The Prophecy

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Rin's P.O.V.

"Eins Zwei Drei"


The lights went out as a pink cloud formed at the front of the room causing the Exwires to shout and Mizuki to tighten her grip on my hand. Yukio looked indifferent but I could still feel his uneasiness. He shifted in a way that put his back towards me making me a bit conflicted about why he did it. Was he non verbally saying that he trusts me to watch his back or does he think I wouldn't do anything to him and there are bigger threats... then again, I would be worried about these bunch of teenage cheerleading demon kings and proud Exwires.

When the smoke cleared a projector and movie screen appeared. "Now," Mephisto started, "Why should we talk when watching a video is so much easier. And look!" Mephisto reached behind Yukio's desk and pulled out a bag of...popcorn? "I have fresh popcorn for those who want some!"

Almost immediately all the demon kings started racing to the front to snatch a bag from Mephisto. I wasn't planning on getting up myself but I could tell that it had caught Mizuki's attention. Her tail was swaying a bit and her hand went a bit slack as she stared at the bag with her nose twitching.

My chuckle to myself caught her attention. She was confused until she figured I was chuckling at her. Her eyes quickly looked away from me as a blush worked its way up her cheeks.

Climbing over the desk, which got me a scowl from Yukio, promising that I was in for a lecture by stepping on his desk and not simply asking him to move for a second, I made my way to the front. I grabbed three bags, just in case Yukio wanted some, and went to make my way back to my seat. Sadly when I turned around three was a face I did not want to be this close to me, even if he was three feet away.

Suguro stood there glaring at me in a way that suggested he wished he could wring my neck with his bare hands or give me the most painful death he could possibly think of. I just stared back at him, making us seem like we were in a little standoff. Whoever moves first would lose.

It went on for a minute or two but Renzo suddenly threw his arm over Suguro's shoulder and gave a nervous laugh, sweating a little. "Hey now! What's with this awkward staring contest going on? We all want to just get our popcorn and see what this video the headmaster wants us to watch, right? So let's keep moving."

With that, he tried to steer Suguro past me but of course, that damn rooster head couldn't just leave it at that. When they were moving past me, Suguro leaned more towards me and knocked my shoulder against his to shove me. Luckily for me, I'm sturdier than he thought and barely moved, causing him to growl at me. And they say I'm the demon.

Rolling my eyes I made my way back to where Mizuki and Yukio were sitting. Yukio was glaring at me once again for climbing over the desk but then he shot his glare off to Suguro's figure instead. I tapped him and gave him a look that told him to just drop it before holding out one of the bags I had grabbed. Yukio sighed, dropping his shoulders before flashing me a thankful smile and taking the bag from me with a soft thank you.

I flashed him a slight smile back before turning to the fidgeting demoness beside me. Her eagerness made my smile widen. Letting off a small laugh, I hold out another bag for her to take. She smiled and took the bag before trying to figure out how to open it. Deciding not to let her struggle, I tapped her shoulder and motioned for her to copy me.

Once she got it took a piece out and started to examine it. Deeming it okay, she popped it in her mouth and chewed slowly. If she could, I feel like she would have stars in her eyes. If she's like this with just popcorn, I wonder how it should be with candy or chocolate. Maybe I should go get her some, later.

I was brought out of my planning when everyone suddenly got quiet and the projector turned on sending light to the movie screen. It counted down 3...2...1... before an image appeared. It looked like two human figures with blue and black shadows standing behind them. The figure and human on the right had a red eye that shined while the figure and human had the same but with the left eye. The background was red and dark like an infinite storm loomed over their heads while the ground was caked with blood and debris.

A laugh echoed around the room, frightening the Ewires and Mizuki. I tried to comfort her but it only worked so much. The laugh sounded like there were two fused into one. It was pure malice that promised death to all. It struck fear into the ears it reached, no matter how strong-willed they were.

When it ended the screen seemed to burn in blue flames almost as if it were drowning in them as it switched to a new image. It was a blue flaming heart with a crown next to a normal-looking red heart draped with a cross. As this happened, another voice sounded throughout the room. It was soft yet firm as it told a story.

A King Shall Find What It Means To Love Another
An Enemy of Sorts Yet They Still Come Together

The two came closer until they melted together before begging to drip down and form two bundles covered in blue flames. The one on the left seemed to have soft flames while the one on the right had ones that were out of control.

Two Sparks Were Brought Forth From This Union
But Only One Possed What Was Given

Slowly the bundle covered in soft blue flames died down until all that was left was the ashes surrounding a cream-colored blanketed bundle.

Found By A Brother And Another
For Both To Live, The Given Was Taken

A shadowed figure with a large top hat and another with a blue and red necklace standing out against their frame were shown rising from behind the two bundles. The figure with the top hat waved its arms over the blue bundle. It seemed to cause the flames to rise off of the bundle until it became the same color as the other. The flames swirled like a storm starting to form before they were banished within a sword.

Flames Are A Spirit
That Cannot Be Stolen But Resparked

The sword started to crack before it burst into flames. Slowly the metal started to turn red as it began to morph.

All That Is Needed Is Another
To Relight What Was Dimmed

When it finished morphing, it became a lit candle with a blue flame. Another candle came onto the screen but this one was out. The lit candle lit the other and both started to spin together until they became too fast to be told apart.

Be Warned To Both Demon and Human Alike
A Great Evil Mistress Shall Rise Out Of Hatred

A red light seemed to shoot out from below the candles. More and more beams of red light were soon to follow. An evil laugh boomed through the air as a shadowy figure of a woman appeared. Outlines of wings stretched out behind them. Their hair lit up in a fiery red as it seemed to become like fire itself.

Unable To Receive And Produce What Another Had
Destruction And Death Are Her Chosen Option

The blue and red heart that was shown before, rises up in front of the figure. A frown was seen on their face before they reel their hand back and slice their claws at it. It causes the heart to be ripped to shreds, which fluttered into the darkness.

The Half Of Soul The Two Sparks Were Missing
Are The Only Ones Who Can Stop What's To Happen

Two bright blue lights were shown next to each other. They both bleed red until completely covered. Both looked dim until two bright white ones appeared beside them. They turned to two red lights back to a bright blue.

If They Fail, Then May God Have Mercy
But If They Victorious Then The World Will Be Reshaped

The two bright white lights were taken away, causing the blue to bleed red once again. Blue fire spread the dark-grown quick and fast, as screams and wails of terror and pain filled the air. The two white lights came back into the screen causing the red to fade and blue to take its place, while the fire and screams faded to nothing.

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