The Omega

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ett and Hal were together in the Jedi Temple, going over pike techniques again, and again, and again. The pike forms were a thousand percent different from typical lightsaber forms. After learning all the regular forms, it was difficult for Jett to rewire her brain.

"Your pike skills are improving, my Padawan," said Hal. "If only I could say the same for your attitude."

Jett rolled her eyes. She was a typical angsty teenager, so he wasn't wrong. She was also stressed, worried sick about Rosa. After the death of Eyis Snek a month ago, Rosa was alone on a remote base managing all his troops. They talked all the time via holocron and she seemed fine, but Jett was still terrified. She didn't even know how she could go on in life if she was separated from Hal, and Rosa had all these other things to worry about while still grieving the loss of her master.

The door suddenly opened. A Jedi Temple Guard was standing there. He pointed at Jett and Hal, coaxing them to follow. Jett and Hal looked at each other, shrugged, then put away their pikes. They followed the guard all the way up to one of the strategy rooms. Yoda was waiting outside.

"Master Yoda, this is a surprise," said Hal.

"Permission from you, I seek, Hal Kipp," he said. "Borrow your Padawan for a few days, we must."

Jett could feel it. She knew what was happening. She looked up at Hal with tears in her eyes, shaking with panic.

Tell them no! I don't want to go! I'm too scared!

"Conquering your fears is part of life as a Jedi. Go. You will come back," said Hal.

Jett nodded, trying to balance on her shaky legs. Okay. I'm ready, Master Yoda.

"Great courage you will need, Silent Jedi. Succeed in this mission, and Jedi Knight, you will be."

What? This is my Jedi Trial?

"This mission will require skill, teamwork, and courage. The perfect Jedi Trial for you, it is, Jett," said Yoda. "Be alongside a good friend you'll be, also."

What? I'll be with Rosa?

"Indeed, you will be."

Well, I guess that makes things a little better.

"I'm not going to wish you luck, because I know that you'll succeed, Padawan," said Hal.

He turned and started walking back down the hall. Yoda let Jett into the strategy room. It was full of screens, overseeing those who were in battle. The middle of the room held a table with a big, holographic map on it. But when Jett saw who was standing by the map, she felt starstruck. It was both Anakin Skywalker and Plo Koon.

"See, this is the one I was telling you about Master Plo! Jett Ranger, the Silent Jedi!" said Anakin, right as he put his arm around her and patted her on the back.

Oh man...Rosa would be so so so jealous right now if she saw this.

Jett was so nervous that all she could do was wave. That was good enough, right?

"I don't find lost children in the hallways often. I remember you clearly," said Plo Koon. "You've grown up a lot since I last saw you."

"Leave you all to it, I will. May the force be with you," said Yoda as he left the room.

Jett walked over to the map in the middle of the room.

I'm not sure why I'm here, she said.

"Because I heard that you've got one heck of a bomb," said Anakin.

Which one? Jett asked.

"I've heard whispers of something called The Omega. I'm interested in knowing more," said Plo Koon.

The Omega? Jett shook her head. No, no, no. The Omega isn't anywhere near ready. It hasn't been tested. Master Hal and I always go to Tatooine for detonation tests. I haven't even completed the fine-tuning aspects of the Omega yet!

"But you have a good track record. All your stuff works. I've seen it. I'm sure this one will work, too," said Anakin.

A signal was beeping on the other side of the room. Plo Koon answered it, and there was Rosa.

"Hi Jett!" she said with a big wave. "I came as soon as I could, Master Plo. My troops and I are ready to ship out. Where are we goin'?" She looked slightly to her left and gasped. "M-master Skywalker! I-I didn't know you'd be here!"

"This Geonosian communication center is turning out to be a much larger scale operation than we imagined," said Plo Koon. "It's heavily guarded."

"G-Geonosian? Did I hear that right?" said Rosa, her voice quivering.

"Come on, Rosa! You scared of a few bugs?" asked Anakin.

"No sir! Let's talk some strategy," said Rosa.

"I want to hear more about the Omega first," said Plo Koon.

Master Plo, I really insist that we don't use the Omega for whatever this mission is.

"We need the Omega because it's meant for digging," said Anakin as he zoomed in on the map. "This here is the new Geonosian Communication Center. It's like an iceberg. Everything is underground."

It's designed for just that, yes. But it's just not ready, Jett said, signing so Rosa could hear her as well. I can't even remotely start it yet. I mean, I could start it manually, but that's extremely risky.

"Well you're lucky, because I'm all about taking risks!" said Anakin.

The only way for this to work would be for me to get directly on top of the communication center. I guess I could drop it down from a ship, but it needs to be activated right on the could break and ruin the mission.

"Then we will get as close as we can and walk. Can you carry the bomb?" asked Plo Koon.

Yes. Jett began to shake. I could get some straps and wear it, but if a blaster hits it then it'll go off. It'll kill all of us, without a doubt.

"Oh, that's not going to happen! We'll cover you!" said Anakin.

"Yeah! And I'll be right in the front, so I'll be like a big shield!" said Rosa.

"I'll be in the air, so you will have no worries from above," said Plo Koon.

"I'm so excited! We finally get to slice droids together, Jett! It's gonna be awesome!" said Rosa.

"We'll meet up at the rendezvous point and then drop in with a gunship. We'll slice our way through until we're right on top of the comms center, and then Jett will set off the bomb and blow the whole thing," said Anakin.

But we'll need to lift out of there immediately. The ground will be extremely unstable.

"That won't be an issue," said Plo Koon.

The four nodded in agreement. Jett was still shaky, but much more confident.

So, when is this mission? she asked.

"I head out tonight so we can start the raid tomorrow night," said Anakin.


"You will leave with me in the morning, Jett," said Plo Koon.

"And then as soon as you're done, you'll pass your trial and join the club of Jedi Knights!" said Anakin.

"Yeah! You can do it, Jett!" said Rosa.

Jett took a few breaths and tried to take it all in. All she had to do was complete this mission, and if she did, she was only a day away from becoming a Jedi Knight. 

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