Your Special Journey

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Jett looked around the walls of the office room. She'd never been here before, and it felt like she was in trouble. But to her surprise, it was far from it.

    "After watching your Initiate Trials, I think your skills will be an asset to us: the Jedi Recon Squadron," said Obi Wan.

    I've never heard of this, Master Kenobi. Is this a secret? It's a secret, isn't it?

    "It is. The purpose of the JRS is to rebuild the Jedi Order, should it fall for any reason. This has been around for thousands of years, but is more prevalent than ever now, during wartime. A planned attack on the Jedi Temple would devastate the Order."

    Could something like that really happen?

    "Anything is possible. This is why we must have a backup plan. Normally the JRS is made up of six members: three Padawans and three Jedi Masters. However, I've been working on an expansion project, as several of our members are aging-out. You and your would-be master would be our fourteenth and fifteenth members."

Absolutely! I would be honored to hold such a special position.

"I appreciate you taking the time, Jett. We have one meeting a year, which will be a week from today. I'll send the information to your new room and see you there."

Thank you very much. I should really get friends are all waiting for me.

"I notified Chella beforehand. I've arranged a ride for you to the bakery. Just go to the shuttle bay and look for the astromech."

Jett said goodbye to Obi Wan, then finally used the restroom. After that, she went down to the shuttle bay to the section where the speeders were kept. A happy, beeping astromech was waiting by a speeder.

Jett gasped and ran over to the happy little droid.

"R2! Hi! I'm so happy to see you!" Jett signed.

She hopped into the speeder and R2-D2 used his thrusters to float up over the speeder and into the astromech slot. He whirred and chirped. The speeder lifted off the ground. As they flew through the traffic of Coruscant, Jett wondered about her future. It was her lifetime dream to have her very own astromech. Now that she was a Padawan, maybe she'd finally get one of her own.

R2 flew the speeder down into one of the lower level openings, where Jett could already smell the sweet scents coming from Coruscant Croissants. The speeder touched the ground and Jett hopped out.

"See you around, R2!" she signed to him.

R2 made happy whirs and beeps, then lifted the speeder off the ground. Jett walked inside the bakery where all her friends were waiting, except Roi.

"Oh, there you are, Jett!" said Chella.

All of the Krayt Dragons turned their heads as Jett walked toward their table.

"Jett! I saved you a seat!" said Rosa. Jett took a seat next to her best friend. "I also made sure I ordered your favorite!"

"Order sixty-six is ready! Order number sixty-six!" said the attendant at the counter.

"Yes! That's us! I'll get it!" said Sorra as she leapt from her chair.

"That looks like a lot of trays. Can someone go up there and help Sorra?" asked Chella.

"I'll go!" said Gaar.

He and Sorra carried all the trays of fresh croissants back to the table. Everyone reached for theirs. Rosa lifted hers to her mouth, stuffing the whole thing inside. She frantically waved around her big, slimy hands.

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