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Rin's P.O.V.

The first few minutes after we entered the park were filled with chatter and Mizuki's eyes flashing to everything with glee. Her excitement was not hard to miss even if I couldn't sense it.

Yukio was pretty quiet like always but had that slight smile on his face. I honestly expected him to yell more at the fact that the eight demon kings were near us and that they infiltrated his class, but he seemed calm about it. Almost too calm. I'd have to ask him about it later.

Everyone was sort of doing their own thing as we walked to an unknown destination. Iblis and Egyn had started bickering again over who would win the most games, Lucifer was glaring at them, Azazel was quietly talking to Beelzebub, Astaroth was glaring at Amaimon who had turned into a hamster and was riding on Mephisto's shoulder as he led the group.

Mizuki suddenly grabbed my hand speaking a mile a minute. "Rin! Have you ridden all the rides yet?! Which one do you think is the best? How do some of them work? Can we ride any?" She pleaded giving me what I dub the baby demon eyes, something I believe will become an unbeatable weapon against me.

I tightened my grip on her hand and gently pulled her closer to me until our arms brushed against each other. "No, I haven't been able to ride any of the rides yet, so I can't say what would be the best in my opinion. If you want to know how they work, you can ask Mephisto. I'm sure he'd be happy to explain to you."

Mephisto suddenly slid up right next to Mizuki as if summoned. It made me understand that even if they all don't seem to be paying us any mind, they still are keeping an ear to us. "Little brother is right. Any questions you may have I will be happy to answer." He puts two figures on his forehead and tilts his head down with closed eyes. "I am the wonderful designer of this very park. It's truly extraordinary, no?" He opens his eyes slightly and smirks.

Egyn and Iblis both stop their argument to scuff at Mephisto's back. "Yeah, extraordinarily egotistical." They said in sync before going back to argue. They paid Mephisto no mind when he turned to glower at them for that comment.

He huffed and went back to being his smiley self when looking back at Mizuki. "Ignoring the two buffoons. What exactly did you have in mind to try first my dear?" He started doing dramatic poses while saying different attractions. "The back-in-time slingshot? The rolling mep? The drop to Gahena? The tallest roller coaster in this very park!"

Mizuki had stars in her eyes that grew every time a new attraction escaped the clown's mouth. I could see her vibrating from excitement, trying to decide what we should do first. She went to say something before stopping to glance at me. I can see an unvoiced question and gave her a nod in encouragement to choose whatever she wanted. Flashing me with a blinding smile she faced Mephisto again. "Can we do the tallest roller coaster first?"

Mephisto's smile turned devilish and he wasn't the only one. Every one of the demon kings besides Egyn, who looked slightly panicked, gained the same look on their faces. It made them seem even more alike in looks and made me wonder if Satan had the same maniacal smile. Would Yukio and I have the same look if we did the same smile? I fear for others if we did.

"Well, you heard our honor guest!" Mephisto shouted in glee. "To the tallest roller coaster, we go!"

No One's P.O.V.

"Wait!" Egyn shouted just as loudly but in panic. He was slowly backing away from the group while waving his hands in front of him. "Why does it have to be the tallest roller coaster?" He quickly focused on Mizuki, giving her a strained smile. "Wouldn't you rather try out the games first? I'm sure they would be much more fun when we compete against one another!"

Mizuki fell a bit as she gained a slightly disappointed look. It caused all of us to glare at Egyn for his actions. She's been so excited about the different rides and he is ruining it! "Well, I mean it wouldn't hurt to try the games fir-"

Iblis threw a hand in front of Mizuki cutting her off. "Now hold on right there!" Her glare was fierce and got more intense when it turned to Egyn. "Just because you're a big chicken who's afraid of heights doesn't mean you can ruin the girl's fun!" She snapped. "If you don't wanna ride, then you can stay on the ground and watch."

Egyn's panic turned to anger in a blink. "I'm not a chicken! I'm braver than you would ever be!"

Iblis' smile turned sinister as she caught him in her trap. "Then prove it!"

"Fine!" Egyn shouted. It was apparent to everyone else that he was too caught up in his anger to realize what he agreed to, but no one was going to mention it. They just get dragged into the fight and it wasn't worth the headache.

Egyn did a quick half-turn, stomping with a purpose to the largest roller coaster he could see. He never let his eyes wander up the great height, keeping them at eye level to not be intimidated. The others stood for half a second before following down behind him. They were interested in how this would turn out. Some, like Beelzebub, Astaroth, and Azazel, were making bets on the outcome. Others like Amaimon, Rin, and Mephisto, were trying to stifle their laughs and smiles for the future entertainment they were about to receive. In contrast, Lucifer and Yukio were questioning their relations with the group. Mizuki, mainly tagged along for the ride, wondering if would it be her fault if something bad happened.

It took the band of misfits around ten minutes to arrive at their destination, and not once had Egyn made another sound as they walked. Astaroth was steaming that he already lost the bet, believing Egyn would have changed his mind on the way there.

Mephisto 'poofed' to the front of the group with his arms spread wide to not only draw attention but close-lined Egyn before he made it to the entrance. "Alrighty my park guest. The first ride of the day is one that allows us all to enjoy at once. So, now the question is, who gets the front row?"

Mephisto's announcement seemed to snap Egyn back into reality but by then it was too late. Iblis slid over to sling her arm around Egyn and prevent him from making excuses to chicken out. "We will!" She shouted. She sent Egyn a closed-eyed wide smile as she spoke to him at a slightly lower volume. "Isn't that right, oh braver brother?"

Egyn gulped "Yeah..."

It took fifteen minutes to get everyone situated and understood that they can do stupid things at their own risk but don't go complaining if it doesn't turn out the way you planned.

"Oh!" Mephisto exclaimed when the ride started moving up its first incline. "One last thing. Photos will be taken so smile bright!"

The ride shot off like a rocket and screams of terror and fun were heard.

Like most roller coasters, the ride didn't last long and everyone's reaction ranged from excitement to terror.

"Never... again"

"Aw~ don't be such a baby! That was amazing!"

"It was not bad I admit"

"Don't let the clown hear, he already has a big enough head."

"Why it's far too late brothers! I'm honored you enjoyed my roller coaster!"


"Rin! Yukio! That was so much fun! I did not realize how humans could make such enjoying rides!"

"Ha ha! It totally was! We should go again!"

"Let's make sure we have time first."

And that's how the day continued. They tried out all the rides, games, and food until they explored the entire park. By the end, the group was tired but happy they got the chance to relax for once. No worry about who they were and what their roles were.

But soon those roles would need to take priority.


Okay, it's been forever and I will not lie, I had absolutely no idea where I was going with this chapter and that it did in fact take me years to actually finish it. I am seriously sorry for that!! I think it's shorter than the rest mainly because it's like a filler chapter but since I finally finished it I will continue on with the main story which should be 10x easier for me to write. It doesn't help I wrote during my Latin class in high school but I actually have to pay attention in my Latin class in college. Hopefully, I can get the next chapter out real soon tho!

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