Little Jedi, Big Galaxy

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The first thing Jett saw when she stepped into the auditorium were her two best friends, who were waving her on. They sat right in the center of the room.

"Over here, Jett!" Sorra said.

Jett quickly went up the steps and joined her friends. It hadn't been long, but she already missed them. They spent nearly every moment together in the nursery.

"Did you meet your roommate? Tck-tck-tck-tck-tck?" asked Roi.

No. But whoever she is, she's smelly. I think it could even be a big stinky Hutt! I don't really like her already," Jett said.

"No, don't think that way! Just because she's a little smelly doesn't mean she's bad! She might be really nice!" Sorra said.

"Yeah, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!" Roi said. "My roommate is the really shy kid up in the corner. His name is J'hute. I like him a lot, even though he doesn't talk much, tck-tck-tck-rck-rck."

Jett and Sorra craned their necks all the way up to the very top row of the room. In the shadows of one of the corners, a boy with big black eyes clutched his knees to his chest.

Who's your roommate, Sorra? Jett asked.

"That blue girl with the veil!" Sorra said, pointing to the front row. "Her name is Puzz! I like it because it sounds like a puzzle!"

Jett looked down at the front row. Jett saw a blue girl with a brown veil over her head. She was talking with a big Hutt girl who slithered in shortly after Jett. Miss Art told her and her friends that a Jedi clan would be like their family, but she couldn't imagine being friends with someone who was a Hutt. Back in Mos Espa, her mom and dad were so scared of the Hutts.

"Look, Jett! I bet that's your roommate!" Sorra said. "She seems like she's a really happy person."

Jett looked down at the big Hutt, who was dawning a big, open-mouthed smile and bobbing up and down with excitement.

As Jett looked around the room, she saw so many different creatures from all corners of the galaxy. She was so excited to learn and meet all of them. She wondered if anyone else liked astromechs and coloring as much as her.

The door to the auditorium opened again, and this time, something strange walked in. It was a little brown pit droid. But this was no ordinary droid. It was wearing clothes. Jedi clothes.

"Ha ha! Look at that droid! It's got clothes on!" said an orange boy with a pointy head.

"Yes, because I'm going to be a Jedi!" said the droid, quite proudly.

"Yeah right! Droids can't be Jedi!" said the boy.

A lot of the children started laughing and pointing at the poor droid.

"That's so mean!" Sorra said. "Hey, come sit up here with us! We'll be your friends!"

Yeah! Up here! Jett said, waving him on.

The droid hugged his arms to his chest and ran up the stairs, right next to the open seat by Jett.

"I can really sit here?" he asked. Jett nodded, and the droid took a seat. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck," Roi said.

"What's your name?" Sorra asked.

"Thanks for asking! I'm—"

The door opened one last time, and all the chatty kids were suddenly quiet. In walked Master Yoda, and Master Chella Verdis. But to Jett, she just looked like a regular, sweet old lady.

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