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Mizuki's P.O.V.

There I finally did it. I finally asked him who he was. Now let's see if I regret my curiosity and should have just kept my big mouth shut.

Rin looked a little taken aback by my question. He started to look a little panicked and I could have sworn I felt his tail tighten up around my leg. It was almost like he was scared I would run off the moment he let go.

He finally looked down having his hair cover up his eyes. "Yes, I am."

I knew it! But that means... I need to get out of here. If my father found out I was in his presence, he probably torture me until I was paralyzed again.

I went to get up and run but something stopped me. It wasn't Rin physically stopping me but it was more like mentally, as the thought of leaving him was something worse than the punishment I would be put through.

Rin was quiet but I could still feel the stress coming off him. I felt this feeling before when I was in my tree. Has it been Rin the whole time? I feel like I need to calm him down, but how? Maybe...

I wrap my tail around his leg as he has done to mine. Slowly he starts calming down. "Rin?" His ears flinch to indicate he heard me, "Is it okay if we talk about it?"

He looks up at me, his eyes roaming my whole face to see if I was joking but I can assure him, I was not. "Yeah." He glances down in front of me. "But you need to eat while we do. Okay?" I smile and nod agreeing to his proposition.

I grab the plate and spoon and take a large bite. I was going to motion for him to begin but I got distracted by the masterpiece I had in my mouth. I'm pretty sure I let out a moan too. Gosh, he wasn't lying when he said he could cook. This was one of the best things I've tasted.

I'm not sure what my face looked like but whatever it was, it must have been hilarious. Rin started laughing so hard I think I saw tears in his eyes. Between the food and finally hearing his laugh, I think it was the best day of my life so far.

Once he calm down the room didn't seem as serious as before. I motioned him to continue as I enjoyed my meal. Hopefully, I can get seconds. Your girl hasn't eaten this good in years!

Rin took a seat in front of me and grab his food and took a bite before he started. "Well as you already figured out I am the Prince of Gehenna and son of Satan. And apparently the only offspring of Satan to possess his blue flames." I nod with a mouth full of food. "There was actually supposed to be two of us but my younger twin brother, Yukio, wasn't strong enough to inherit the flames. Lucky bastard."

Huh, I never knew there was suppose to be two of them with Satan's blue flames. "What about your mother?"

Rin tensed so I tightened my tail around his leg making him relax. He gave a sad smile as he stared down at his plate. "Our mother was human. She saw the good in Satan but from what everyone else says about him. I'm not sure how. She was an exorcist when they met but they somehow made a connection."

I reach over and grab his hand, rubbing my thumb across his knuckles "She sounds like a wonderful person, Rin. Being able to see the good in anyone and not judging off of what she's heard about them. I would love to meet her."

Rin's hand grips mine tighter "I would've loved to meet her too." Would've? Does that mean... "She died giving birth to me and my brother. I've only heard about her but," He puts his other hand on top of the table, palm facing up. I take a hint and put my other hand in his, "I'm sure she would've loved you." He gives me a smile, one that looks like it's directed to the love of his life. I'm not sure why but it makes me feel warm inside.

I give him the same smile back. Maybe I found someone to care for me and my father was wrong.

I'm not sure how long we've been sitting there talking but when I look out the window I can see the sun has set. I really should be getting back now but I don't want to leave. Maybe I can come back tomorrow? "Rin I should get going."

He gets a confused look on his face but once he turns his head to look out the window, his eyes widen. He snaps his head back to me and looks reluctant to let me go. He gains a sad look before it's suddenly replaced by a hopeful one. "Mizuki..."

Rin's P.O.V

"...If you want you can stay here for tonight. It's too dark for you to walk home." And quite frankly I rather you did not leave my side unprotected.

She gives me a curious look "Are you sure? I'm perfectly okay with walking home by myself," I'm not. "and I know my tree may not look like much but it's actually pretty comfortable once you find the right position to sleep in."

What?! I haven't even thought about where she sleeps, no way am I letting her go now. Inside I'm screaming like a mad man but outside I am a perfectly composed sane half-human. "I'm sure. Come on." I grab our empty plates and set them on the counter for me to clean later. I wanna make sure she is tucked in and was comfortable first.

I lead her back to my room "You can sleep in my room." She looks as if she was about to protest but I quickly beat her to the punch. "I'm gonna steal my brother's since he's not gonna be back till Sunday so it's fine." She still looks as if she wants to disagree but can see that I won't back down.

Soon enough she nods and climbs into my bed. "Thank you, Rin, and good night."

"You're welcome Mizuki and good night." I turn out the light and close the door. Heading back downstairs to clean the dishes. As I cleaned them it made me think about two missing familiars. Where were Kuro and Ukobach the whole night? I don't sense their presence anywhere in the whole dorm since Mephisto left. Did he take them with him? Why?

I shrug it off and put the last dish away before heading to Yukio's room. Maybe I should set up Mizuki in her own room so she has a place to stay. I'll just have to explain it to Yukio when he gets back. Along with the reason why I want her to stay.

My mate. I never thought I would live to see the day I would have a lover. I always thought I would die alone not having anyone care because of who my biological father is. Hell, sometimes I wonder if Yukio still cares. But then there's Mizuki, my miracle falling from trees.

Now how am I suppose to tell her? How will she react? She handled who I was fairly well though at one point I was pretty sure she was about to either pass out or make a break for it.

I was laying on Yukio's bed just staring at the ceiling lost in thought. What if the Grigori finds out about Mizuki? They'll have more of an advantage in controlling me to their will. I cannot let that happen. They mustn't find out.

I look at the leather-bound book Mephisto gave me. I've only gotten through the first part but it seems like it was written by someone who also possessed the blue flames and how he learned to use them. The only person I could think it belongs to is Satan. But where did Mephisto get it from? And why give it to me? The only explanation I could think of was to help me learn to control them without it overpowering me again.

I decided to read a bit more, only to fall asleep while reading, wondering how tomorrow will go.

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