Her Tree

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Rin's P.O.V

Mizuki bounced around in front of us chanting. "Come on! Come on! Come on!"

I couldn't help but laugh at her. "We're coming Mizuki." She looked back at us with a smile gracing her lips. It was almost blinding being so bright and filled with excitement.

Yukio kept pace beside me. He also had a soft smile at my mate's antics and stayed quiet. I could tell he was thinking about something, but I had the faintest clue to what it could be. Maybe he was thinking back to the conversation we had before he left the room this morning. Should I say something to him later or distract him?

Before I could open my mouth, I heard Mizuki shout and take off. She was running so fast to the tree, I was worried she smack face-first into it and give herself a concussion. I was about to call out to her, but she took a leap and disappeared into the leaves. Every now and then I could hear her shuffle to a new branch and cause a few leaves to fall, or a tail to hang down before being snatched back up.

'I wonder what she's doing up there?' I thought. 'Maybe make sure no one messed with it or she had any new tenants living in it?'

After a few minutes, she popped her head back out the leaves and gestured for us to join her. Yukio and I shared a look before we both shrugged and started our way up.

When we made it to where Mizuki sat, silence filled most of the air with a few sounds made by the animals that lived around the area. It was actually a pretty peaceful scene. I can see why she likes being up here. The leaves provide a nice shade from the sun's rays. The soft wind gave off a gentle breeze that ruffled through our hair and clothes. I could get use to a quiet day like this every once in a while.

A thought suddenly hit me. Would Mizuki want to come back with us after today? I mean this is her tree and she has a connection to it. Being away from it probably would make her sad. It's not like I could just dig up the thing and bring it back to the Academy. Mephisto may just have a fit and my tail. Maybe I could move out here? That way people wouldn't be so worried about the son of Satan living so close and Yukio can finally have the freedom he's probably been craving. Would the Grigori even allow me not to be under the watchful eye of all the exorcists? What if they send people out here and find out about Mizuki?! Damn it! They might take her away and use her as a tool!

I didn't notice that as my thoughts took a turn to a darker path, flames started to flicker around me. I could faintly hear my name being called, but my vision seemed to turn red and I was too focused on hearing my own heart pounding in my ears as well as trying to control my breathing. It wasn't until I felt a tail wrap around mine again that the anger and panic seemed to wash away.

I took another deep breath and counted to ten before I opened my eyes. I kept my head low, fearing the looks I would receive from my two anchors. Without them, I don't think I would be able to be as sane as I am. I mean sure, me and Yukio are going through a rough patch, but he's still my younger brother.

Someone tried to put a hand on my shoulder and caused me to flinch. The hand froze before trying again. This time I allowed it. My hearing went back into focus.

"Rin?" I quickly glance over to see Yukio's concerned face but went back to studying the ground. Apparently, he wasn't having that though. He put both hands on each of my shoulders this time and gave me a little shake until I kept my eyes on him. "Come on Rin? What was that all about? Why were you starting to panic?"

I grumbled that I was not panicking and he needed to get his eyes checked again, but the look he gave me told me we wouldn't move until I gave him a straight answer. Believe me, we would be here all day. It wouldn't be the first time we had an I-am-more-stubborn-than-you-battle.

I gave a sigh and made a grab for Mizuki's hand which she allowed. The movement didn't go unnoticed by Yukio, but he was more focused on other matters than what we did. "I was just thinking about something and... I guess it just pissed me off."

My words caused him to raise a brow but apparently, it wasn't enough to get him off my case. Stupid-four-eyed-mole-face. "Look can we talk about this when we're back in the dorm?" I argued. Yukio made a move to protest but I stopped him before he could. "We're out in the open and I don't want to ruin the day by causing a panic." I reasoned.

Yukio just stared me in the eye until it seemed he got the answer he was looking for. "Fine, we'll continue this when we get home, but remember you can't escape this conversation we'll be having Nii-san."

'Believe me, I know.'

I could feel Mizuki's confusion and concern. I don't want her to think anything about this so I try to lighten the mood. "So Mizuki, how long have you've been with this tree?"

The question seemed to startle her, but soon enough her happy mood came back. "Oh! Well, we have this coming of age ceremony where we move into the tree when it's time to go off on our own." Her smile started to slip off her face as she turned to look out to the forest.

Damn it, this question had the opposite effect that I wanted. Please don't become sad. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze that seemed to put a sad smile on instead of the frown. Dang, it.

She gave a shuttered breath as if trying not to cry. "I actually move into the tree before I was supposed to. I've been here for 92 years." She glanced at Yukio and me before turning her eyes back. "8 years if we're counting Assiah's time."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Yukio have a frown appear. What's with the frowning now. I said I didn't want to ruin the day, but it seems like no matter what I do, I ruin everything.

Yukio cleared his throat, but Mizuki still didn't turn to face him. "Not to pry or anything, but aren't the ceremonies for when you turn 112? How old were you if you moved into your tree earlier than you were supposed to?"

It was silent as we waited for an answer. Her silence was making me a bit nervous and fidgety. It couldn't have been that young, right?

Mizuki gave another shuddered breath as she turned to give us a closed-eyed, sad smile.

"I was 92 myself."

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