Something About The Chancellor

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"Jett! Jett! Wake up!" Rosa said as she tugged on Jett's blanket.

It's not time to get up yet, Rosa.

"But it's field trip day! And I made you a present."

How many times do I have to tell you that Jedi don't celebrate birthdays? Jett said, rubbing her eyes.

"Celebratin' and givin' a present are two different things," Rosa said.

Jett yawned and got out of bed. There was a box on the desk, which was covered in beads and other art supplies. Jett opened the box and picked up the beaded bracelet. It had mixtures of different brown and white beads, so it wasn't noticeable against any of the outfits she wore. The four white beads spelled out the word P-A-L-S.

"And mine says 'bestest'!" Rosa said, showing off her bracelet. "They're friendship bracelets! I even made yours with my gloves on to make sure I didn't get any slime on it."

This is awesome Rosa! Jett smiled from ear to ear and slid her bracelet on right away.

"Happy Birthday, bestest pal! I'd give you a hug but I know you don't wanna get slime on your favorite astromech jammies," Rosa said.

I have to do laundry later anyway. 

Jett and Rosa hugged, then got changed so they could be ready for their big day. Jett threw her slimy pajamas in the hamper and put on her usual tan robes.

Rosa wanted to 'dress up' for their big field trip, so she put on her special slime-resistant dress robes. She wore a sash to class most days, since it was hard for the staff to find something in her size. Master Chella had to put in a special request every time the Hutt wanted something, since Rosa would need a custom robe.

Jett brushed her hair and looked in the mirror. Now that she was seven, she was going to try out her new "big kid" hairstyle. She practiced doing it last night and Rosa loved it. Especially now that she'd gotten a haircut, full pigtails just didn't look right. Jett took some of the hair from the front of her head and used it to make two small pigtails, while the rest of her hair was down.

"It looks so awesome, Jett! I wish I had pretty hair like that," said Rosa.

Jett looked at the time. We're gonna be late. We have to go now!

"Alright. I'm comin'!" said Rosa.

The girls grabbed their bags and met everyone in their homeroom. All the Krayt Dragons were uppity and joyus. Puzz was in the back of the room, showing off some of the new fighting moves she learned, saying "Hi-ya! Hi-ya!" with every kick and punch.

When Master Chella came in, everyone took their seats. First she read through their schedule, which wasn't much today, since the big field trip was taking up most of the day. Then, everyone stood and recited the Jedi code. After that, it was time to meditate.

After meditation was breakfast. Jett and Rosa normally sat next to or across from each other, and Rosa was usually really talkative. Today, though, she was staring at something.

"Psst, Jett!" 


"Who's that dreamboat sitting over there?"

Jett looked at the padawan sitting a few tables over. She knew him from before her time at the Jedi temple, and had remembered him ever since.

That's Anakin Skywalker. The one I told you about who's from the same town as me? Remember?

"Wow. He's really cute!" Rosa whispered.

Rosa, you know Jedi can't feel that way.

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