Let Me Help

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Rin's P.O.V

There is complete silence as the girl standing across me gives me a confused look and my brain processes exactly what I had just said. I blush in embarrassment but thankfully a small giggle makes me feel a little less like a dork. I scratch the back of my head and clear my throat. "Uh sorry, didn't mean to say that".

Her giggles turn into small laughter as she tries to speak. "It is okay. I have never been called a demon girl as a greeting before though". She shakes her head but soon winces. I remember that she fell out of a tree and probably needs a place to rest and heal. She may be strong but she still can be taken over by a group of demons or exorcists.

I start to fire off questions and some are very stupid to ask. "Are you okay? How'd you fall out of a tree? Why were you even in a tree? Never mind, do you need a place to rest? Do I need to take you to a doctor? Wait do we even have demon doctors? Are you hungry? When was...."

During my rambling, she had come closer and covered my mouth to shut me up. Nice one Rin, smooth. Why am I even acting like this? I never acted like this before! Oh man, she probably thinks I'm crazy. Hate to see what she thinks when she discovers I'm the son of Satan and possess the blue flames.

I look down to see the girl giving me yet another confused but amused look. "Do you always talk that much?"

I blush again and shake my head no. Again she laughed, am I really making that much of a fool of myself? Oh, man. "...name?" What?

I try to speak but remember that her hand is still covering my mouth so I just raise a brow. Noticing my expression she gives the same look until I motioned to the problem. "Can you repeat that?"

"I asked, what is your name?" She asked again.

"Oh, well my name is, Rin Okumura". She looked at me as if she was trying to put together a thousand-piece puzzle and all the pieces looked the same. "What about you? What's your name?"

Shaking her head to clear her earlier thought she replies "My name is Mizuki Akira." She gives me a glance over, taking in my profile. "Hmm, I haven't seen you around this part of the woods, are you new? Did you come from another place in Assiah or from Gehenna? What type of demon are you?"

Seeing my smug smile she paused. "Now who's the one firing off question?" She blushes but keeps a stoic face. Wait? Did she just assume my race? "And hold on. Who says I'm not human?" Hopefully, she'll fall for it and I won't have to scare her away when I tell her who's my father.

Raising an eyebrow she gives me another glance over, "Well I'd say the pointy ears and the fangs gave a hint to my assumption..." Oh right, forgot about those. I feel as if there is a but coming next though. "...but..." There it is! She walked behind me and grabbed my, oh. "...the biggest giveaway I would say is the tail that appears to be attached to you, unless you are hiding a demon under your shirt". It wasn't a question. "So~, are you gonna answer any of my questions?"

"Uh, it's a long story". She blinked. "I don't think you'd want to hear it". She blinks twice. "I don't think we have time". She blink three times. Oh, come on! I need something to take her mind off... Oh! I got it! Probably gonna regret it but it's the best I got. "Hey you're bleeding still. Do you have anything to clean your wounds. I can help if you want". Subtle Rin, real subtle.

She looked at her wounds as if just noticing them for the first time. "Hmm, actually yes, I would like your help. Lead the way." Uh, what?

"Lead the way to where?" Does she want me to take her to a doctor or something? Wait! Is there even a demon Doctor?! Maybe I can ask Yukio? But then he'll ask me questions and I really don't feel like being interrogated twice in one day.

She gave me a look I knew too well. The 'are-you-that-stupid' look. "To your place. I don't have any supplies and I would like to borrow your shower if you don't mind?"

Crap! "Uh, no, no, not at all". We stood there for a few minutes just staring at one another. "Uh, this way". Then we were off. Great now I have until we get to the dorm to figure out how to explain this to Yukio. Just great.

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