there for a few minutes just watching Rin work. Every flex of his shoulder blades when his arms moved. The different grips his hands have when they pick up something new. The motions of his tail, whether it be a quick flinch or a swift sweep of the floor or air.

Then his face. His hair fell in front of his eyes but I could still see a glimpse here and there. They look focused on the task at hand, yet a faraway look was there also.

Does he live here, in this big building all alone? It would explain his expressionless face, not needing to show emotion when there is no one around to show it to. But it doesn't seem right, especially when our kind like to be very social. Whether it's causing trouble or feeding off others' emotions.

At one point it looked like his eyes got a bit brighter of a blue and turned into slits with red pupils. Blue sparks appeared and flickered around him here and there. His grip tightened around the knife he was holding and his tail stilled like he was getting ready to attack something.

It only happened for a few seconds but during that whole time, it got me thinking of only one person with the same power...


But he couldn't leave Gehenna without possessing a body, and Rin couldn't be possessed, could he? The bodies Satan usually possesses don't last long. Well, that's at least what I was told in school. But those have to be his flames. How did Rin get them? Is he the Gehenna prince everyone was obsessing about? The one raised by humans to be human instead of his true nature?

My mind started racing a hundred miles per hour trying to understand this new discovery I've learned. I was told if I ever meet an offspring of Satan you were to bow your head down while kneeling, never make eye contact as we are lower than them, and I most definitely didn't do that. What trouble will I be in? The last time someone didn't do that they were...

Something wrapped around my leg. Huh?

Looking down I saw another tail. I know it's not mine, but the only other person in here is...

Rin stood before me with two plates in his hand. His eyes were zeroed in on my face. I quickly look down not to meet him in the eye and cause myself more trouble. Oh if mother saw me now she would be most disappointed. Father, I don't even wanna know what he would do.

"Mizuki?" Rin's voice was soft like he was trying not to scare me, but why? "Why are you looking down? Are you okay?"

Why is he worried about me? Father always said I had no worth and no one should ever care about me. So why Rin? Ever since my father left me in that tree all those years ago, I've learned that I can only depend on myself to survive. I mean sure I've played with tar cools every once in a while or any other demon I see but none never stayed and I never expected them to.

I guess I was quiet for too long since Rin put a hand on my shoulder. I didn't mean to but I flinched.

Rin's P.O.V.

Mizuki was just sitting there with her head bowed. She went still and didn't respond to my question. I put down her plate in front of her to give her a quick shake but she did the one thing that filled me with dread.

She flinched.

I quickly took my handoff. Why is she scared of me all of a sudden? I didn't do anything when I was spaced out, right? I don't think I could live with myself if I scared her.

"Mizuki, look at me. Please?" There was so much hurt in my voice I didn't even think it was my own. It's been a while since I've shown emotion and then she comes into my life and I can't help but put my guard down.

She starts to look up but then hesitates and decides against it. What is she so afraid of?

I don't want to scare her anymore but it's the only way I can think of to get her to look at me. I slowly bring my hand up to her face and lift her chin up again slowly. I see her eyes widen and shut quickly. Damn.

I take a deep breath to calm myself before bring my other hand up to her cheek. I rub my thumb across her eyelid and spoke softly, "Please, Mizuki. I don't want you to be scared. Just, open your eyes and tell me what's wrong. Please."

She bit her lip, hesitant of what she was about to do, but thankfully opened her beautiful eyes to mine. 

A soft smile made its way onto my face. "Thank you. Now, can you tell me what has you so scared of, so I can help you? I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."

She studied my dull blue eyes as I studied her bright green ones. Once she found the answer she was looking for she signed and looked away to the left before looking back at me. She had a serious face on, one fully determined to get the answers to the questions she had. "Rin, are you him? Are you the Prince of Gehenna?" 

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