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Yukio's P.O.V.

The near-silence surrounded us after Rin's words. The only thing that could be heard was Suguro's heavy breathing as he tried to recover from Rin's attack. I felt no need to break it even though I should probably scold Rin for what he just did. But it would feel wrong. He was protecting his mate as he should have. It's justifiable, right?

Luckily for me, I wasn't the one who decided to speak up first, unluckily, it just managed to make everything worse.

"YOU DAMNED DEMON! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME! THE GRIGORI SHOULD HAVE NEVER LET YOU LIVE!" Suguro shouted as he finally recovered. He was reaching for something he had in his bag that had been on his back with a murderous look upon his face.

I went to stop him and push Rin out of the way to make sure he didn't get hurt but just managed to get involved in the crossfire. Suguro had taken out an all too familiar canister and had activated the release mechanism before throwing it at me and Rin.

Rin yelled out in pain and crouched down with his arms up in a defensive way to protect himself, but it did little to stop the nasty burns it caused on him. I was prepared to feel the water hit me, but the pain I felt was new. I couldn't help but cry out in pain as well and see smoke start to sizzle from where the Holy Water hit me.

'Wh-what's going on? Why did it burn me as well?'

I could hear panicked voices in the background but was too in shock to understand what was being said or done.

Bon's P.O.V.

"Wh-What... the hell..."

Did Okumura sensei, just get burned by the Holy Water? But he's human right?! What the hell is going on?!

"BON!!" Shima yelled as he yanked on my arm! "What did you just do?! Were you thinking at all?!" He had turned me to face him, but I couldn't take my eyes off the two withering forms on the floor. Okumura seemed to be taking it fairly well with only heavier breathing, but sensei... he looked like he was in agony. Silently screaming as he started to claw at the burning patches of skin, making his injuries worse and start to bleed.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Koneko holding his hands to his head as he mumbled out a string of words. Shiemi was crying her eyes out while Izumo actually had a frightened look on her face instead of acting indifferent.

The female demon who was making sure to stay a few good feet from us ran over to Okumura in a panic. She was saying something I couldn't understand but he could just fine. Okumura did some weird thing with their tails that caused her to calm down. He must have notice something else was wrong as he looked to the side to see sensei. His eyes seemed to widen in fear and pain before he started to try and crawl to sensei. 

I wanted to go stop him when he forced himself on sensei and restrained his arms so he'd stop scratching, but still couldn't get myself to move.

What was I to do?

Rin's P.O.V.

Damn that Suguro! I knew the bastard hated me but did he have to pull a stunt like this?! And what the hell was with that Holy Water. I felt stronger than the usual kind I've been hit with.

My mind went blank for a minute but then I heard all the panicking voices around me. What confused me was there was more than I was expecting. Mizuki and possible Yukio, yeah. But, there was definitely more than two. What happened?

I blinked open my eyes to see Mizuki's face appear over mine. She was flushed with panic, hovering her arms over my form, almost hesitant to touch me while shouting. "Rin! Are you okay?! Wait! Of course, you're not! Is there anything I can do?! I-"

As quickly as I can, I wrap my tail around her's and stroke it with the tip of mine. "I'm fine Mizuki. I just need a second." I could see her lose a bit of tension but her eyes seemed to keep flickering to the side of me as she fidgeted. "Mizuki? What else happened? Why is everyone in such a panic?"

I could practically see her form deflate, causing me to tense instead. "Rin, it's Yukio." She kept her eyes on what I guess was Yukio's down form prompting me to look as well. What I saw was not what I was expecting nor ever wanted to see.

It was Yukio, looking as if he was in complete agony with burned and bloody patches over his skin. He kept scratching at them, making them become worse as a silent scream was seemingly ripped from his throat. I've never seen him in this much pain. It hurt just looking at it to the point I felt like I could actually feel the pain he was experiencing. 

Why was he being burned as well? Holy Water shouldn't work on him. He's human isn't he?! Didn't they say he wasn't strong enough to possess the demon's blood... or was it just the flames? What the hell is going on?!

Deciding those questions could be asked later, I tried to think of a way I could help him. It's not like I could just remove the Holy Water or the burns. The damage is already done. But maybe I can stop him from inflicting more damage upon himself.

With that goal set in mind, I try my damned hardest to crawl over to Yukio's withering form and force myself on top of him so he would stop squirming and scratching himself with the concrete floor as well. I then grab both of his arms and force them to his sides so he stops irritating the injury.

"Come on Yukio!" I scream. "I know it hurts, but you gotta push past the pain!" What do I say? What can I do? Damn it! "Focus on something else! Think of anything besides the pain."

I tried to look into his eyes, which were frighteningly wide, to see if I could somehow reach his mind or get him to see me. But it was no use. There were glossed over in pain and rapidly falling tears.

'Come on! Think, Rin! Think God damn it! What can numb the pain? Did Yukio explain to us about a herb that could help?' I looked over to Shiemi to see if she would help, but she looked in no shape to do so.

My head snapped back to Yukio when I felt something weird and alarming. I felt as if my energy leave was draining but not at the same time. Almost like it wasn't my own. The only one I could think whose energy is draining is-

"YUKIO" Without even realizing it, my flames burst to life once more, covering Yukio and me. I could hear more shouts of alarm in the background, but I was more focused on the person in front of me and what was happening.

Slowly, once the flames had spread, Yukio's eyes closed as his silent screams and shaking had come to a stop. I panic thinking, I had killed him but then saw he was still breathing. Curious to see if they did any more to help him, I bunched up his sleeves to see that the once burned and scratched patch seemed to heal up like it never happened.

I was in awe at what was happening, but happier that he seemed he was going to be alright. I didn't even focus on the 'Poof' or the sound of the stupid clown's voice when he appeared.

"My, my, my. What happened here? It seems we all need to have a... discussion before you Exwires do something that may cause more damage. But it's better we talk somewhere more... private. Eins, Zwei, Drei."


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