An Epic Battle

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Jett gasped. No. This couldn't be true. She looked Roi up and down. He'd gotten so much bigger since the day she saw him near Ryloth. He'd matured and his voice deepened. He was still Roi, just well, older and more sinister.

Roi? What are you doing? This isn't you!

"It was my loyalty or my life, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck. Either I died where I stood the day of Order 66, or I pledged loyalty and became an inquisitor for Admiral Thrawn. That was it."

Okay but like...he's not here right now. And Beebo and I are your friends!

"No. You two are traitors, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!"

What do you want from us?

"Two dead Jedi and a baby I can hand over, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck. I'll be praised, he'll become an inquisitor in the future."

Or you could just let us go.

"That would be too easy. And it would go against my orders, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck."

"If it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get!" said Beebo.

He used the force to take his stolen lightsaber from the belt Roi was wearing, then cut both him and Jett loose. Jett used the opportunity to take her pike back from Roi. This was almost too easy.

Roi placed Grogu down on a nearby chair. Then, he took out his lightsabers. They were double-bladed and spun around a wheel. He laughed maniacally. It really did seem like his defenses were impenetrable.

"The Jedi cast me aside. They said I was unfit to carry a lightsaber: and now look, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck! I have two of them!"

"A lightsaber is only as good as the one wielding it!" Beebo said.

"A lesson you'll soon find out, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck!"

Jett and Beebo charged forward and went head-to-head with Roi. It was almost impossible to get a hit in with those lightsabers spinning so fast. What made it even worse: they spun so fast that he could use them to fly.

The fight went from the bridge down to the hallway, where Jett and Beebo struggled as Roi flew and they tripped over the bodies of fallen pit droids and soldiers. Also, with Roi having six arms, only two were using the lightsabers. Two more were using blasters, which they also had to dodge.

Roi used his other two arms to lift Beebo with the force and slam him against the wall. Jett was feeling a deep sense of dread. What if she really couldn't win?

"How do you want to die, Jett, tck-tck-tck-tck-tck?" Roi asked. He got to the ground, aiming both blasters at her.

Behind her, Jett could feel that Beebo was coming-to. She used the force to press her feet to the ground, like when astromechs use the magnets on their feet to lock themselves in place.

With a grunt, Beebo pressed the button to open the airlock. Roi didn't see it coming. He flew, but caught himself with his lightsabers right as he was inches away from floating into space.

"Just give him another shove, Jett! I'm running to the nearest turret!" said Beebo.

Jett looked into Roi's eyes as he clung to the handles of his lightsabers for dear life. She remembered coloring together in the daycare and playing games in the courtyard. Could she really do this to her friend?

No. Screw this guy! He took Grogu!

Jett used the force to shove him, then closed the airlock. She could see him floating away out the window, but that stopped right away when he got his barings. He was using the force to get himself back to the ship. Beebo was one step ahead of him. As he manned the nearby turret, he took the shot. Just one. Roi exploded into bits. That was it. They were safe. For now.

Jett ran back to the bridge, freed Bhor, and took Grogu out of the awful swaddle-prison thing he was in. Jett cried as she held him.

It's okay, Grogu. It's okay. Momma's here.

Thanks Momma. Me hungry.

I have a bottle and the rest of your stuff in a bag on the ship we borrowed. She looked over at Beebo. Thanks for all your help, Beebo. That was a good plan.

"I think it was just luck, honestly. He threw me right over to where the button was."

"But it worked! You got rid of the guy?" Bhor asked.

"We threw him out of the airlock and shot him to be sure," said Beebo.

We need to go find Breezy, said Jett.

"She's probably in the holding cell," said Beebo.

They walked down to the other end of the ship and released Breezy from the cell. She was making all sorts of happy beeps. Grogu smiled and giggled when he saw her. Jett ran back to the ship and grabbed a bottle, then the group sat down at one of the tables in the ship's cafeteria to have a meal.

"Jett, I don't mean to be brash, but I'm worried about your little friend Grogu," said Beebo. "Inquisitors are really dangerous. There's lots and lots of Jedi who turned to the dark side who are hunting for Jedi who are still alive, and force-sensitive babies."

Jett grunted. "Nah nah nah nah nah!"

"But there's only gonna be more inquisitors," said Bhor. "This is gonna keep happening."

Jett sat Grogu up on her lap and clapped for Breezy, who hustled over. "Then I will keep fighting!"

"We can't keep borrowing ships over and over again, Jett! Next time we might not be so lucky. Next time those bounty hunters could hurt my people!"

"I think that your friend is right, Jett. I really think he will be safer with us," said Beebo.

Jett looked down at Grogu and back at her friends. She wanted to tell them they were wrong, but in her heart she knew that they were right.

Let me just...go get the rest of his things, Beebo.

Jett went back to their ship and grabbed all the supplies she had for Grogu. She showed Beebo how to give him a bottle, change diapers, and which of the toys were his favorites.

Jett held Grogu close to her, the tears starting to pour down her cheeks.

Why sad, Momma?

You have to go with Beebo, little buddy.


Because I can't keep you safe. I love you so much. I'm sorry.

It's okay, Momma. Me love you too.

Jett handed Grogu over to Beebo and walked back to her ship. Beebo walked over to the other side of the cockpit and selected one of his contacts.

"Discovery to Ghost. Do you read me?" A green Twi'lek girl and her astromech appearced as holograms. "Oh, hi Hera!" The astromech held up it's arms and grunted. "And hello to you too, Chopper!"

"Beebo, we were beginning to think that we lost you!" said Hera.

"Don't worry! I finally stopped the inquisitor. I had a little bit of help though." He gestured to Grogu. "But now I'm left with this little guy. His name is Grogu. He's force sensitive."

"Oh wow. I guess was meant to be with you then."

"What? I'm a pit droid! I'm programmed to repair ships! Not take care of babies!"

Hera sighed. "Alright. Let's meet up and bring him back to the base. I'm sure one of the many mothers we have down there will want to take him in." 

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