Meeting Some of the Fam

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Rin's P.O.V.

"GAAAAHHHH!!!" God damn these people! "Why do you keep waking me up like this?! This better not become a regular thing!"

Amaimon tilted his head and took the lollipop out of his mouth. "But dear brother, we were simply waiting for you to get up. It is not our fault." Sure~ that's what they all say.

"Why are you here again?" The sooner I can get what they want out of the way, the sooner I can kick them out.

"Well isn't it obvious little brother?" said Lucifer checking his claws before looking up at me. "Don't tell us you already forgot our conversation from last night?"

Oh yeah~. Crap! "Do you really need to meet her now? I mean I haven't even known her for a day!" And I really don't need my half-siblings scaring her off. I'm pretty sure just tell her who my father was almost had her running for the hills.

Iblis scoffed, "Well that's not our problem."

Beelzebub looked up from the insect currently crawling up and down his hand. "Yeah, and it's better to let her know your family is crazy now than to find out later on."

Astaroth, Azazel, Egyn, and Mephisto nodded, "He's got a point."

Damn, he is right. Guest, I have no choice. "Alright fine, but would you please wait downstairs in the dining hall. It is kind of weird for all of us to pop up at her door." They all nodded and head it out. Mephisto being the last one winked at me before closing the door.

Once the door clicked shut I threw my head back into the bed. It hasn't even been thirty minutes since I've been up and it already seems as if it was going to be a long day.

I lay there staring up at the ceiling for another good five minutes before getting up to stretch. My joints and bones start to pop and crack. Man I know I'm only 16 but I feel so old.

Walking across the hall I run my hand through my hair to tame it and make it look more presentable, but let's be honest. I'd probably do better in a fight against Satan than war with my hair.

Just as I go to knock, what I have manners... sometimes..., a flash of brown runs into me causing me to stubble but I manage to catch us both.

Mizuki looked flustered and excited when I looked down at her, or is she just happy. You know what, I don't care, as long as she keeps that expression on her face I'm happy.

I must have spaced out while star- admiring Mizuki. She had that I just rolled out of bed look but I'm a morning person and wake up like Cinderella, singing with the birds.

"-day Rin?" Wait, what did she say? Oh man, I hope she doesn't get mad at me for not listening. I can't afford it. It's already bad enough when I don't listen to Yukio. "Rin!" 

"Huh, wa-, yes!" I shut my eyes tight getting ready for the smack I was bound to receive but instead, I heard laughing. That's a new one. I crack an eye open to see Mizuki with a red face gasping for air.

We stayed like that for a good five minutes before she started to calm down but her face stayed red. "I was just asking what we were going to do today Rin? What's got you zoned out so much?" There was a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Um, n-nothing really." I stuttered. "Oh and about today..." I paused but a crash also stopped me. Both our heads whipped in the direction of the crash came from. "Well, that would be it." 

Her head whipped back to me with wide eyes I'm pretty sure she had got whiplash. She took off running down the stairs with me on her tail. Literally.

She came to a quick halt so naturally, I almost crashed into her but just managed to stop by tripping over my feet and landing on my face next to her.

It went silent. Should I worry about my nose now or later?

"Well, would you like to introduce us Rin, or stay making out with the floor?" Guess later.

I look up to find everyone staring at me. Different looks on everyone, ranging from worry to amusement to blank. In return, I gave a shy smile and stood up brushing dirt off. I need to clean, it could give me something to do rather than homework.

I cleared my throat "Um... these," I pointed at the demons randomly placed in the room "are the eight..." all eight coughed obnoxiously, my eye twitched "I mean my brothers and sister. Guys, this is Mizuki."

Iblis literally slid to her, bowed, and took her hand, "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Mizuki, it's nice to finally know who our dear younger brother was keeping us away from." My growl caused her to smirk but it only intensified when she pulled Mizuki to her and went placed a greeting kiss on her cheek. Who the Hell does this bastard think she is?!

Mizuki's P.O.V

I was shocked to find the eight demon kings standing in Rin's dorm, but in even more shocked when the King of Fire, or would it be queen, leaned over to kiss my cheek. I could already sense Rin's frustration when the Queen grabbed my hand, but I was afraid Rin would strike if I allowed her to continue. So before her lips could touch their target, I quickly pulled my hand away and leaned back a bit.

"Um..." Damn, I feel like a tomato, "It's nice to meet you to Lady Iblis. But please just call me Mizuki, if you don't mind."

Iblis gave me a confused look for my action but then realization flashed in her eyes and he chuckled. "Ah right. Let's not tick blue butt off today, no?" Rin growled again, "And please, Mizuki, if I must leave formalities then you should too. I mean we are practically family already."

What? Family? Rin was shaking his head and hands as if to say abort while I'm pretty sure my face held great confusion.

Iblis apparently put two and two together. "Oh, it seems Rin hasn't told you yet has he? Well, I guess I leave that for him to explain for another day." She turned to the others, "Would anyone else like to introduce themselves?"

I wave a hand in dismissal, "That's okay. You don't need to introduce yourselves to me. I already know who each of you is." But Iblis insisted. Why they would need to introduce themselves is beyond me.

The King of Light - "Lucifer, eldest of this lot of misfits."

The King of Time - "The names Samael, but you can call me Mephisto. I am the director of this school here, True Cross Academy." I think I heard Rin call him a stupid clown under his breath but it could just be my imagination.

The King of Spirits - "Azazel" He looked as if he could care less about meeting me but you could see a bit of curiosity.

The King of Water - "Egyn, I'm the most chill out of all them."

"Yeah and also the one with the biggest mood swings too," Iblis muttered.


The King of Rot - "Astaroth, ignore the bickering fools." He cut them off Egyn's rant before it could further into a screaming match. Everyone looked relieved while Rin also looked thankful.

The King of Insects - "Sup, I'm Beelzebub." He had a centipede crawling up and down his arm, looking away from it for a quick second to say those three words before his focus was back on it.

The King of Earth - He tilted his head at me looking to giving me a glance over. "Huh, seeing as you are an Earth demon, you should definitely know me, but to be nice, I'm Amaimon."

If anyone told me I was to meet the eight demon kings in the future, I would have been terrified for the reason or think they were crazy. But now, knowing them from these few minutes of interaction, I could tell my life was about to get crazier than it would be just knowing Rin.

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