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The Krayt Dragons let loose, spinning and jumping and finding their own rhythm. Even Master Chella was dancing. She swayed from side to side, snapping her fingers. Lex was tossing out all kinds of fun things to the audience. There were all kinds of light up and glow in the dark toys.

Jett picked up a pair of rainbow glasses and put them on, dancing in place. The rest of the girls were busy combining the glow bracelets together to make crowns.

"Jett! Dance with me!" said Eep.

Oh! Okay Eep!

Jett and Eep spun each other around and swung their legs from side to side. Jedi never really danced, so nobody really knew what they were doing. Eep closed his eyes and wagged his finger to the beat. Jett had never seen him this relaxed.

Gaar suddenly flew up into the air. Lex was launching t-shirts out of a cannon, which Gaar started to catch. It was kind of cheating because he could fly, but no one said anything. All the Krayt Dragons kept dancing to the song Cookies in the Sky.

"I wish all the stars were cookies, and that all the oceans were milkshakes!" Rooni sang.

All the rest of the kids were singing, and Jett was signing because she couldn't sing along. Right in the middle of the song, Lex started coming down the stairs to their right. Jett and Rosa had seen this many times before: when a few special kids got to be right onstage with the Boogie Wookies.

"Lex! Pick me! Pick me!" Rosa said.

Jett kept dancing. She knew there was no chance they'd get picked. But during a quick guitar solo, Dorn and Jett made eye contact.

"You, up here," he signed to her.

"No! I can't!" Jett signed back. She was way too scared.

She watched as Dorn said something into his earpiece. Lex whipped around and started walking towards the Krayt Dragons. Rosa slightered over and took one of her furry, extended hands. Sorra got to go, too.

Rosa cried as she danced with Boog. Trent took Sorra's hand and twirled her like a ballerina. Lex came back a second time, where she took Jett in one hand and Roi in the other. Jett squinted her eyes when she got up on that big stage. Thousands and thousands of people were looking at her.

Dorn waved her over, and she quickly trotted across the stage.

"Here, sit on my lap," he signed to her.

Dorn picked Jett up and placed her on his furry lap. He put his big furry wrists around hers and guided her hands along the drums. Jett squealed over and over again. She couldn't believe something like this was happening to someone like her.

Roi and Lex played tambourines together, while the rest of the Krayt Dragons watched from down below. But hold on...everyone except Deetz. Where in the galaxy was Deetz?

"I tell ya what. This is an authentic shirt, straight from the t-shirt cannon. You won't be able to get one like this anywhere else. And it's been touched by a Jedi!" he said. "Twenty-five credits and it's all yours!"

Ah, there he is. In the back row of the arena, selling off the free t-shirts Gaar caught out of the cannon. Leave it to Deetz Keeto to turn a concert into a business opportunity.

Back on the stage, the Boogie Wookies and their special guests were finishing up. Dorn had Jett hit one of the big symbols, then raised the drumsticks in the air. Everyone clapped. Good thing Jett left her earmuffs on, because it was the biggest round of applause so far.

Dorn lifted Jett off of his lap. She turned around to say goodbye to him.

"Thank you very much. This is so surreal," she signed.

"You're very welcome. Take good care of the galaxy, Jedi," he signed.

"I will! I promise."

Jett and Dorn waved to each other, and she found her way off the stage. The Boogie Wookies transitioned into Dance Party, which was always their finale song. All the Krayt Dragons laughed and danced. Confetti was raining down from the ceiling.

"And we're gonna party all day, and laugh and go play, but when the sun sets, we're—"

Lex put the microphone right into Jett's face. Oh no. Of all the people in this full stadium...thankfully, all her clan mates were there to back her up.

"Dancing all night long!" said all of her friends.

The song finished, and all the kids clapped for the Boogie Wookies. Deetz returned, just in the nick of time, his pockets full of credits.

"Did I miss anything good?" he asked.

"Yeah. Most of the concert," said Puzz.

"Eh. I'll see the next one," Deetz said. "Say, what if I use these credits to buy everyone some merch?"

Everyone gasped.

"What credits, Deetz?" Chella asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Can we buy some stuff to take back with us? Please please!" Sorra asked.

"Hmm. I guess so. But only for a few minutes," said Chella.

There were lots of different merch tables. Deetz used his spare credits to buy his friends music discs, keychains, and the like.

"This is a dream come true! Size Super XL and in slime proof fabric!" Rosa said, putting on her brand new Boogie Wookies t-shirt.

Jett chose a small stuffed animal that looked like Dorn. It even came with a little pair of sunglasses.

"Okay Krayt Dragons, back home we go!" said Chella.

They all left the arena and boarded the shuttle, everyone covered in glowing objects, confetti, and holding their souvenirs. Once Jett was strapped in, she held her new stuffed toy to her chest and fell asleep. Most of the others were out cold as soon as they hit hyperspace.

Chella looked around at all her sleepy kids. With The Gathering coming up for them, it meant her time with the Krayt Dragons was limited. After they became padawans, she knew she would miss them so much. Oh, I hope these guys come visit me, she thought. No one ever came to visit after they graduated to becoming a padawan.

The shuttle jostled everyone awake as it came out of hyperspace.

"Now remember everyone, be very, very quiet on our way back to our hallway," Chella said.

She landed the shuttle back at the Jedi temple. Carefully and quietly, the Krayt Dragons went down all the hallways, as well as an elevator, and down into the wing where their dorms were.

Chella was starting to feel confident. They were almost there. Just around the corner would be their hallway, and she would be getting away with taking her kids out to an unauthorized activity.

Only, she wasn't.

Right as they turned the corner to the hallway where the Krayt Dragon dorms were, they were met by Yoda. But not just Yoda. The entire. Jedi. Council.

"Master Chella, out late, you were?" asked Yoda.

"Uh-oh. We're busted!" Harpooni said.

"All of you can go to your rooms. I'll handle this," Chella said.

The tired Krayt Dragons scurried off to their rooms. Chella's grip tightened around her cane. She'd fought many battles before, and it appeared that now would be one more. 

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