Coming Back

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Jett's eyelids fluttered as she woke up. Through her blurry vision, she could see Hal working next to her. There was a makeshift table set up, astromech parts were spread all over it. She blinked a few more times and saw him clearly. He held a soldier in his hand and little sparks were flying up from one of the parts he was fixing. She couldn't hear the fizzing sound it usually made.


Hal looked up at her right away. He pushed his chair back and immediately came to the side of the bed. Jett could see his mask moving as he spoke, but still heard nothing.

I can't hear you, Master Hal. I think my ears are ruined.

Can you hear me now? Jett smiled and nodded. We can do this for the time being. She watched as he pressed the call button for one of the droids. How do you feel?

Jett looked down. She had a left arm again, but she couldn't feel her pike against her side. She moved her neck to the right. There were some flowers and a card on the side table, but no pike.

Where is it?

Where's what, Jett?

She groaned and tried to move, but something was stopping her. Metal restraints were covering her arms, legs, and feet. She struggled against them. She hated feeling so boxed in.

Why am I in these things? I'm not a convict!

They're for your own safety, they said. Hal grabbed ahold of her hand. Relax. You're safe.

A medical droid came into the room. Hal walked to the other side of the room to talk to it. He and the droid muttered back and forth while Jett frantically looked around the room. Did they take her pike permanently? Was she out of the Order for what she did to Master Plo?

Oh no.

She injured a member of the Jedi Council. There's no way she was still going to be allowed in the Order. She tried to use the force to get the restraints undone. It wasn't working. She had to get out of here.

Jett! Jett! Hal was right over her again. He said he's not going to remove the restraints until you settle down.

"I'm bringing you to the theater to have your ears assessed," the droid signed to her.

As she was wheeled down the hallway, she saw numerous injured Jedi going in the opposite direction. This was her first time in the Halls of Healing, and it would hopefully be her last.

I have to wait outside, Jett. Just quiet your mind, said Hal.

The droid handed her off to another droid, who would be operating the machine she was going into. She looked up at the viewing window and saw Hal watching.

Just so you know, I've been on a three-day waiting list for a Jedi healer. Everything is backed up, he said.

I appreciate the gesture. How long have I been out, Master?

They brought you back from Geonosis yesterday morning.

The droid signed for her to stay still, so she did. Anything to get the restraints off. The table she was on moved forward into the inside of the machine.

You still hear me?

Of course, said Hal.

Do you know where my pike is?

You lost your pike? How did you lose your pike? It's bigger than you are when it's unfolded!

It was...taken from me. I figured you knew.

All I know is that you were injured in a blast from bounty hunters after you accomplished the mission. Nothing else.

You...never spoke to Master Plo after the mission? Or Anakin?

No, neither. Anakin did leave you a holocron though, since he had to leave for another battle...but who took your pike?

Master Plo.

Oh, after you got injured to make sure nothing happened to it. I'm sure he'll return it soon.

Yeah...something like that.

What are you not telling me, Jett?

The table moved backwards in a jolt. Jett was out of the machine. The droid began signing to her.

"They're bad, but we can restore your hearing with surgical intervention. I'll get you a slot in the OR for tonight. It will be a quick procedure." Jett nodded. "You'll be brought back to your room now."

A different droid came in to get Jett back to her room. Hal resumed working on the astromech next to her.

I'd show you the holocron, but there's no subtitles. You'll have to wait until your hearing is restored. His eyes looked across the room at the droid. He pointed, his mouth moving under his mask.

What are you doing?

I'm telling the droid to remove the restraints. You're calm. I'm nearly twice your size, and you're injured. I'm telling him I can handle you if there's a problem.

The droid walked over and finally undid the restraints. Jett breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you lift your arm?" the droid signed. Jett lifted her right arm with ease. "Your other arm."

She looked down. This was an arm, but it wasn't her arm. She moved her blanket to reveal a metal hand. She felt it with her good hand. Metal, metal, metal, all the way from her shoulder to her hand.

Can you move it? Hal asked.

Jett focused and lifted her arm, but only a little. She looked over at the droid, who instructed her to move her fingers. She could wiggle them, but barely.

"We can work on this more later. Please rest for now," the droid signed.

Jett nodded and the droid left the room.

Here, I brought this from your room. I figured it was the one you were currently reading since it had a bookmark halfway.

Hal dug into his messenger bag and handed Jett one of her drama books.

Yes! I've been trying to finish this forever!

She took the book and started reading. It was a good way to practice using her arm, supporting the book and turning the pages. After a small meal, a droid came back to bring her to the operating theater.

There's something very important I have to go get. I'll meet you in the room before you get back. You won't even realize I'm gone, said Hal.

Okay. I'll see you later, Master.

The droid brought her into the theater and put a mask over her face. She was out in a few seconds, hoping her hearing would be back when she woke up. 

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