Tell! No!

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Rin's P.O.V.

When the smoke cleared, we were all sent to Yukio's classroom in the cram school. All of Yukio's students looked disoriented from the method of travel, holding their heads.

Mizuki didn't seem to mind and seemed more worried about scanning the new environment. Her eyes were wide with wonder, but I could sense and see she was a bit nervous not knowing exactly where she was. Her tail went stiff again and her form seemed tense. I could see her inching her way towards Yukio and me, who were still on the floor.

"Well, that went better than I expected!" Mephisto's cheery voice sent all our heads whipping in his direction. That damned smirk appeared on his face as his eyes flickered to all of us. "You three demons, I can understand, but you Exwires? I expected you to be either on the floor or throwing your guts up." He sighed and brought his hand to his forehead as he shook it back and forth. "Slightly disappointing, to say the least, but oh well." He shrugged then clapped his hands. "Now before we start, I suggest we invite the rest of our family when we wait for our youngest to wake, no? They wouldn't appreciate missing what's about to be learned."

Multiple gasps went around the room at the clown's announcement. Suguro was the one who spoke up, as always. "What?! What do you mean to invite the rest of your family?!"

The smirk came back full force. "Why, the demon kings of course." And with that, Mephisto muttered something under his breath.

I don't know why, but I could hear it when everyone else looked confused at what was occurring. It made me feel like I need to move? It seemed to work on Yukio too because he sat up and clutched his head before turning in Mephisto's direction.

When Mephisto stopped, the room went completely silent. It seemed everyone was on edge and either afraid to speak or didn't know what to say.

Then, one by one the eight demon kings of Gehenna appeared.

"Samael," Lucifer said in a bored tone. "Why exactly did you summon us all here? We have better things to do than to play your silly games and be a source of entertainment for you."

Mephisto brought a hand to his chin in a thinking position with his eyes closed. "That may be true my dear brothers but-" He put on a serious look that caught all the demon kings attention. "I brought you here for another more important... family matter."

All the demon kings sat up straight at his words. Lucifer cleared his throat and spoke once more. "Samael, you don't mean the prophecy?" At Mephisto's nod, a gasp was released from seven of the kings as Lucifer angrily slammed his hand against the table causing a crack to appear under his palm. "Father said we were not to tell them nor speak of it ever again!"

Mephisto let out an exhausted sigh. "While that might be true, something happened to make me believe they should be told now. Plus, it's about them, they have the right to know what may happen if they are not careful."

What? Are they talking about Yukio and I? "Hey!" Having enough, I interrupted Lucifer as he went to argue with the clown again. "What prophecy are you guys talking about. If it does deal with Yukio and I, then yeah I think we have a right to know, no matter what Satan says! So, just tell us what the hell is going on and stop acting like we're not even here!"

Everyone went silent at my outburst. Yukio looked like he wanted to say the same thing but was still a bit out of it. 

Lucifer's eyes had snapped to mine and stared me down. He was trying to intimidate me to back down and forget about mentioning the prophecy but I was determined not to back down. It went on for about two minutes before Lucifer finally backed down with a sigh and waved his hand. "Fine. Go on and tell them. But if father comes for our heads because of this, I'm blaming the two of you."

I didn't know if I should smile at the win over a demon king, my oldest brother, or be slightly worried about having the blame place on just the clown and me. Father's punishment shouldn't be too bad... I hope.

"Excellent!" Mephisto clapped before turning to the Exwires who were still cowering close to the classroom door. "I suggest you all take a seat at a desk. This could be a very... long discussion."

You could see the hesitance in all of them and I really thought they were gonna run for it but they surprised me. Suguro took the lead by straightening up his back and releasing a breath. He walked to his usual desk trying to not show any fear to the demon kings that tracked him with their eyes almost like he was their prey.

"B-Bon?!" Konekomaru stuttered. "Wh-what are you doing?! What if they-" He cut himself off as the eyes flickered from Suguro's turned-up nose form to his own with a slight glare.

Suguro scuffed and rolled his eyes. "It's not like we really have a choice in the matter. Besides, this information could give us an advantage in taking down Satan."

"Bon!" Renzo and Konekomaru cried out in surprise and fear.

Suguro raised a brow in question at his friends' cry as if he did nothing wrong. "What? It's not like they don't already know I plan to defeat Satan." He switched his sight towards the direction of Yukio and me. "Guess I gotta add you two spawns of his to the list too. Sorry, sensei." He shrugged as he eyed Yukio's surprised face. "No disrespect, but it seems like you are becoming a demon who can handle the blue flames as well." Yukio just slowly nodded like he couldn't believe what he was hearing and not knowing how to respond.

All the Exwire looked shocked by Suguro's statement, just like I was. I mean, who is crazy enough to go up to their teacher and say 'Yeah, you're on my kill list now. Sorry, no hard feelings.' I knew he was insane, but not to this degree.

Renzo coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, yeah. I'll sit down to listen but without the whole looking for information and killing off the Okumuras bit." With that, he went and sat in his usual seat as well. Konekomaru gulped and played with his hands before he too went.

All that was left was the two girls. Izumo scuffed and muttered how we were all crazy and annoying before she made her way. Moriyama shuffled her feet while biting her lip before she held her breath and stiffly moved to take a seat next to Izumo.

"Hmm~ now that the Exwire are all sat down, I suggest you three also make your way to a seat." The clown said while waving his hand to where everyone else was seated.

Us said three looked at each other before Yukio and Mizuki shrugged at me. Taking that as we-might-as-well, I got to my feet and gave a hand to Yukio to help him up. Once he was stable I let go only to grab onto Mizuki's hand and lead her to one of the empty desks that had an open seat next to it. Yukio ended up on my left while Mizuki was sat to my right, far away from the Exwires.

Mephisto scanned the room to ensure that everyone was seated and settled before he began. "Right! Before I forget, none of what you hear today shall leave this room or make its way to the ears of the Grigori or the True Cross Order."

Someone must have raised their hand because Mephisto's eyes cut to somewhere behind me as he frowned. "No, Azazel, you don't count because you know if you said anything to the rest of you merry men that father would have you punished in the worst possible way." His smile came back. "Anyway as I was saying. If this information is leaked, I would have no choice but to send you to Satan himself to deal with you."

A silence filled the room as the threat hung in the air. Mephisto clapped his hands before throwing an arm in the air pointing. "Great! Now that we all understand, let's begin."

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